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Airline Division Thanks You
Airline Division Thanks You
Dear Members,
On behalf of Local 4070 Executive, we would like to take a moment and thank YOU, our Membership, for the incredible support for the Airline Division of CUPE’s #unpaidworkwontfly campaign. It was truly inspiring to see fellow Flight Attendants/Cabin Crew Members join shoulder to shoulder with us across Canada to raise awareness for this very important issue.
There were hundreds of Flight Attendants/Cabin Crew from all different airlines within Canada who joined at the bases to kick off this monumental and historic campaign. The turnout was amazing and the support from those who had to work or had other commitments but still showed up on social media was incredibly moving.
Every journey starts with a single step, and each respective airline will be on its own journey to bargaining. What this campaign aims to do is provide a consistent and clear message that we, as a profession, stand united on the issue of UNPAID WORK. We will stand with one another in solidarity on this issue that affects us all.
As the campaign grows, we will grow in numbers as well. We will continue in the need to educate the public and the government on this initiative of free work. You will see more from the Airline Division soon.
Please continue to use #unpaidworkwontfly in your social media. You can use the social media pictures on the home page of www.CUPE4070.ca on your social media to bring awareness to the public.
Pictures from the event can be viewed here.
Thank you again for all YOU did in making this day a HUGE success!
Revised: Elections April 2023 - Voting Package and Update
Revised: Elections April 2023 - Voting Package and Update
Dear Members,
***The Union has been informed there was a technical glitch, and that an acceptance that was sent was never received on our end. It was been investigated and has been deemed valid, it was verified that it was sent before the deadline and to the correct email address.
Due to this, there will now be a vote for WS YYC Stewards, as there is only 5 open positions available and 6 candidates now.
We are sorry for this inconvenience, it was outside of our control, and we understand the frustration it will cause. ***
Below is the information for voting and acclaimed positions that do not require a vote. The voting link will be sent out April 25th.
There will be another election in May due to Grievance Committee elections and WS YEG base opening with the requirement for WS YEG OHS roles, as a result all vacant position will run again at that time.
1x WS YYZ Health and Safety
Danielle Bernier – READ MORE
Nika Porter- READ MORE
5x WS YYC Union Stewards
Lindsay Poll - READ MORE
Gavin Boutwell
Justin Cady- READ MORE
Dan Blenkin - READ MORE
Elizabeth Greene
Kirsten Brown - READ MORE
1x WR YYZ Base VP-Vacant
1x WO Communications Committee -Vacant
1x WS YVR Communications Committee -Vacant
1x WS YYZ Communications Committee-Vacant
1x WO Education Committee -Vacant
1x WR Education Committee -Vacant
1x WR Women's Committee -Vacant
1x WS Women's Committee -Vacant
1x WO Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant
1x WR Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant
1x WS Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Lindsay Poll- READ MORE
2x WR YYC Health and Safety
Ice Garcia
Christine Kim
2x WR YYZ Health and Safety-Vacant
1x WS YVR Health and Safety-Vacant
1x WR Hotel & Transportation Committee-Vacant
1x WO Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WR Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YVR Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYC Uniform Committee-Kendra Thibault- READ MORE
1x WS YYZ Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYC Scheduling Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYZ Scheduling Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR Return to Work Accommodations Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYC Commuter Committee-Vacant
1x WO Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYC Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYZ Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WS YVR Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYZ Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
2x WO YEG Stewards-Vacant
1x WO YHM/YYZ Stewards-Vacant
8x WR YYC Stewards
Ice Garcia
7x Vacant
10x WR YYZ Stewards-Vacant
8x WS YVR Union Stewards
Sonja Bergen- READ MORE
Conan Huang
Caleb Donszelmann
5x Vacant
9x WS YYZ Union Stewards
Mauricio Mejia
Shantel Gailing - READ MORE
7x Vacant
Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.
NOTE: Some votes are open to all Members in Good Standing, others are unit specific or unit and base specific Members in Good Standing.
If you wish to become a Member in Good Standing, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee (if you haven't already), this will begin the process and is completed as the next General Membership Meeting (GMM). SIGN A CARD HERE
Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.
If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.
If you are still unable to find the link, please email vote@cupe4070.ca
Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.
First Round Election Start:
April 25, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
May 1, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET
Electoral Officer:
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Jael Gosselin, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member.
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070
Elections April 2023-Voting Package and Update
Elections April 2023 - Voting Package and Update
Good day Members,
Below is the information for voting and acclaimed positions that do not require a vote. The voting link will be sent out April 25th.
There will be another election in May due to Grievance Committee elections and WS YEG base opening with the requirement for WS YEG OHS roles, as a result all vacant position will run again at that time.
1x WS YYZ Health and Safety
Danielle Bernier – READ MORE
Nika Porter- READ MORE
1x WR YYZ Base VP-Vacant
1x WO Communications Committee -Vacant
1x WS YVR Communications Committee -Vacant
1x WS YYZ Communications Committee-Vacant
1x WO Education Committee -Vacant
1x WR Education Committee -Vacant
1x WR Women's Committee -Vacant
1x WS Women's Committee -Vacant
1x WO Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant
1x WR Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant
1x WS Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Lindsay Poll- READ MORE
2x WR YYC Health and Safety
Ice Garcia
Christine Kim
2x WR YYZ Health and Safety-Vacant
1x WS YVR Health and Safety-Vacant
1x WR Hotel & Transportation Committee-Vacant
1x WO Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WR Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YVR Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYC Uniform Committee-Kendra Thibault- READ MORE
1x WS YYZ Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYC Scheduling Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYZ Scheduling Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR Return to Work Accommodations Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYC Commuter Committee-Vacant
1x WO Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYC Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WR YYZ Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WS YVR Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYZ Bylaw Review Committee-Vacant
2x WO YEG Stewards-Vacant
1x WO YHM/YYZ Stewards-Vacant
8x WR YYC Stewards
Ice Garcia
7x Vacant
10x WR YYZ Stewards-Vacant
8x WS YVR Union Stewards
Sonja Bergen- READ MORE
Conan Huang
Caleb Donszelmann
5x Vacant
5x WS YYC Union Stewards
Lindsay Poll - READ MORE
Gavin Boutwell
Justin Cady- READ MORE
Dan Blenkin - READ MORE
Elizabeth Greene
9x WS YYZ Union Stewards
Mauricio Mejia
Shantel Gailing - READ MORE
7x Vacant
Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.
NOTE: Some votes are open to all Members in Good Standing, others are unit specific or unit and base specific Members in Good Standing.
If you wish to become a Member in Good Standing, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee (if you haven't already), this will begin the process and is completed as the next General Membership Meeting (GMM). SIGN A CARD HERE
Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.
If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.
If you are still unable to find the link, please email vote@cupe4070.ca
Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.
First Round Election Start:
April 25, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
May 1, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET
Electoral Officer:
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Jael Gosselin, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member.
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070
ALPA Strike Authorization Vote Outcome
Dear Members,
Today, the Union met with ALPA and was made aware of the results of the strike authorization vote. ALPA shared that the pilots voted overwhelmingly In Favour.
Supporting other labour groups that we work with and supporting their bargaining rights strengthens all worker's rights in the workplace. Expressing solidarity in the workplace demonstrates to the Employer that all workers deserve a fair agreement, and that allworkers are to be valued, recognized, and heard.
CUPE stands In Unity with ALPA, and we support their fight to obtain fair compensation, strong scope language, and better work/life balance
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Charles Brochu
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Vacant
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore
Right to Refuse Dangerous Work
Right to Refuse Dangerous Work
Good day CUPE 4070,
Your Occupational Health and Safety committee would like to remind all CCMs of their workers’ rights and share some knowledge about the process and steps that take place once the right to refuse dangerous work is invoked.
The right to refuse unsafe work is one of the three basic health and safety rights achieved by the labour movement, along with the right to know about the hazards in your workplace, and the right to participate in workplace health and safety decisions.
Any employee subject to Part II of the Code has the right to refuse dangerous work as long as they have reasonable cause to believe that it presents a danger.
The definition of danger reads as follows: "any hazard, condition or activity that could reasonably be expected to be an imminent or serious threat to the life or health of a person exposed to it before the hazard or condition can be corrected or the activity altered."
Specifically, the Code states that an employee may refuse in the following circumstances:
• to use or operate a machine that constitutes a danger to the employee or to another employee
• to work in a place
• to perform an activity that constitutes a danger to the employee or to another employee
As a worker in the federal sector you have the legal right to refuse unsafe work, according to Section 128 in Part II of the Canada Labour Code, when there are reasonable grounds to believe performing an activity is dangerous to you or another person’s health and safety. Exceptions exist for workers on ships and aircraft in operation, according to section 128(3-5) of the code.
Here’s how you can refuse unsafe work:
Notify your employer at the worksite that you are refusing work because you don’t think it is safe, and state your reason for refusal.
Your employer must take action to protect you, and notify the workplace committee of the issue and the action taken to resolve it.
If you are not satisfied with the remedy, continue to refuse work and report the circumstances to your workplace committee representative.
The employer must immediately investigate the matter with you and a member of the workplace committee.
If the matter is still not resolved, a government health and safety officer must be contacted. The officer must investigate with you, your employer, and a worker member of the workplace committee or representative. The officer must notify you of any recommendations in writing.
If the inspector rules that there is no danger, then you cannot legally refuse the work even, if you are not satisfied with the officer’s decision. You do have ten days after receiving the decision to appeal in writing to an appeals officer.
You cannot be dismissed, suspended, or penalized for complying with the legislation, according to the section 147 of the code.
These circumstances could include but are not limited to; operating in areas of political unrest placing an individual in direct danger, extreme cabin temperatures causing a workplace to be unsafe, using equipment that is not properly maintained causing serious threat to life or health. A critical point we want to note is that verbiage must be explicit and clear when invoking these rights (“I am exercising my right to refuse dangerous work”)
We encourage all members to learn more about their rights, when and how they are applicable and how to use them. We’ve attached some educational links and are available if ever a concern or question arises. Fly Safe!
You can find out more about the Right To Refuse here:
Canada Labour Code 128(3-5)
In Solidarity, Your CUPE 4070 Executive and Occupational Health & Safety Committee
Unpaid Work Won’t Fly
Canada’s flight attendants tell airlines “unpaid work won’t fly”, launch campaign tackling unpaid work
Dear Members,
Flight attendants represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) have launched the “Unpaid Work Won’t Fly” campaign, a national effort to end the widespread abuse of unpaid work in the airline sector that sees the average flight attendant in Canada work 35 hours every month for free.
“Much of the Canadian public has no idea that when flight attendants are doing their pre-flight safety checks, or assisting passengers with boarding, or helping passengers when their plane is delayed at the gate after a long journey, that the flight attendant isn’t even being paid,” said Wesley Lesosky, a flight attendant with CUPE 4094 and president of CUPE’s Airline Division. “It’s a dirty secret in this industry and one that we’re determined to expose and end for good.”
“If we’re at work, in uniform, doing our jobs and taking responsibility for our passengers, we should be getting paid – simple as that,” Lesosky added.
The campaign will aim to raise awareness about the situation facing flight attendants – who are responsible for keeping the flying public safe and comfortable on the ground and at 30,000 feet – and will culminate in a National Day of Action to End Unpaid Work on April 25, with events in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal.
Visit UnpaidWorkWontFly.ca for more information about the campaign, events, and the work that flight attendants do every day.
Quick facts
In December 2022-January 2023, CUPE surveyed its airline sector membership about the issue of unpaid work, receiving responses from over 9,500 of its members. The survey found that:
Flight attendants work an average of 34.86 hours unpaid per month. That’s almost a full week every month.
Flight attendants are not paid for boarding, which can take up to an hour.
Flight attendants are not paid for their pre-flight prep and safety checks.
99.5% of flight attendants aren’t paid when they’re checking in through security, even though they’re at work in uniform.
98.6% of flight attendants aren’t paid while passengers deplane after a flight, even though they are still assisting passengers disembark.
75% of flight attendants are only paid a partial wage for mandatory regulatory training, even though airlines and the federal government require several training days per year.
98.4% of flight attendants are not paid when the plane is being held at the gate after landing, even though they are still assisting passengers, often in elevated temperatures.
CUPE is Canada’s flight attendant union, representing approximately 18,500 flight attendants at ten airlines nationwide, including Air Canada, WestJet, Air Transat, Sunwing, Calm Air, PAL Airlines, Flair Airlines, Canadian North, PasCan, and Pivot Airlines.
In solidarity,
Your Airline Division Council of Presidents
Les agent(e)s de bord du Canada lancent une campagne pour dire aux compagnies aériennes que « le travail non payé, c’est du vol »
Chers membres,
Les agent(e)s de bord représentés par le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) viennent de lancer une campagne intitulée « Le travail non payé, c’est du vol », un effort national pour mettre fin au recours abusif et généralisé au travail non payé dans le secteur canadien du transport aérien, où une personne travaille en moyenne 35 heures par mois gratuitement.
« La très grande majorité des gens ne savent pas que les agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés pendant qu’ils effectuent les contrôles de sécurité avant le vol, pendant qu’ils assistent les passagères et passagers à l’embarquement ou même pendant qu’ils les aident lorsque l’avion est retardé au débarquement après un long voyage », explique Wesley Lesosky, agent de bord membre du SCFP 4094 et président de la Division du transport aérien du SCFP. « C’est un secret honteux dans cette industrie et nous sommes déterminés à le dévoiler au grand jour pour y mettre fin une fois pour toutes. »
« Si nous sommes au travail, en uniforme, à assumer la responsabilité de la sécurité et du bien-être des passagères et passagers, nous devrions être payés, point final », ajoute-t-il.
La campagne vise à sensibiliser le public à la situation des agent(e)s de bord qui assurent la sécurité et le confort du public, au sol comme à 8 000 mètres d’altitude. Elle culminera en une Journée nationale d’action pour mettre fin au travail non payé le 25 avril, avec des événements prévus à Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto et Montréal.
Visitez Travailnonpaye.ca pour vous informer sur la campagne, les événements et le travail que les agent(e)s de bord effectuent au quotidien.
Quelques faits
De décembre 2022 à janvier 2023, le SCFP a sondé ses membres du secteur aérien sur la question du travail non payé. Il a reçu plus de 9 500 réponses.
Les agent(e)s de bord travaillent en moyenne 34,86 heures non payées par mois. C’est presque une semaine complète, chaque mois.
Les agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés pour l’embarquement, qui peut prendre jusqu’à une heure.
Les agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés pour les préparatifs et les contrôles de sécurité avant le vol.
99,5 % des agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés lorsqu’ils passent la sécurité, même s’ils sont au travail et en uniforme.
98,6 % des agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés pendant le débarquement des passagères et passagers après l’atterrissage, même s’ils doivent les aider.
75 % des agent(e)s de bord ne sont payés qu’une fraction de leur salaire pour suivre la formation réglementaire obligatoire, même si les compagnies aériennes et le gouvernement fédéral exigent plusieurs jours de formation par année.
98,4 % des agent(e)s de bord ne sont pas payés lorsque l’avion est retenu à la porte après l’atterrissage, même s’ils assistent toujours les passagers et passagères, souvent alors qu’il fait très chaud dans l’avion.
Le SCFP est le syndicat des agent(e)s de bord du Canada. Il en représente environ 18 500 dans dix compagnies aériennes : Air Canada, WestJet, Air Transat, Sunwing, Calm Air, PAL Airlines, Flair Airlines, Canadian North, PasCan et Pivot Airlines.
Votre division aérienne conseil des présidents
By-Elections April 2023
By-Elections April 2023
Good day Members,
It is time again for another election.
Elections occur as per the bylaws. Vacant roles can occur for a many reasons, such as flowing from one Unit to another, moving bases (if it is base specific role) or from being unfilled in previous elections etc.
The following is an outline for Elections April 2023:
Nominations Open:
April 6, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
Nominations Close:
April 13, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
Nomination Acceptance Due:
April 19, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
Resume/Info Sheet Due:
April 21, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
First Round Election Start:
April 25, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
May 1, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET
Following the completion of the above election, there will be a Grievance Committee election. Details will be emailed out once the first election is concluded.
Only Members in Good Standing can be nominated and can participate in the voting process. In order to do so, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee (if you haven't already) in order to begin that process, click here: SIGN A CARD. The process is completed at the next GMM which occurs every May and November.
The nominator must discuss the nomination with the nominee and both must be Members In Good Standing.
Unit and base specific positions require the nominee and the nominator to be from the same base and unit.
Unit specific positions require the nominee and the nominator to be from the same unit.
Only one nomination form is required per nominee for the same position.
DO NOT submit multiple nominations for the same person and the same role.
You cannot nominate yourself.
Click here to review all positions open for nominations.
For more information regarding the roles and expectations, please consult the bylaws.
To fill out nomination forms please: click here
All nomination forms that have been submitted receive an automatic reply right a ways. If you did not receive an automatic reply, please check your junk folder. Submit again if you did not get an automatic reply. Email inquiries to: nominations@cupe4070.ca
Nomination Acceptance
All Members who have been nominated will be sent an email asking if they will allow their name to stand on the ballot and to accept the nomination.
If you have been nominated for a position, please monitor your email including your spam/junk folders during this period. Nominees who do not reply by the deadline will automatically be considered to have declined their nomination.
Resume/Info Sheet
All nominees that accept their nomination will be given the opportunity to provide a one (1) page (standard 8.5x11 size) resume/info sheet which can be posted on our social media pages and website with links sent by email to all Members to view.
Nominees must send their resume/info sheet in PDF format only to: nominations@cupe4070.ca
You can start creating your resume/information sheet ASAP.
Please do not
Submit large file resume/info sheets (under 1,000kb)
Use company logos
Provide any information you don’t want public
Electoral Officer:
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Jael Gosselin, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member.
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070
Townhall TODAY-April 4th, 2023
Town Hall -TODAY
April 4th, 2023
Dear Members,
We would like to remind you to register for the general Townhall, TODAY on April 4th 2023, at 10:00PT/11:00MT/13:00ET. You can find the registration page link here. Please note: You will have to log-in to the CUPE Members portal to access the link. Click on 'Events' or 'Events Sign Up' buttons once logged in.
The objective for this Town Hall is to have open and honest dialogue with everyone and to answer any questions members may have or address any rumours out there on the line.
While the meeting itself will have structure the goal is to keep it informal. Questions can be submitted via the submission form under the sign-up link on the members townhall page or you can find the submission form link here.
**When you join the meeting, ensure it displays your name. If you do not display your name, you will not be granted entry into the meeting.**
We look forward to seeing you there today!
April 2023 Newsletter
Topics in this Newsletter:
CUPE 4070 President Updates
Townhall April 4th (TOMORROW!!!)
CUPE Wins (NRT Per Diem & ACM Single Leg Partials)
April Elections
Galley Gossip
CUPE 4070 President Update
Updates from inside the union;
Recently we met with Swoop leadership to discuss including SWOOP STBY travel in our ACM benefits to help support our commuters. The WO group advised that they do not recognize commuting or commuters and therefore have no policy. As a result – they would be unable to participate in the ACM program. We will continue to look for ways to support our commuters. If you have any suggestions, please send an email to the Commuter Committee.
Day of Action: April 25th is coming quickly. Please stay tuned if you have signed up for an email for more information on our day of action. Please be advised we are not to attend in our uniforms. We are bound by a Collective agreement that is currently in full force and effect. Unlike our Pilots who are actively engaged in Collective bargaining. Attending in Uniform can expose a member to potential discipline.
AMFA (Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association) has unionized Westjet Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and skilled trades group on March 30th 2023. You can view the article here.
Upcoming elections: We have several positions open and I encourage everyone to consider running for a role. It is important to note that most roles are not compensated and operate on a voluntary basis. We unfortunately are too young of a union to offer paid positions for most of our committees. Committees which are joint have some compensation associated with it but also have a high degree of volunteerism.
Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 President
Townhall April 4th
Want to know what happens if the Pilots strike? Do we get paid? Want to ask the executives a question?
Please join us in the townhall April 4th, open to all CUPE 4070 members. Sign up here.
**Please note when you log into the meeting, your name must be visible. If your first and last name is not visible, we do not know who you are and you will not be let into the meeting.**
NRT Per Diem
CUPE brought forward to WS that NRT per diem is not properly covered under the CA 41-11, as the intercontinental rate of $5.65CAD/hour was not reflective of how expensive NRT is.
Your Union was able to get the Company to agree to the highest per diem we currently have in the Collective Agreement at the $6.37CAD/hour (the UK/Ireland per diem rate).
ACM Single Leg Partial
Cabin Personnel who enrolled in the ACM program between February 2, 2021, and January 31, 2023, and remain in the ACM program will have a one-time opportunity to fill out the WS form to become eligible to complete single-leg partial Shift Trades in accordance with Article 38-5 of the Collective Agreement. Please visit WS's communication for full details.
April Elections
Election time has arrived again.
Only Members in Good Standing are permitted to run for positions and only Members in Good Standing can vote in elections.
If you wish to become a Member in Good standing, please fill out the application here. As per the process in our By-laws section 3, the process would not be complete in time for this election if you are apply just now, but could be for future elections depending on when you apply.
Final approval for becoming a Member in Good Standing is done at the next GMM. GMMs are held every May and November.
An election email will be sent out April 6th with details on nominating and which positions are available.
The following is an outline for Elections April 2023:
Nominations Open:
April 6, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
Nominations Close:
April 13, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
Nomination Acceptance Due:
April 19, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
Resume/Info Sheet Due:
April 21, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET
First Round Election Start:
April 25, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
May 1, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET
CUPE 4070 is missing about 700 of our members contact information. Please log into the website here to find out if you or someone you know is on the list. Click on the scrolling banner once logged in.
If you need to update your information, please click here
Please click here for the WS SRC update
Please visit our CUPE4070 Events Page to see upcoming events and to sign up. Townhalls, GMM and National Day of Action for Unpaid Work etc.
We have been made aware there was a glitch in the Commuter Form. If you submitted via the form and have not heard back and its been a while, please submit again, as it may not have been received.
We have been working to update the website and make it easier to use. If you have suggestions please click here.
Galley Gossip
(Visit the Galley Gossip Wall on our website to see previous submissions and answers)
Galley Gossip: People are talking that we all will have to submit a base bid soon. That currently the pilots are, but CCMs will be required to as well. Is this true? If so, does this mean you could be “bumped” from your current base?
Answer: A base bid came out after this submission. So a CCM base bid was true to happen. Base bids happen a minimum of twice per year. Vacancy (base) bids follow WO/WR/WS CA 24-2 occurring a minimum of two times per year.
Bumping only occurs as per WR/WS CA 47-4 & WO CA 45-4, in a layoff situation, not for normal base bids.
Galley Gossip: What happens to us if the pilots go on strike?
If there is an ALPA Pilot Strike what would that mean in terms for our CCM CUPE4070 members regarding pay?
CUPE4070 might not be on strike, are we pay protected by WestJet then? Even if we refuse to cross the Pilots picket line?!!!
Answer: This is being addressed in the Townhall on April 4th. Please sign up and join, it is open to all CUPE members. The recording will be posted afterwards. See above in this newsletter on links to sign up for this Townhall and other events.
On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice President, Charles Brochu
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
ALPA Information Picket
Dear Members of CUPE Local 4070,
I am writing to inform you of an upcoming event that may be of interest to you. On March 31, 2023, the Pilots of WestJet members of ALPA will be holding an information picket at the WestJet Campus in Calgary. It will be a display with their Pilots’ group signage in uniform as they stand in Silence.
As members of a union, it is important that we stand in solidarity with our fellow unionized workers in their efforts to improve their working conditions.
We are encouraging members to attend either: The rally at 9:30AM at the Airport Marriot Hotel or at 1:30PM when they head back for a post rally.
If you attend, please ensure you are NOT in uniform.
It is essential as union members, that we stand together in times like these to support each other and send a strong message of solidarity to the employer.
As a collective group we have greater bargaining power when we come together! By showing our support for the pilots, we are also sending a message to the employer that we are united in our fight for better working conditions and treatment for all.
Attending the rally is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the issues affecting our fellow unionized workers and how we can work together to improve our own working conditions. It is also an opportunity to connect with other union members and build a sense of community within our workplace.
We encourage all members of CUPE Local 4070 who are on a day off and out of uniform to attend the rally on March 31, 2023, and stand in solidarity with our fellow unionized workers at WestJet. Let us continue to fight for better working conditions and treatment for all.
