WR Base Vice Presidents' Update

As we begin the New Year, we face new challenges with the incoming integration of Sunwing flight attendants and the effect that will have on our operation and our seniority when flowing to WestJet.  The union is creating opportunities for us to be more involved in these discussions, but also, there are many positions within the union that are currently vacant. The roles do vary in time commitment and scope, so take a look at the bylaws or send Marcus (your Encore Base VP) an email if you are interested in becoming more involved (marcus.johnstone-mckinney@cupe4070.ca).   

Now is a great time to get involved in the union because we will be starting the process in the next year to bargain for our next collective agreement. This will be a large undertaking and the more people we have involved, the better we can represent our interests and improve our working conditions.   

Adrian’s Personal Base VP Update

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am stepping down as YYC Encore Base VP and resigning from WestJet Encore. I have been offered (and accepted) a new career opportunity and am very excited to start a new journey. 

I thank everyone here at Encore past and present, for making such a positive and profound impact on my life. I will remember my time as an Encore flight attendant fondly because of the fantastic people I met and the fun I had working alongside them. Whenever I hear the rumble of the Q overhead, I will think of the flight attendants on board and hope that there’s no turbulence and that they are having the most amazing pairing ever.   

Marcus will be taking over the WR YYC Base VP role in the interim, so please contact him at the above listed email.

-Adrian Dayrit 


ALPA Encore Conciliation


CUPE 4070 Newsletter - January 2024