WestJet Group Announcement - June 16, 2022
Dear Members,
We understand the news from the WestJet Group Executive Leadership today will cause some uncertainty, particularly with our WestJet and WestJet Encore Members in YYZ Base.
Here is what we know:
WestJet Group Executive Leadership has evaluated the business model of the WestJet Group AP and identified what works and does not work for the overall health and longevity of WestJet, WestJet Encore, and Swoop
Leading up to the next two years, the business will be re-focused on Western Canada flying, the reduction of domestic Eastern Triangle flying, the cancellation of most outstanding Boeing 787 orders (3-4 undelivered units), refocus on narrow-body, with further orders and deliveries of narrow-body aircraft, and a focus on sun destinations. The focus in Eastern Canada will be East-West flying and East-South flying
The Company has given assurances that there will be no job losses or layoffs, but in fact will result in further flow opportunities for WestJet Encore Members specifically, and that there is the intent to continue mass hiring across the companies, including inflight
The ELT identified that WestJet and Swoop need to run more complementary networks, so markets are not “double served”
Throughout all these changes, the Collective Agreements for all three units must be respected
WestJet Group AP Executives have pledged to regular communication as these plans evolve and are implemented
Here is what we do not know:
What will happen to YYZ 787 Cabin Managers
Where WestJet Encore (or Swoop) flow will be focused
Exact timing of these phases
The Union will be meeting with Senior Leadership next week to further discuss the changes and how this will impact our Members. The Union will also evaluate ways this can benefit all of us at CUPE 4070.
Yesterday at the Summit and today during the Townhall, CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech made a comment to the effect of the enemy being outside of our walls, not within.
Uncertainty and change are not easy and have emotional impact, especially after the last 2.5 years. Local 4070’s collective power comes from all of us being united, working side-by-side in pursuit of better working conditions. It is imperative that we stand together – we are not each other’s enemy.
The Union also views Alexis’ comment as favourable to Labour Relations overall. The Union is not the enemy of the Company, nor do we want the Company to be the Union’s enemy. This is a mutually beneficial business relationship that depends on good Labour Relations on both sides, which includes effective and timely communication when change that affects our Members is imminent. The Union is appreciative of the Company's proactive approach on the news regarding WestJet Group’s strategic growth plans, and the Sunwing (WG) announcement.
To submit your questions / hot topics to be answered, please submit here: cupe4070.ca/newsletterhottopics
We are aware the June newsletter is delayed, as you can imagine there are many changes occurring that we want to make sure are captured accurately for you, our Members.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require Union representation, please contact us at: cupe4070.ca/contact.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Chantale Tremblay
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran