Gossip, Rumours & Galley Talk
Gossip, Rumours & Galley Talk
Hello Members,
As of March 31, 2023, you will have seen a communication shared by the Inflight Leadership Team about gossip in the workplace. This is a topic that your Union also takes very seriously.
We have received a variety of reports from our members regarding this situation and the toxicity it is creating in our workplace.
We ask that our members please help us in the fight against gossip and rumours. Remember the Code of Business Conduct that we all read and signed off on when we started here at Swoop and review annually. Help create professional and respectful work environments.
Refrain from engaging in or perpetuating harmful gossip and rumours. If someone starts to share gossip, ask them to stop.
As well, keep in mind the Confidentiality Statement. This includes refraining from telling people that you have meetings with management or sharing what the meetings was about.
Breaching either the Confidentiality Statement or the Code of Business Conduct may result in discipline from the company up to and including termination.
Additionally please also review CUPE's Code of Conduct and CUPE's Equality Statement.
We appreciate your help in eliminating gossip and rumours in the workplace, and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.