Swoop Bargaining Update #6
Dear Members,
Since the last Bargaining update; Collective Bargaining took place from August 23 - 26, 2021 between the Union and the Company. As we indicated previously, the only items remaining under negotiation are: job scope language, and the final comprehensive financial package.
To provide Membership with perspective in terms of where we are at in the Collective Bargaining process:
Swoop (WO)
Overall Bargaining Progress (by Articles completed in TA)
*Accurate as of September 2, 2021
Your Swoop Bargaining Committee spent all of last week bargaining for the comprehensive monetary and financial package, as well as Scope language that will form part of the final TA. We can report that while the financial package was passed multiple times between the Company and the Union; on one return of the proposed package by the Company, the Committee took particular efforts to verbally call out to the Company how disappointing their counter-offer was to the Union. This rebuke was lead by Local Vice-President Jamie Loiselle, and appeared to take the Employer off guard. In our subsequent return pass of the financial package, the Union made it clear what we expect from the Company in order to secure a Tentative Agreement for the Swoop bargaining unit. It was absolutely necessary to outline what reasonable expectations the Union has in this regard.
While these final two (2) Articles are significant; and are clearly not without challenge to negotiate - we continue to believe that with each day of negotiations, we inch closer to reaching a Tentative Agreement to present to you, the Swoop Membership, for ratification vote.
The next round of Bargaining for the Swoop Collective Agreement is scheduled for next week September 7 - 9, 2021. We will again update you following these negotiations.
Further Bargaining dates in September, should they be necessary, are:
September 7 - 9, 2021
September 21 - 23, 2021
As always, if you have questions or require assistance from your union, please reach out to us at: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Swoop Bargaining Committee