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Update on Merger Discussionswith Joint Merger Committeesand Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB)summons all parties
Dear Members,
This update contains information about the ongoing integration process following WestJet’s acquisition of Sunwing. We understand that this is a complex and potentially sensitive issue, and we want to ensure that all members are fully informed. If you have any questions or concerns after reading this update, please contact us directly. Click Here
We would also like to remind all members that Sunwing is now part of the WestJet group of companies, and as such, the company's Code of Conduct applies to all of us. We kindly ask that you remain mindful of this when discussing work-related matters in any context. You're understanding and cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. We are committed to keeping you informed throughout this process and addressing any concerns you may have through the appropriate channels.
Thank you for your attention to this important update.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR/YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Lisa Blayney - Interim
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - Interim
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
Joint Merger Committee Update:
On Friday, July 26th, we convened to continue our discussions in the Joint Merger Committees. During this meeting, we were presented with seniority modeling from CUPE National research, which is an important step in understanding the implications of the merger on both Memberships.
We then moved to discussing the nature of our employment contracts, some of the differences between our business models, career expectations and concluded the day by discussing our next meeting dates which were to be August 20th and 21st whereby we intended to continue discussion and establish a deeper understanding of each parties interest(s) as part of our obligations under the process.
These meetings are part of a parallel process with the CIRB proceedings that WestJet initiated earlier this year. This process was established by CUPE National as the Certificate holder of both Locals. This forum's intention is to allow for representation of each group’s interests on the subject of the integration between WestJet and Sunwing.
CIRB Summons: Case Management Hearing August 20th, 2024
The aforementioned Joint Merger Committee meeting that was previously scheduled for August 20 has been canceled and instead, we will be meeting with the CIRB via Zoom for a Case Management meeting. A Case Management Meeting is an important preliminary step in the CIRB's dispute resolution process. During this meeting, representatives from all parties involved will meet with a CIRB officer or panel member to discuss the case. We will be sharing more comprehensive information on what the Case Management process is in a Learning Series Update to be released shortly.
The main objectives of this meeting are to:
Clarify the key issues
Establish timelines for various procedural steps
Determine the most effective way to proceed
While this is not a formal hearing and no final decisions will be made on the merits of our case, it is a crucial step in the process which will allow for discussion on potential areas of agreement, allow for the setting of dates for document exchange and witness lists, and an opportunity to explore a potential settlement.
This meeting helps streamline the CIRB's process, potentially saving time and resources for all parties involved. It also ensures that everyone is properly prepared for the next steps in the proceedings.
Cupe Local 4070 retained external legal counsel- Michael Church to represent its interests for the process.
Pilots Case Management: ALPA/ Unifor
As a Local along with our External Legal Counsel we have been closely monitoring the scenario on the Pilots side as while there are several notable differences there is also significant common ground.
Overview of CIRB Order:
The CIRB has previously certified the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) as the bargaining agent for pilots at WestJet, and Unifor as the bargaining agent for pilots at Sunwing Airlines.
Following WestJet's acquisition of Sunwing, the Board has determined that a consolidated bargaining unit of all pilots at both airlines is appropriate. The Board has decided that ALPA will be the bargaining agent representing this consolidated unit.
The Board has ordered the following:
A sole arbitrator will determine the integration of the seniority lists of pilots at WestJet and Sunwing.
The Collective Agreement between Unifor and Sunwing will be extended to November 30, 2025 or until the last Sunwing pilot transfers to WestJet, whichever occurs first.
The wages of Sunwing pilots will be increased and aligned with the wages of WestJet pilots.
Sunwing pilots who are bypassed for transfer to WestJet will receive certain protections against layoff.
ALPA will be recognized and certified as the bargaining agent for all pilots at WestJet and Sunwing as of November 30, 2024.
The Board remains seized of this matter to address any unresolved integration issues.
Next steps:
We remain committed to ensuring that all members are informed and included in these discussions as we carefully navigate our way through this significant transition. We appreciate your ongoing support and patience during this time.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
Emancipation Month
Dear Members,
August marks Emancipation Month, a time to reflect on the past and recommit to building a better future. As members of the labour movement, we understand the power of collective action in creating positive change.
It's important to honour the legacy of those who fought tirelessly against slavery and celebrate the incredible contributions of Black people to our society. From breaking barriers in the workplace to inspiring cultural movements, Black workers have played a vital role in shaping our world.
While we have made progress, we recognize that systemic racism continues to impact Black workers and communities. This month we recommit to building a more equitable workplace and society. As a Local we commit to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered.
CUPE 4070 stands in solidarity with Black workers and their communities.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Communications Committee
Meghan Gulliver WS YYC
Chris Amaddeo WS YYZ
CUPE 4070 Newsletter - August 2024
August Content:
CUPE 4070 Interim Vice President Update
Grievance Process
Local Grievance Update
Sunwing WestJet Merger
Bargaining 2025
WS Update
Scheduling Review Committee Update
Encore Update
Auto Boarding at Encore
Encore Rumors
CUPE 4070 Interim Vice President Update
Hello Everyone,
It’s hard to believe that we are already in August and nearly halfway through 2024. It has been an eventful year as always at Local 4070 and we have so much to come still.
While I am known as the WestJet Toronto Base Vice President (BVP), I recently took on the portfolios of WS YWG Base, WS YYC Base, and Interim Local Vice President due to leaves of absences in our Local. I remain grateful for the appointment by Local President Alia Hussain with the support of my fellow Executives. It is important to us as a local that when an elected representative is on leave, the role is covered, and the work is continued seamlessly. As I entered this role, WS YYZ Base required support and Chris Amaddeo has been appointed for the interim as well as Lisa Blayney as interim YYC Base VP.
In transitioning roles from Toronto to the Interim Local Vice President, I saw a change in my portfolio. While I continue Tyson’s work, I take on supporting our Local President, Alia Hussain, in daily operations of the local; meeting with WestJet, WestJet Encore, Local 4055, CUPE National (CUPE); and supporting the development of our Local with its internal administration.
In place of an essay of an update, I leave this newsletter to you in sections that I hope will be easier to read, and one that you will save to utilize when you are out on the line as I believe that you are your most important advocate.
I thank you for your continued engagement and support. Our Local is stronger when our members are engaged, educated on their collective agreement, working rules, and supporting one another collectively. I look forward to the continued work with our Executives in whatever capacity the membership allows me.
Bryan Hansraj
CUPE 4070 Interim Vice President
Grievances: What and how are they handled?
Grievances are filed when the company has violated the collective agreement (CA).
They can also be filed if a member was to complete a violation.
It is an expectation of the company that the members know and understand their Collective Agreement.
If you are unsure, don’t hesitate to contact your Local for clarification!
It is important to know your CA in full and have the ability to search articles you may need to reference. There are some key articles we would like to highlight and encourage you to be comfortable with.
20 – Sick and Personal Leave (also Policy Grievance Settlement CLC Sick Leave Amendment)
34 - Scheduling
36 - Deadheading
37 - Hotels and Transportation
38 - Deadheading
41 - Pay Administration
A Grievance begins with an informal discussion between yourself and your DPM. This must take place prior to a formal grievance being filed.
Step one (1):
Email your DPM to address the violation during the informal discussion phase. CC your Base VP on all communications between yourself and your DPM.
Be sure to include these details in your email:
What is the Violation?
What are the details of the violation? If it is a scheduling violation, include a screenshot of your schedule from Crew View
Employee Number
Your DPM will investigate the occurrence and send you a response. If there is a violation found, your DPM will then engage the Base VP to negotiate a remedy, Step two (2).
Your Executive remains the sole bargaining agent between the company and the union.
It is important to remember the deadline to file a formal grievance is 30 days from the occurrence.
If the issue is not resolved between the DPM and Base VP prior to the 30-day deadline, a formal grievance will be filed by your Base VP. Timelines for the formal grievance process are outlined in the Collective Agreement and the chart below.
Once Step 1 and Step 2 in the grievance process have been exhausted, the grievance is reviewed by the Grievance Committee.
The Grievance Committee will review the file with consultation of the CUPE National Servicing Representatives, decide whether the file will proceed to arbitration or not. If the committee withdraws the file, the member can appeal the decision. From there the Grievance Appeal Panel will review the file and decide whether to uphold the Committee’s Decision or have the file reviewed again with any new information brought forward by the member.
The Grievance Committee consists of the Local VP, Base VPs and a Steward from each base, identified in the Local Bylaws.
Local Grievance Update
Continuing the work of Local Vice President Tyson Conrod, I am addressing all outstanding grievances with the company and working to address the efficiency of the company addressing grievances.
I have met with the new Labor Relations Representative and am working internally with the Grievance Committee, Executives and National Servicing Representatives to improve our internal processes of addressing grievances at Step 1 & 2, filing formal grievances and filing for arbitration. This process is vital as we move closer to bargaining. Having a record of the company's responses in this process to assist in Tracking and trending will help support the bargaining committee's work.
Your Local Executive settled a series of outstanding grievances in relation to Excessive Duty Days over 17 hours. Your Executive is pleased to see these files addressed, some waiting to be addressed for up to two (2) years. As communicated to the membership on July 19, 2024, there is now new language within the Collective Agreement, which reads that any extension beyond the limits of 34-11.01 will result in a penalty payment of $1600 to the affected member.
Members expressed concern with the Q&A that was provided, and with that we would like to take a moment to clear up any confusion surrounding the new language.
This amount, along with any other amount outlined in the chart is not cumulative.
Which means it is not in addition to the other premiums located in the chart, but instead when the threshold is met, the affected member will receive $1600.
We have secured the addition of language requiring the company to provide us with the reason the duty day was exceeded and a corrective action plan. We retain our maximum duty days that were already outlined in the CA.
Update on Group Grievances
The Policy Grievance filed in relation to the Scheduling System and current PBS Process remains active. Discussion remains ongoing between the Local and the company to address the concerns. There is active conversation with the employer seeking a sequential solver system. We expect the Local Executives, with the Scheduling Review Committee, will be able to provide a long-awaited update to the membership later this year.
Sunwing - WestJet Merger
In May of this year, we announced the formation of a merger committee composed of representatives from Local 4070, Local 4055, and CUPE National. This committee has been working together to explore the merger and its effects, with a primary focus on evaluating seniority models.
If the committee cannot reach an agreement, the matter will be resolved through mediation and should that not be successful arbitration.
At this point, no decision has been reached, and any rumors about the outcome are speculation.
Bargaining 2025
December 2025 will mark the expiry of the WestJet Unit Collective Agreement. It is no secret that there are many areas with opportunities to improve our working and living conditions. It is important that our membership is aware and understands their current working rules and engage in the process.
Following the Executive Elections this fall, the President-Elect, will have the ability to stand up (call to election) the Bargaining Committee no later than December 2025 per our Local Bylaws, Section 15.
If you have not already, we recommend that you begin a notebook or virtual notebook, of the areas of strength and areas of opportunities within our collective agreement. When the time comes, the Bargaining Committee will survey the membership and utilize the results to identify the priorities of the Local.
It is important that we do not bargain in public such as posts on social media or sharing in public areas that we are not happy with or that we cannot lose. To bargain in public weakens the Local’s position at the table in the future as the employer (has the ability to obtain this in advance) does obtain this in advance and will utilize it against the Bargaining Committee.
We also draw caution to social media posts and videos that demonstrate your perspective on our working conditions such as unpaid work, especially in uniform or on company property. We are not actively bargaining, and drawing negative attention to the company can be perceived as a violation of the WestJet Business Code of Conduct which can lead to meetings with the employer which can lead to discipline.
There will come a time when your Local Executive and Bargaining Committee will call you for engagement and action. Until then we ask that you study your collective agreement, take notes, and prepare for the future.
Scheduling Review Committee Update
In an effort to share the inner working of the scheduling review committee we thought we would share some insight to the committee.
In August, we received 11 Day off Disputes and 30 Pairing Disputes. Our Scheduling Review Committee aims to investigate and respond to these disputes before the end of July. Investigating each individual dispute can be time-consuming, as it depends on the complexity of the issue and the need to analyze the entire schedule.
To avoid filing a dispute and receiving a schedule that does not work for you, we encourage you to reach out to us for bidding advice before the bidding period closes. We are always available to assist you proactively and help you avoid any scheduling issues.
The Scheduling Review Committee is responsible for investigating disputes monthly and handling other schedule-related matters such as Reserve call outs, pairing extensions, RTD assignments, and call outs. If you have any questions or investigations, you would like us to undertake, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
WestJet Mainline
Schedule Dispute Period follows the language of the Collective Agreement,
WS - 34-2.02 In the event that a Cabin Personnel wants to address concerns with their issued monthly schedule, they will notify the Union representative on the Scheduling Review Committee within Seventy-two (72) hours of schedule release to review and respond.
**The form to file a Dispute can be found on SharePoint and will only be active for Seventy-two (72). You can also find the form HERE.
You do not need to fil out more than one dispute form for Pairing Disputes. Please do not fill out the form and email the SRC. We cannot accept disputes through email.
Reminder that a dispute is not a grievance and the investigation must be completed thru the form as Step 1.
We have been working hard to implement new processes within the committee to improve efficiency and consistency for our members' benefit. We will be releasing a monthly communication with updates and important information. If you have any scheduling questions or specific inquiries, please send us an email HERE.
Also, keep an eye out for our Newsletter, which will be coming out later this month.
WestJet Encore
Schedule Dispute Period follows the language of the Collective Agreement.
WR - 34-2.03 In the event that a Cabin Crew Member wants to address concerns with their issued monthly schedule, they will notify a Union representative on the Scheduling Review Committee within seventy-two (72) hours of schedule release to review and respond.
To begin the dispute please send an email to your DPM and WR YYC Base VP within 72 hours of schedule release.
Please note that Reserve is not given on a seniority bases and you must use a bid line to "avoid" reserve.
Please contact the WR YYC Base VP with any questions proactively for the best opportunity of receiving a preferred schedule.
Encore Update
Auto Boarding at Encore:
We have received concerns about auto boarding and the potential conflicts it may be creating between flight crew and airport staff. This week, the WR Base VPs met with management to address these issues. We encourage all CCMs to maintain excellent communication with CSAs. If you need additional time for safety reasons, safety briefings, or a necessary bathroom break, please be proactive in communicating this.
We will collaborate with management to resolve these issues and ensure that auto boarding operates smoothly. Auto boarding is essential for keeping our flights and guests on schedule and ensuring the seamless operation of our network.
Encore Rumors:
A rumor around flow for 2025 and the Sunwing merger has been floating within our membership.
WR has a flow agreement, it allows 4% of WR to flow each year - subject to WestJet operational requirements.
Last year, 133 CCMs were processed, exceeding the required 4%. Encore has assured us that there is no indication they will fall short for the remainder of this year and into 2025. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and stay vigilant to ensure that the current flow agreement is upheld.
Save the Dates:
All events can be found "Events" on CUPE4070 website
General Membership Meeting (GMM)
Nov 13th, 2024 - 1100PT/1200MT/1400ET
Sign up will be available closer to the date.
Open to Members in Good Standing and/or to those who have completed the application process.
Elections will be held in November. More information will be available closer to the date.
Galley Gossip:
Previous months submissions: Galley Gossip Wall
CUPE 4070 can answer Union related inquiries only. For Company related inquiries, please reach out to your Leader or submit a Company E-Report.
No new Galley Gossip questions were submitted, please submit here.
In solidarity,
Your Local 4070 Executives:
President, Alia Hussain
Interim Vice President, Bryan Hansraj - Interim
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet Interim YYC Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet Interim YWG Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Interim YYZ Base VP, Chris Amaddeo
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
Fatigue Reminder from your OHS Team
Dear Members,
Before each flight, it is important to ensure that you are fit for duty. You can do this by performing a self-check to assess your readiness for work. Workplace safety is among our top priorities, and we therefore encourage you to take all appropriate measures to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.
Given the unpredictable nature of our jobs, it is vital to be prepared for any situation. While fatigue is always a concern, certain circumstances have led to elevated risks. Here are a few scenarios to be mindful of:
Reserve Holders:
Under the Collective Agreement, there is no maximum number of hours a reserve holder can be assigned. Reserve holders need to be especially vigilant and regularly assess themselves for signs of fatigue.
European and Domestic Callouts:
Members may be called out after 12 hours of rest. This can lead to fatigue due to various factors and combinations of variables. Again, please self-assess your fitness for duty and if required follow the steps for booking off fatigued.
Day Rest After a Red-Eye:
While the current scheduling practices around day rest after red-eye flights do not violate the Collective Agreement, we understand the potential for increased fatigue. Specifically, we are pointing to recent pairings that include a red-eye flight with only 12-13 hours of day rest before operating again. If you are assigned a pairing like this that you feel is fatiguing, you can proactively report it. If the fatigue team deems it as fatiguing, they can modify the pairing. We have been in contact with the fatigue team and SRC to advocate for modifications to these pairings in the future to better support your well-being.
Please be proactive in monitoring your fatigue levels and report any concerns to ensure both your safety and the safety of our operations.
Please also refer to your respective collective agreement for the process on booking off.
WestJet Encore: 34-25 BOOKING OFF FATIGUED
Please ensure when you are reporting Fatigue that you send a copy of the report to your respective OHS committee below and include your Base Vice President. We have included some resources below to support our members in understanding signs and symptoms along with steps for both Proactive and Reactive Reporting.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Your CUPE 4070 Health and Safety Committee
WestJet ws.ohs@cupe4070.ca
WestJet Encore wr.ohs@cupe4070.ca
Extended Duty Day Memorandum of Agreement
Dear Members,
We are writing to you today to provide an update on Extensive Duty Days and the grievances we filed to address the violations that occurred in 2022 to date.
For context, in 2022 a violation of 34-11.01 occurred when duty days exceeded 17 hours day of due to various situations including adverse weather conditions. The Collective Agreement 34-11.01 states that under no circumstances shall duty periods exceed the limits set out in the article.
Grievances were filed against these violations and when there was no resolve at Step I or II of the grievance process, they were advanced to arbitration. While these entered the queue for arbitration, we persisted with conversations with the employer on the severity of these violations and impact on our membership.
It is no secret that in the airline industry diversions, weather impacting delays, airport operations, etc. can result in events like this of excessive duty days and are outside of the company's control or ability, as we saw with duty periods exceeding the maximum duty day limits outlined in article 34-11.01. One example would be cabin crew members agreeing to an extension between 16 to 17 hours on a narrow body aircraft which is in alignment with the collective agreement, only to then get stuck on a tarmac or at a gate or having to divert due to weather and eventually exceeding the limits of article 34-11.01.
Through our negotiations, we have reached a settlement with the company on the grievances and secured additional language in our collective agreement to hold the employer accountable and improve their operational control.
We now have new language in our collective agreement stating that any extensions beyond the limits of 34-11.01 will be a penalty payment of $1600 to the member.
Additionally, we have added a requirement that anytime a crew member experiences a day exceeding the limits of 34-11.01, the company must review the situation and provide an explanation to the union. This explanation must include the corrective actions taken to ensure it does not happen again in the future.
We still retain the language that under no circumstances shall duty periods exceed 34-11.01, however, as per the above example, we do know that there are situations that are beyond the company’s control. We would like to remind cabin crew members that any voluntary duty day extensions beyond the maximum listed in 34-11.02 and 34-11.03 above requires the consent of the Cabin Personnel.
With the settlement of the grievances, we have filed, and the language mentioned above, it will be outlined in the MOA that can be found below.
Interim Local 4070 Vice President Bryan Hansraj sat down and filmed an information session to discuss these grievances and the MOA with Local 4070 President Alia Hussain and WestJet YVR/YEG Base Vice President Chris Brewer. To view the information session please find the button below
Q&A for the Extended Duty Day Memorandum of Agreement:
Q: What is the purpose of this memorandum of agreement?
A: The purpose of this memorandum is to add new language to the Collective Agreement regarding compensation for cabin personnel when duty periods exceed the established limits, without changing the existing language in Article 34-11.01 that sets those duty period limits.
Q: What are the key terms of this memorandum?
A: The key terms are:
A new provision is being added to the Collective Agreement, which will require the Company to pay a "duty period penalty" of $1,600 when a duty period exceeds the applicable limit set out in Article 34-11.01.
This new penalty payment is in addition to the existing extended duty period premiums outlined in Article 34-11.06.
The language in Article 34-11.01 that establishes the maximum duty period limits of 17 hours for narrow-body aircraft and 17/20.5 hours for wide-body aircraft remains unchanged.
Q: Does this memorandum change the duty period limits in any way?
A: No, the memorandum explicitly states that it does not change the language in Article 34-11.01 that sets the maximum duty period limits. Those limits remain intact.
Q: What is the significance of maintaining the existing Article 34-11.01 language?
A: By keeping the existing duty period limit language unchanged, the parties have preserved the core provisions that establish the operational parameters for cabin personnel work hours. The new memorandum simply adds an additional financial consequence for exceeding those established limits.
Q: Why is the requirement for the Company to provide a written explanation and corrective action plan significant?
A: The new Article 34-11.07 requires the Company to review any duty period extensions that exceed the applicable limits and provide the Union with a written explanation of the circumstances that necessitated the extension, as well as any corrective action the Company plans to take to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
This provision is significant because it creates accountability and transparency around the Company's duty period extension practices. By requiring the Company to document and share its analysis of the issues that led to the extended duty periods, as well as its plans to address those problems, the Union and cabin personnel will have better visibility into the root causes and the Company's efforts to improve compliance with the duty period limits going forward. This should help foster better labor-management relations and potentially reduce the need for future grievances on this issue.
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Lisa Blayney - Interim
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - Interim
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
Delayed Report Times
Dear Members,
The purpose of this article is to bring clarification around report times and adjustments made to them. Please be sure to review the Q&A provided below.
Understanding the Collective Agreement
There are three sections within the CA that speak to Report Times. They are 34-16.02, 34-16.03 and 34-18.05, please take some time and familiarize yourself with these sections. We will explain them further to help clarify these articles for future use.
34-16.02 When the Company notifies the Cabin Personnel at least two (2) hours prior to the Cabin Personnel’s originally scheduled Report Time, the Report Time will be adjusted in accordance with 34-9.02 above based on the revised flight departure time to a maximum of three (3) hours.
The Company may adjust the report time based on a revised flight departure due to an IROP, with a maximum delay of three hours, provided the notification is given at least two hours prior to the original report time.
34-16.03 When the Company notifies the Cabin Personnel less than two (2) hours prior to the Cabin Personnel’s originally scheduled Report Time, the duty period shall commence at the originally scheduled Report Time.
If notification is given less than two hours before the original report time, the duty period begins at the original scheduled report time.
34-18.05 A delay or cancellation of an assigned flight(s) which results in an extension to the Release Time of the pairing, shall not be considered a reassignment for the purposes of 34-18.03 and the Cabin Personnel shall be required to complete the pairing subject to the maximum duty periods. In the event of a cancellation of an assigned flight which results in an extension to the Release Time of the pairing, Crew Scheduling shall return the Cabin Personnel to their base as soon as practicable.
This permits extensions to the release time of the pairing due to delays or cancellations. This is not considered a reassignment, provided the maximum duty periods are not exceeded.
The intention of the language is that Crew Scheduling may only push the duty day start time up to three(3) hours if there is a delay and it falls within the article's parameters.
For example, if the original check-in time is 0500 with a flight departure at 0600, and the flight gets delayed until 1000, Crew Scheduling can delay the check-in up to 0800, which is three(3) hours from the original report time.
The crew member may report 60 minutes prior to the new departure time, 0900.
At no time is a delayed report time from an original pairing considered a reassignment. It is a delay and falls under the classification of an IROP.
If you believe Crew Scheduling has incorrectly applied the above articles, please contact your DPM and begin the Informal Discussion.
We understand the frustrations surrounding this issue and want to ensure our members are well-informed about the current Collective Agreement. As we approach negotiations for our next contract, it's crucial that everyone is aware of the key points that need priority and attention. This knowledge will help us address the most pressing concerns and work towards a better contract for all.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Lisa Blayney - Interim
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
Q & A Delayed Report Times
Section 34-16: Notification of a Delay at Base Prior to Pairing Report
Q: What does Section 34-16.01 specify about notifying Cabin Personnel of a delay?
A: Section 34-16.01 specifies that when a delay becomes known to the company prior to the Cabin Personnel’s report time, the company must notify the Cabin Personnel of the delay. Additionally, the company is prohibited from calling Cabin Personnel within twelve hours of the release time of their previous duty period, ensuring that their rest is not disrupted.
Q: How should the report time be adjusted if the company notifies Cabin Personnel of a delay at least two hours prior to their originally scheduled report time, as per Section 34-16.02?
A: If the company notifies Cabin Personnel at least two hours prior to their originally scheduled report time, the report time will be adjusted based on the revised flight departure time, with a maximum adjustment of three hours. This adjustment must be in accordance with Section 34-9.02, which sets the standard report times for Cabin Personnel. The intention around this language was to protect the membership from the company just delaying the day and then not starting the duty day and negatively impacting pay.
Q: What happens if the company notifies Cabin Personnel of a delay less than two hours before their originally scheduled report time, according to Section 34-16.03?
A: If the company notifies Cabin Personnel of a delay less than two hours before their originally scheduled report time, the duty period will commence at the originally scheduled report time. This ensures that any last-minute changes do not unduly disrupt the crew's planned duty period.
Q: Does contacting Cabin Personnel within the time parameters outlined in Sections 34-16.01 to 34-16.03 constitute a disruption of rest?
A: No, contacting Cabin Personnel within the time parameters outlined in Sections 34-16.01 to 34-16.03 will not be considered a disruption of rest. This is explicitly stated in Section 34-16.04 to clarify that such notifications are permissible and do not violate rest period rules.
Q: How are notifications from the automated notification system treated under Section 34-16.05?
A: Notifications received from the automated notification system are not considered a disruption of rest, regardless of the time the notification is received. Section 34-16.05 ensures that automated messages are exempt from rest disruption rules, allowing the company to use automated systems for timely communication without breaching rest period regulations.
Q: Can you provide an example to illustrate how these provisions work in practice?
A: Suppose a Cabin Personnel's original report time is 0500 with a flight departure at 0600. If the flight gets delayed until 1000:
Notification at least 2 hours prior:
If the company notifies the Cabin Personnel at or before 0300, the report time can be adjusted to 0800 (a maximum of three hours later). The crew member can report 60 minutes prior to the new departure time, which is 0900.
Notification less than 2 hours prior:
If the company notifies the Cabin Personnel after 0300, the duty period starts at the originally scheduled report time of 0500, despite the delay.
If you have questions with regards to your report time to the gate please contact Crew Scheduling
CUPE 4070 Newsletter - July 2024
July's Content:
AMFA Strike
CrewView Rest Calculations
Reassignment to Higher Classification MOA Reminder
Hotel Location Language Collective Agreement
Emailing Union Officers
Crew Scheduling Calls Reminder
Fairness for Flight Attendants Act (Bill C-409 Proposal)
Education Committee Update
Day Off Requests
Cooperators Insurance Discount
Share Your Story
Save the Dates
Galley Gossip
AMFA Strike:
The recent AMFA strike presented operational challenges impacting many of our members. We recognize the frustration and inconvenience this caused, especially for those who had pairings extended or experienced difficulties contacting the company.
We want to recognize the Company's quick response when implementing the Crew Travel Request Form to ensure members were booked on alternate carriers to return home, as well as the timely updates from Diederik and Robert, at times on an hourly basis.
As we transition back to normal operations, Opentime may have a number of available pairings. We encourage all members who are able to operate to consider picking up trips through Flica. Opentime pairings are paid at Overtime (time and half).
We appreciate your professionalism and unwavering dedication during this time.
CrewView Rest Calculations:
We have been made aware of an issue with rest calculations on the CrewView app. Rest is being calculated and reflected on the app as including transportation time from the hotel to the airport, leading to an incorrect display of rest time (Release Time to Report Time). We have escalated this with the Employer, and they are working on a resolve to ensure the rest times are accurately displayed.
Reassignment to a Higher Classification MOA Reminder:
Recently, there have been more inquiries regarding the reassignment of a Cabin Crew Member to the Cabin Manager position during a pairing. The following language was ratified by the Membership in April 2024 in a Memorandum of Agreement, which amended the language from “assigned” to “offered” when there are more junior Cabin Personnel on the operating crew.
WS CA Article 34-18.04 “Reassignment to a higher classification shall be offered in seniority order among the Cabin Crew Members assigned to that flight(s). The more senior Cabin Personnel will have the right to decline the reassignment, provided a more junior Cabin Personnel is available among the Cabin Crew Members assigned to that flight(s). The most junior Cabin Crew Member must accept the reassignment if all of the senior Cabin Crew Members have declined the reassignment.”
Hotel Location Language in the Collective Agreement:
We have had several crew members reach out requesting clarification on the Hotels language in the Collective Agreement. Based on the language in sections 37-6.01 and 37-6.02, there are specific conditions under which a crew member may not be placed in a downtown hotel:
Driving Time Limitation (37-6.01)
The hotel's location must be within a maximum of twenty (20) minutes' driving time from the airport of the planned overnight stay.
If a suitable hotel within this 20-minute driving time limit cannot be found, or if the Company and the Union do not mutually agree on a different location, a downtown hotel may not be an option.
Layover Duration and Distance (37-6.02)
For layovers scheduled for eighteen (18) hours or more, the hotel should be in the downtown core of the principal city served by the airport.
However, this is contingent upon the downtown hotel being within a normal thirty (30) minute drive (one-way) from the arrival airport.
If no suitable downtown hotel is available within this 30-minute drive limit, or if the Company and the Union do not agree on an alternative location, the crew member may not be placed in a downtown hotel.
A crew member may not be placed in a downtown hotel if either the driving time from the airport to the hotel exceeds the specified limits (20 minutes for general stays and 30 minutes for extended layovers) or if the Company and the Union do not reach an agreement on an alternative location.
Additionally, during an IROP where hotel changes occur, the downtown requirement on extended layovers (over 18 hours) does not apply. For example, if you were originally on a short layover and were extended due to cancellations, the Company is not required to rebook you as downtown hotels are only for planned overnights exceeding 18 hours.
Emailing Union Officers on their Company Email accounts:
When communicating with the Union, please use your personal email and avoid using your company email. Additionally, please refrain from emailing the Union Officers to their company email addresses, as these accounts are dedicated to our work as Cabin Crew. To contact your representative, use the contact form on the website.
Crew Scheduling Calls Reminder:
We have seen an increase in calls to Crew Scheduling being flagged for alleged violations of the Code of Business Conduct and Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy. Please ensure that when you are speaking with Crew Scheduling (and all other departments) that these policies are adhered to. Also be mindful that the calls, even when on hold are recorded.
Fairness for Flight Attendants Act: Bill C-409 Proposed by the Conservative Party:
The Fairness for Flight Attendants Act, recently introduced into Parliament, is a landmark bill that aims to improve the working conditions and compensation for flight attendants across Canada. The Act proposes several key amendments to the Canada Labour Code that would directly benefit flight attendants. Here are the key changes:
Compensation for All Work Hours: Under the proposed legislation, all hours on duty would be included in the calculation of pay. This includes pre-flight and post-flight duties. It also encompasses pay for mandatory training programs and time spent on duty during flight delays, regardless of the reason for the delay.
Clearer Regulations: The Act aims to eliminate any ambiguity in the Canada Labour Code regarding the calculation of flight attendant work hours. This will ensure consistent and fair compensation practices across the airline industry.
As you know, we are not compensated for many essential duties performed outside of our block time. This leads to significant unpaid hours, impacting both financial well-being and the ability to provide optimal service to guests. The Fairness for Flight Attendants Act seeks to address this inequity by ensuring that all work we perform is recognized and compensated accordingly.
CUPE is encouraged to see the bill brought forward, however it is disappointing that the bill was drafted and tabled without consultation with flight attendants or their union. Regardless, we encourage all members to stay informed about the Act's progress and to reach out to their Members of Parliament through the unpaid work won't fly campaign to express their support. We believe that this legislation is a crucial step towards achieving fair and equitable working conditions for all flight attendants.
The Fairness for Flight Attendants Act is currently under consideration in Parliament. We will continue to provide updates on the Act's progress and opportunities for you to get involved. Follow the links below for resources on this proposed bill:
Education Committee Update:
My name is Tony Penton, and I'm your Education Committee member for WS mainline. I'm excited to connect with you and share some valuable resources.
A Bit About Me:
Before joining WestJet, I worked at SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) instructing students in hospitality and tourism. I also managed the Highwood dining room and supervised bartending students. My background combines education, business, and a passion for culinary arts (including a cooking diploma!). Currently, I'm based and live in YEG with my dog Hunter, who hates when I leave so I always bring her back a treat from my travels!
Feel free to reach out if you have any contract-related questions. I actively check my union email daily while working and every other day when off duty. My email is education@cupe4070.ca.
Bargaining Resources:
Bargaining is a hot topic lately! To prepare for upcoming negotiations, I've compiled a few free union courses:
"How Bargaining Works" (highly recommended): This course provides a foundational understanding of the bargaining process, empowering you to follow the committee's work.
"Preparing for Bargaining": As negotiations approach, it's crucial for all members to be informed and unified about our collective goals.
"At the Bargaining Table": Understand the process even when the committee can't provide updates directly. This can help alleviate anxiety.
Stay tuned for more engaging content from the Education Committee!
Tony Penton
Education Committee Member
WS Mainline - CUPE 4070
Day Off Requests:
Managing your personal time off is essential for a healthy work-life balance. Please ensure you are following the appropriate procedures when requesting days off. WS DPM's have recently received emails from CCMs to request days off - note that this is not a standard practice and day off requests submitted in this manner are not guaranteed. Please use the procedures below when you need a day off:
Bidding Window: Until the 12 of each month, submit your day off requests in your bid through wings. This is the most effective way to secure your desired time off. Contact the SRC if you have questions or would like bidding advice for the best result. ws.src@cupe4070.ca / wr.src@cupe4070.ca
Schedule Disputes: If you believe there's an error with your schedule, or day off requests, be sure to follow the established schedule dispute process as outlined in WS CA Article 34-2.02 / WR CA Article 34-2.03. The dispute forms are available for only 72hrs after schedule release here.
Managing Your Schedule: Utilize Flica to self-manage your schedule. Attempt dropping or trading to get the day off you need.
Personal Days: Note that personal days may only be used for specific situations as outlined in the Canada Labour Code. Contact your DPM for personal day requests. If your request is last minute, contact Crew Scheduling and send an email to your DPM explaining the situation.
Voluntary Drop Form: This form is available on your CCD under WS Cabin Crew – Crew Services. If the Company has extra resources, they can remove your pairing or a portion of your reserve block. Note that this is not guaranteed, and the outcome is available by 1800MT the day prior to the activity.
Contact Your DPM: As a last resort, you may contact your DPM. They generally will only be able to assist in extenuating circumstances and only after all other options have been exhausted. Do not contact your DPM to request a day off until you have attempted to self-manage your schedule.
Recognition Day - Share your story:
If you would like to share a short story/pictures for an upcoming recognition day; please email the Communications Team.
The Communications Team will do their best to include as many submissions as possible, we apologize if we do not have enough room on the Newsletter to share all of them.
Upcoming Months:
Emancipation Month
National Recovery Month
Save the Dates:
All events can be found "Events" on CUPE4070 website
General Membership Meeting (GMM)
Nov 13th, 2024 - 1100PT/1200MT/1400ET
Sign up will be available closer to the date.
Open to Members in Good Standing and/or to those who have completed the application process.
Elections will be held in November. More information will be available closer to the date.
Galley Gossip:
Previous months submissions: Galley Gossip Wall
CUPE 4070 can answer Union related inquiries only. For Company related inquiries, please reach out to your Leader or submit a Company E-Report.
No new Galley Gossip questions were submitted, please submit here.
In solidarity,
Your Local 4070 Executives:
President, Alia Hussain
Interim Vice President, Bryan Hansraj
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet Interim YWG Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Interim YYZ Base VP, Chris Amaddeo
Important Announcement - Closure of Encore YYZ Base
Dear Members of Local 4070,
The executive board of Local 4070 are reaching out to you today with important information regarding a recent development that impacts our Local. We have received notification from the Company that Encore East Base will be closing its operations on September 30, 2024.
Our intention in sending this email is to ensure that all our members are well-informed about this significant change within our Local.
We want to reassure you that we are fully committed to working closely with the company to advocate for the interests and well-being of the affected members of the Encore YYZ Base.
We understand that this news may raise questions and concerns among the affected members. We have sent a detailed email to our impacted Unit.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR/YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - Interim
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
Tentative Agreement Achieved
Dear Members,
We are pleased to announce that AMFA and WestJet have reached a Tentative Agreement. We are relieved and delighted that this positive outcome was achieved at the bargaining table. Congratulations to both parties on this accomplishment.
Please monitor your company email for further updates and information.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - Interim
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
AMFA Strike Day 3 Update
Dear Members,
The Company has shared a communication via email and CCD. We have been working closely with Inflight Leadership to ensure our members interests and needs are a top priority. Please ensure you monitor your communications regularly for the latest updates on this ever-evolving situation.
Today, the Company, the Union representing the AME's and Tech Ops, and the CIRB have resumed discussions starting at 0900 PST. We are closely monitoring these discussions and at this time they are ongoing.
Many of you have expressed a desire to show support for our Tech Ops and AMEs during this legal strike. Here are a few ways you can demonstrate your solidarity:
Visit the Picket Line: Join them at one of our bases. Please remember not to wear your uniform when visiting the picket line.
Social Media Engagement :Like and follow CUPE 4070 on Social media and share our posts.
As this is a legal strike, we must remain united. Our time will come, and when it does, we will need the respect and support of our fellow colleagues. Your solidarity now ensures we all stand stronger together in the future. The Local remains committed to supporting you through these disruptions.
Thank you for your continued professionalism and unity.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
Open Letter from President of CUPE National Mark Hancock to Labour Minister
CUPE’s National President Mark Hancock sent the following letter to Minister of Labour Seamus O’Regan, about the legal strike of WestJet’s mechanics:
Dear Minister O’Regan:
I write to express my concern with your statement on June 29 following the Canada Industrial Relations Board order upholding the WestJet mechanics’ right to strike.
The right to strike is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are deeply concerned by your statement that the Board’s decision on June 28 upholding this right was “inconsistent” with your direction. You are required to use the power granted to you under the Canada Labour Code in a manner consistent with the Constitution.
In our view, forced arbitration is an attack on the collective bargaining process that is incompatible with the Constitution. Additionally, attacking the right to strike only serves to further undermine the foundations of industrial peace and the freedom of association that the Constitution protects. I therefore call on you to respect the Board’s decision on the right to strike, and to refrain from interfering with the right of the WestJet mechanics to lawfully withdraw their labour.
National President
AMFA Strike Day 2 Update
Dear Members,
By now, you’ve heard that the Company will be winding down operations to 30 aircraft between both WestJet and WestJet Encore. These significant changes will disrupt your schedules in the coming days. Please reach out to your DPM or Crew Scheduling via the chat app or phone if you have any questions or concerns regarding this situation.
This afternoon, there will be a meeting between the CIRB, AMFA, and WestJet, as the situation remains fluid. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available.
While at work, please continue to operate with the professionalism and attention to safety that defines us. Do not let the current environment distract you from our safety-sensitive work. As this is a legal strike, we must remain united, our time will come and we will need respect and support from our fellow colleagues.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
AMFA Strike Action
Dear Members,
By now, you would have heard the news that AMFA went on strike at 7:30 PM EST. Please be advised that this situation is fluid, and you should continue to monitor your Company email for updates. If you have any questions, please reach out to your DPM or Crew Scheduling.
In these circumstances, we remain under the responsibility of the Company as our Collective Agreement remains valid and in effect.
Should you encounter a picket line and have any concerns about crossing it to access work, please be advised you must contact the Company as they will provide further instructions and support.
Thank you for your attention.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
AMFA Potential Strike Notice
Dear Members,
We have been advised of a strike action planned for June 20, 2024 21:00ET by AMFA..
The strike directly pertains to AMFA (Tech Ops). CUPE 4070 Members are bound by their respective Collective Agreements that are in effect. All parameters of our respective Collective Agreements still apply, and Cabin Personnel remain the responsibility of the Employer.
Crossing Picket Lines:
Our Collective agreement requires Members to report to work on time, even if crossing a picket line is necessary. Picket lines can be intimidating. We trust in the professionalism of our AMFA colleagues and expect no issues when crossing them. You may also encounter picket lines at employee parking lots. If you feel unsafe or have difficulty crossing, contact your DPM or Inflight Manager immediately for guidance. Inform your Leader if you feel unsafe and cannot report to work on time. Its important to note that while timely reporting is your responsibility, ensuring safe passage through a picket line is the Company's duty.
Please monitor your Company email for communication from the Employer on next steps in the coming days, as well as your personal email on file with the Union for Union-released updates. If you have not signed up for CUPE 4070 emails, you can sign up here or on our website home page. The Union remains actively engaged with the Company and AMFA as this situation develops.
Provided below is a list of Company contacts for ease of reference, as well, your respective Base VP can be contacted via the contact section on our website or click here.
Your Union’s role and responsibility is to ensure your rights, under your respective Collective Agreement, continues to be upheld. Should you experience violations of your Collective Agreement, please document what happened and initiate the Informal Discussion with your direct leader and ensure your respective Base VP is contacted.
We understand this is a high-stress situation that affects all Members differently. Please ensure communication remains respectful and professional when engaging with the Company and Union Representatives.
WestJet Encore DPMs
Cheryl Shaw - Cheryl.shaw@westjet.com
Megan Chernesky - Megan.Chernesky@westjet.com
Vivian Mercer - Vivian.Mercer@westjet.com
Crystal Parmar - Crystal.parmar@westjet.com
Encore DPM General - EncoreDPM@westjet.com - 1-855-867-8630 – Option 4
WestJet Edmonton DPMs
Brigitte Savard - Brigitte.savard@westjet.com
Leeza Mahktar - manleen.mahktar@westjet.com - 780-701-1019
WestJet Calgary DPMs
Joe Richard (Wed-Sat) - Joe.Richard@westjet.com - 403-444-2075
Judy Zinkan (Sun-Wed) - Judy.Zinkan@westjet.com - 403-444-2472
Lesley Carlyon (Wed-Sat) - Lesley.Carlyon@westjet.com - 403-539-7120
Kathryn Donohoe (Wed-Sat) - Kathryn.Donohoe@westjet.com - 403-444-2920
Katy Postlethwaite (Sun-Wed) - Katy.Postlewaite@westjet.com - 403-444-2409
WestJet Vancouver DPMs
Cameron MacQuarrie - Cameron.macquarrie@westjet.com - 604-249-1444
Centy Lau - centy.lau@westjet.com - 604-249-1435
Natalie Gurgol - natalie.gurgol@westjet.com - 604-249-1196
WestJet Toronto DPMs
Edison Cagpata (Tue-Sat 07:00-16:30) - Edison.cagpata@westjet.com - 905-362-8224
Susan Drjle (Sun-Thur 07:00-16:30) - Susan.drjle@westjet.com - 905-362-1624
Jennifer Amaya(Sun - Thur 09:30-19:00) - Jennifer.Amaya@westjet.com - 905-362-8211
Colleen Channer (Wed - Sat) - Colleen.Channer@westjet.com - 905-362-8225
Mark Rallo (Sun-Wed) - Mark.Rallo@westjet.com - 905-362-1643
WestJet Winnipeg DPMs
Matthew Wiebe - Matthew.wiebe@westjet.com
WestJet Crew Scheduling - crewscheduling@westjet.com - 403-444-6134
WestJet Crew Support General Line - 403-444-2333
WestJet YWG/YVR/YEG/YYC Base Manager -Samantha.casement@westjet.com
WestJet YYZ Base Manager - Erin.Mand@westjet.com
We are committed to updating the membership as soon as information becomes available
Your Local 4070 Executives:
President, Alia Hussain
Interim Vice President, YWG Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Interim Base VP, Chris Amaddeo
Paris Olympics Hotel Change
Dear Members,
Your union has worked hard for you with regards to the hotel change that is taking place while the Olympics is in Paris. We have negotiated an MOA that will have the membership see compensation in the form of a stipend due to the hotel move outside of downtown.
The dates are July 21, 2024 to August 12, 2024.
Click here to read the full MOA.
We thank you for your patience as we discussed this with the company and hope that this agreement will be sufficient compensation for the inconvenience during that time.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President - Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer - Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary - Calvin GautschiWestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP - Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP - Brandy Whitby
WestJet YWG Base VP - Bryan Hansraj - Interim
WestJet YYZ Base VP - Chris Amaddeo - InterimWestJet Encore YYC Base VP - Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP - Marcus Johnston-McKinney
CUPE 4070 Newsletter - June 2024
June Content:
President's Update
Meeting Trends
Reserve Callout
Grievance Process
Share Your Story
Save the Dates
Galley Gossip
CUPE 4070 President Update
We understand the frustration caused by the prolonged wait times for trades to be processed through the Flica system. Please know that the Union has been actively following up with the Employer to address this ongoing issue and try to find solutions.
We recognize how these delays are impacting on your ability to manage your schedules effectively and will update the membership with any further information we have when it becomes available.
We are encouraged to hear that WR ALPA has reached its second Tentative agreement. We will share updates on the matter as they become available. We are also awaiting the outcome of the AMFA vote in the coming week and will update once we have more information.
Please refrain from posting screen shots of travel privilege photos on social media. This is a violation of Company Policy.
I am pleased to inform you that I will be in Victoria, BC, this July for negotiations training at Queen's IRC. As we approach CA-2, we are committed to equipping ourselves with as much training as possible to effectively prepare for this crucial task.
My goal in taking this course is not only to strengthen our negotiation strategies but also to incorporate as many practices and principles as possible into our day-to-day operations within the Union. This will help us better serve our membership and address your concerns more effectively.
I am often asked the question often what a member can do to prepare for Bargaining. My advice has been it's essential to thoroughly understand your collective agreement. We recommend you start to familiarize yourself with what's in the CA currently identifying the things you believe are Pros vs Cons.
Additionally, while we continue to request you refrain from openly sharing proposals/positions on social media- discussions to understand the CA are always helpful. Also, please contact your Stewards, Base VPs or Committees to understand their perspectives on matters. By Familiarizing yourself with the collective agreement this will enhance the entire process. Knowledge is power.
A special thank you to Lisa Blayney for stepping into the role of YYC Base VP. She hit the ground running, tackling nonstop work and issues with remarkable dedication and efficiency. Her swift adaptation and hard work during this demanding time are truly appreciated.
Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 President
Meeting Trends:
Winter/Spring 2024 has seen an increase in CUPE eligible meetings between Members and their DPMs with regards to no shows, unavailable, and lates. A friendly reminder to make sure that we know our schedule and report on time and prepared.
If you have a meeting request with your DPM, be sure to request CUPE Representation to suppport you in the meeting. Union representation is a fundamental right and benefit of being a part of a union.
To request CUPE representation for a meeting with the company contact your respective Base VP.
Click to contact Base VP's:
If you believe you have been called out incorrectly for your reserve assignment, ASR or RFX , please email your DPM. Be sure to CC your Base VP and CUPE 4070 Scheduling Review Committee on communications with the Company.
The first step in the grievnace process is an informal discussion with your DPM. At this point they will investigate the occurance and follow up with you once they have the findings. If a violation of the reserve assigment is found, your Base VP may then begin the grievance process.
Please include the following in your email:
Type of reserve assigned (RAM/RPM/ASR/RTD/RFX)
Day of reserve duty
Assignment (pairing details)
Employee # & Base
The violation that may have occurred
The member is responsible for ensuring all subsequent emails between the DPM and yourself includes The Union for proper follow up, use “reply all” to help with this.
Grievance Process:
Recognition Day - Share your story:
If you would like to share a short story/pictures for an upcoming recognition day; please email the Communications Team.
The Communication Team will do their best to include as many submissions as possible, we apologize if we do not have enough room on the Newsletter to share all of them.
Upcoming Months:
Emancipation Month
National Recovery Month
Save the Dates:
All events can be found "Events" on CUPE4070 website
General Membership Meeting (GMM)
Nov 13th, 2024 - 1100PT/1200MT/1400ET
Sign up will be available closer to the date.
Open to Members in Good Standing and/or to those who have completed the application process.
Elections will be held in November. More information will be available closer to the date.
Galley Gossip:
Previous months submissions: Galley Gossip Wall
CUPE 4070 can answer Union related inquiries.
For Company related inquiries, please reach out to your Leader or submit a Company E-Report.
Galley Gossip: Rumour on the line is that union is more focused on prioritizing WG seniority integration instead of getting our house in order first ignoring seniority resolutions for those that came from WR and WO?
Answer: We've received recommendations from both Merger Committee groups of WOs and WRs for positions on their seniority. It's important to note that the landscape for the rights of both groups differs significantly. While our members often group these two together, it's essential to recognize that they are distinct issues.
For WOs, the matter at hand pertains to the issue of WG at the CIRB, as initiated by WestJet. However, this matter has not yet been heard, as the CIRB is currently navigating the ALPA matter, which was filed first.
On the other hand, WRs' seniority matter is governed by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that was ratified by the respective membership.
Galley Gossip: Sunwing flight attendants will end up with their seniority because they have a stronger union than we do.
Answer:The decision at hand isn't solely about the strength of one union compared to another. It's important to note both Locals are CUPE Locals. Rather, it's primarily influenced by legal precedence and the decision-making process of the CIRB. Both Locals have sought independent legal counsel and are dedicated to advocating for the best interests of their respective memberships.
Your Local 4070 Executives:
President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Chris Amaddeo
Free Legal Advice with Co-operators
Co-operators Group Home & Auto
Dear Members,
Understanding legal issues can be challenging. When you insure your home with Co-operators, you get access to 24/7 legal advice — at no cost and with no impact to your policy.
Members can get confidential legal advice on a range of topics including wills and estates, family law and more.
Follow the links below for more information.
Click here for the info sheet (EN)
Click here for the info sheet (FR)
Click here to watch the video (EN)
Click here to watch the video (FR)
Your CUPE 4070 Communications Team
Important: Interim Executive Board Appointments
Interim Appointments
Dear Members,
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Bryan Hansraj as the Interim Vice President of Local 4070, effective immediately, while Vice President Tyson Conrod is on leave.
To fill Bryan's role in YYZ, we have appointed Chris Amaddeo as the Interim Base Vice President of WS YYZ. These appointments are made in accordance with CUPE 4070 Bylaws Section 9-H.
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President-Interim, Bryan Hansraj
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR/ YEG Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP-Interim, Chris Amaddeo
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnston-McKinney
National Indigenous History Month
Dear Members,
June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to honour and learn about the rich histories and culture of the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples. It's a chance to show our support for Indigenous communities around us and promote understanding and respect.
Indigenous Peoples have been in Canada since time immemorial. They formed complex social, political, economic and cultural systems. Their culture is rich in customs and traditions that can be seen all over Canada. One of the more common is the traditional Powwow. Powwows are powerful indigenous gatherings where you will find multiple generations gathering to enjoy dance and music in some of the most amazing traditional attire called Regalia. Traditional Regalia can vary depending on the type of dance, for example a dancer who does Jingle Dance wears regalia featuring many metal cones that knock together to make a beautiful sound. The dances, singing and drums within a Powwow are like no other and magnificent to see.
June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. Indigenous groups and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on June 21 or around that time of year because of the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year. We encourage everyone to recognize and celebrate Indigenous Peoples' resilience and cultural diversity. Below is a link with more information on National Indigenous Peoples Day as well as information on various events taking place across the country.
National Indigenous History Month
Take time to acknowledge the significance of National Indigenous Peoples Day. Let's continue working together towards a future that values and respects all communities.
Your CUPE 4070 Communications Committee
Pride Month 2024
Dear Members,
A message from your Communications Committee member Chris Amaddeo:
June is Pride Month, and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it's a time that holds special significance for me. It's a chance to celebrate the vibrant spectrum of identities within our community, the incredible progress we've made, and the work that still lies ahead.
Honouring History and Looking Forward
This year's Pride Month marks the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal moment in the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Those courageous uprisings in 1969 were a defining moment in our fight for equality, a powerful reminder that positive change can emerge from resistance.
The legacy of Stonewall continues to inspire me, and it serves as a call to action for all of us. While we've made significant strides towards equality, the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. These brave acts of resistance sparked a global movement for equality, and we continue to honour those who paved the way for progress. Discrimination and prejudice continue to exist in various forms.
Here at CUPE 4070, we are dedicated to advocating for our members and all LGBTQ+ workers. We actively promote diversity and inclusion through our social media, shared educational resources and bargaining for strong anti-discrimination language in our contracts. We stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ workers in our fight for equality and justice.
Celebrating Our Members
We are fortunate to have a vibrant and diverse membership at CUPE 4070. We join the global celebration of Pride Month and stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ members! We encourage all members to attend pride events, festivities and parades to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community. Here’s a list of events happening around Canada:
Winnipeg – June 1-2, Parade: June 2
Kelowna – June 1-9, Parade June 8
Toronto – June 28-30, Parade: June 30
Halifax – July 18-21, Parade: July 20
Vancouver – July 26-August 4, Parade: August 4
Montreal – August 1-11, Parade: August 11
Edmonton – August 17-24, Parade: August 24
Calgary – August 31-September 1, Parade: September 1
Additionally, the Company has shared a list of pride events you can take part in to walk with WestJet. You can find details on this through Westnet.
Ways to Get Involved
There are many ways to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year:
Attend a Pride event: Visiting a pride event, whether as LGBTQ+ member or an ally, your presence shows your support for love, equality, and acceptance.
Educate yourself: Learn about LGBTQ+ history, terminology, and current issues. Many resources are available online or through local LGBTQ+ organizations.
Speak out against discrimination: Challenge prejudice whenever you see it, whether in the workplace or your personal life.
Support LGBTQ+ businesses: Seek out and support businesses owned by LGBTQ+ individuals.
Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.
Be you, be loud, and happy pride!
Chris Amaddeo
CUPE 4070 Communications Committee