Common Questions Being Asked by Encore Members
Dear Encore Members,
This Question and Answer aims to clarify the notification process for delays, Pairing Extension pay and reassignment articles. Your continued support of the AMEs is critical in helping our fellow workers achieve a fair first collective agreement. We want to acknowledge that the past several days has been stressful for many members and our goal in the coming days is to continue to provide you with the most up-to-date information possible and help you navigate this challenging time.
This situation is continually evolving, so please continue to watch both your Company email and personal email for further updates.
Thank you
Questions and Answers
Question: What happens if the Company becomes aware of a delay before my Report Time?
Answer: The Company will notify you of the delay if it becomes known before your Report Time.
Question: Will the Company call me within twelve (12) hours of the Release Time of my previous duty period?
Answer: No, the Company will not call you within twelve (12) hours of the Release Time of your previous duty period unless they can provide you with a minimum of twelve (12) hours rest from the time of the call until the updated Report Time.
Question: What if I am notified at least two (2) hours before my originally scheduled Report Time?
Answer: If you are notified at least two (2) hours before your originally scheduled Report Time, your Report Time will be adjusted based on the revised flight departure time as per 34-8.02.
Question: What if I am notified less than two (2) hours before my originally scheduled Report Time?
Answer: If you are notified less than two (2) hours before your originally scheduled Report Time, your duty period will commence at the originally scheduled Report Time.
Question: Will contacting me within these time parameters be considered a disruption of rest?
Answer: No, contacting you within the time parameters outlined in 34-13.01 to 34-13.03 will not be considered a disruption of rest.
Question: Are automated notifications considered a disruption of rest?
Answer: No, any notifications received from an automated notification system will not be considered a disruption of rest regardless of the time the notification is received.
Question: What happens if the Company becomes aware of a delay before my Report Time while I am away from base on a layover?
Answer: The Company will notify you of the delay if it becomes known before your Report Time while you are away from base.
Question: Will the Company call me within ten (10) hours of the Release Time of my previous duty period during a layover?
Answer: No, the Company will not call you within ten (10) hours of the Release Time of your previous duty period unless they can provide you with a minimum of ten (10) hours rest from the time of the call until the updated Report Time.
Question: When will the Company call me to notify me of a delay during a layover?
Answer: The Company will not call you earlier than one and one half (1.5) hours prior to the originally scheduled Report Time.
Question: What if the Company calls me between one and one half (1.5) hours and forty-five (45) minutes before my originally scheduled Report Time?
Answer: If the Company calls you between one and one half (1.5) hours and forty-five (45) minutes before your originally scheduled Report Time, your Report Time will be adjusted based on the revised flight departure time as per 34-8.02.
Question: What if the Company calls me less than forty-five (45) minutes before my originally scheduled Report Time?
Answer: If the Company calls you less than forty-five (45) minutes before your originally scheduled Report Time, your duty period will commence at the originally scheduled Report Time.
Question: Will contacting me within these time parameters during a layover be considered a disruption of rest?
Answer: No, contacting you within the time parameters outlined in 34-14.01 to 34-14.04 will not be considered a disruption of rest.
Question: Are automated notifications during a layover considered a disruption of rest?
Answer: No, any notifications received from an automated notification system will not be considered a disruption of rest regardless of the time the notification is received.
Question: What happens if I am extended by the Company beyond 0259 LBT into a Day Off?
Answer: If you are operationally extended beyond 0259 LBT into a Day Off, you will be entitled to premium pay of four (4) hours at one and one-half (1.5) times your regular rate of pay.
Question: How is the premium pay calculated if I am extended into a Day off?
Answer: The premium pay is calculated as four (4) hours at one and one-half (1.5) times your regular rate of pay.
Question: What happens if my extension results in the removal or modification of a subsequent pairing?
Answer: If your extension results in the removal or modification of a subsequent pairing, you will be pay protected for that subsequent pairing unless the extension results in a greater Credit entitlement than the subsequent pairing would have originally provided.
Question: What does "pay protected" mean in this context?
Answer: "Pay protected" means that you will receive compensation as if you had worked the subsequent pairing, ensuring you do not lose earnings due to the operational extension.
Question: Can I be asked to extend my pairing by adding flight segments?
Answer: Yes, the Company may ask you to extend your pairing by adding flight segments after the completion of your scheduled pairing.
Question: Is accepting an extension after my scheduled pairing mandatory?
Answer: No, accepting such an extension is entirely voluntary.
Question: How will I be compensated if I accept a voluntary extension by adding flight segments?
Answer: If you accept a voluntary extension, you will be paid premium pay of one and one-half (1.5) times your regular rate of pay for the actual Block Time of the additional flight(s).
Question: What does reassignment mean under this article?
Answer: Reassignment means that the Company can change your assigned flight(s), activate you on a Deadhead flight(s), or place you on RTD (Ready to Duty) reserve as needed for operational purposes.
Conditions for Reassignment
Question: Can I refuse a reassignment if the new Report Time is earlier than my original Report Time?
Answer: Yes, you are not required to accept a reassignment if the Report Time of the first duty period of the new pairing is earlier than your originally scheduled Report Time.
Question: Can I refuse a reassignment if the new Release Time is significantly later than my original Release Time?
Answer: Yes, you are not required to accept a reassignment if the Release Time of the last duty period of the new pairing is more than four (4) hours later than your originally scheduled Release Time.
Exceptions and Extensions
Question: What if there's a delay or cancellation that extends the Release Time?
Answer: A delay or cancellation that extends the Release Time is not considered a reassignment. You are required to complete the pairing, subject to maximum duty periods. If a cancellation extends your Release Time, Crew Scheduling will return you to your base as soon as possible.
RTD Reserve
Question: What happens if there are no alternate flights available for reassignment?
Answer: If no alternate flights are available, you will be placed on an RTD Reserve Period with a call-out window starting no earlier than two (2) hours before the scheduled Report Time of the removed flight(s). For subsequent RTD reserve periods, the call-out times will align with the windows outlined in Article 35 – Reserve.
Question: How is my pay affected if I am reassigned to RTD Reserve?
Answer: If reassigned to RTD Reserve, you will receive the greater of the original pairing Credit or the actual operated Credit Hours of the pairings assigned during the RTD Reserve Period(s), reconciled in accordance with Article 41 – Pay Administration.
Reassignment While on a Layover
Question: Can I be reassigned while on a layover?
Answer: Yes, the Company can reassign you while you are on a layover.
Question: Will the Company call me for reassignment during my rest period on a layover?
Answer: The Company will not call you for reassignment within ten (10) hours of the Release Time of the previous duty period unless they can provide you with at least ten (10) hours of rest from the time of the call until the updated Report Time.
Question: Are automated notifications considered a disruption of rest?
Answer: No, notifications received from an automated notification system will not be considered a disruption of rest, regardless of the time they are received.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney