Swoop Wet Lease Announcement

Dear Swoopsters, 

Swoop Management has advised the Union that they will initiate two Wet Leases in the coming weeks. This is as per the Collective Agreement's Article 6-3-Job Security.  Swoop Management advised the Wet Lease is mainly due to Pilot Attrition. As a result, Jetlines has been secured for July 31- August 7, 2023, and Nolinor has been secured from August 3-13th, 2023. 

Please review the Company’s communication they have released to you. 

There may be a reduction in your overall scheduled working hours, but under the Collective Agreement, you will still be pay protected as per your Minimum Monthly Pay Guarantee (MMG), regardless of the reduction in schedule. Please review 39-1 Minimum Monthly Pay Guarantee  

Management has also advised that there will likely be limited opportunity for shift pick-ups, due to limited hours across the network and lack of Pilot resources. Please review CA Articles 6-3 Job Security.

We are working hard to protect your rights. As a result of the announcement of Wet Leases, no jobs will be lost, and no layoffs will occur. 

If you have questions about the Wet Lease Agreement, please reach out to your Swoop (WO) Leader.  

If you experience any violations of the Collective Agreement, please reach out to your Base VP Sherrie Moore.

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore
WestJet Encore YYC/YYZ Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj


WO Integration Advisory Committee Vote Result


Elections July 2023 - Voting Package WO Integration Advisory Committee