In Solidarity,
Alia Hussain, President
CUPE Local 4070
WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Flight Attendants
On behalf of CUPE Local 4070 Executive
Townhall-April 4, 2023
Town Hall - April 4th, 2023
Dear Members,
We would like to remind you to register for the general Town Hall on April 4th 2023, at 10:00PT/11:00MT/13:00ET. You can find the registration page link here. Please note: You will have to log-in to the CUPE Members portal to access the link. (See below)
The objective for this Town Hall is to have open and honest dialogue with everyone and to answer any questions members may have or address any rumours out there on the line.
While the meeting itself will have structure the goal is to keep it informal. Questions can be submitted via the submission form under the sign-up link on the members townhall page or you can find the submission form link here.
If you are having trouble with the questions submission form, please send your questions to the YVR Base VP Chris Brewer at chris.brewer@cupe4070.ca
We look forward to seeing you there next week!
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Charles Brochu
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Vacant
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore
Goodbye Letter
Goodbye Letter
Dear YYZ Encore Members,
First, I would like to thank you all for the faith you had in me for the last two and a half years. I finally took the opportunity to flow and just completed initial. It was hard but as an Encorian, we have faced harder times.
It has not only been my pleasure, but my privilege also to serve you during that time. We went through so many things together, a new agreement, a deadly virus, lay offs, vaccines, uncertainty and so much more.
From the moment I accepted the position, I was looking forward to the time when I could just learn my position and do my job without so many curve balls thrown at us. Let me tell you, I was wrong. Even though COVID might be a memory for many, we continue facing adversity.
We ask ourselves, what is going to happen to WR YYZ? Is WestJet Encore going to disappear? What is going to happen with my position? My years at WestJet Encore, at WestJet?
I guess we would have to wait and see. Have faith that the future will be bright, and believe in our Company. Regardless, there is so much we can do. Yes, Us, You, and Me.
I might not be the Base VP for WR YYZ anymore, but I am still a Member and bottom line, Members are the force of this Local. There is no one more important than our Members, but it is our responsibility to look after ourselves.
Get involved, participate, and act. There will be elections for different positions coming up soon, including WR YYZ Base VP (in April). This is your time to raise your voice, to make a difference.
I might be flowing now and starting a new chapter in my life, a chapter that many of you will follow soon, but it does not mean that I will be gone. I believe in being involved. I believe that the only way we can make a difference is being part of the solution.
There are many roles on our Local any of you can take part of. Try it, go for it, raise your voice, and participate in any way you can.
Thank you so much for your trust, your friendship, for every moment we spent together, either flying or during any interaction we had as a Union Rep. Thank you for making me see things from your point of view, we all are so different and sometimes we forget we are. Thank you for all you taught me, as I learned more from you than anything I would ever able to explain to you.
This has been one of the most humbling experiences in my life. I cannot wait to see you once again, either working together as we did before or serving you a gassy diet coke 40,000 feet up in the sky, where our hearts belong.
Mauricio Mejia
WR YYZ Base Vice-President (Former)
Coming soon, at the beginning of April, there will be a communication with details on the upcoming election. This is your chance to get involved and to be part of the change. There will be several roles open, from WR YYZ Base VP, Stewards, and Committees.
Your participation keeps Local 4070 running and furthers improving our work lives.
If you have any questions please contact a CUPE Rep here
Sunwing Update
Sunwing Update
Good day,
The Company just met with all labor groups, advising that they expect the government will announce shortly today that the next step for regulatory approval of acquisition will be granted. There are still other steps that must be completed before the acquisition is final. It is anticipated that all steps will be completed in the next few weeks.
The acquisition is for ‘hardware and software’. Meaning that it is for Sunwing Airlines, SelloffVacations, Sunwing Vacation, Vacation Express, all related equipment and the Employees.
CUPE has no further information on this, as this transaction is still not completed. However, the Employer has committed to meet with us and keep us up to date as matters progress.
When asked, the Company did not commit to any further details on the merger acquisition, as it is not finalized yet.
The Union is committed to providing updates as they become available.
On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice President, Charles Brochu
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore
March 2023 Newsletter
Topics in this Newsletter:
CUPE 4070 President Updates
Women's History Month
Workplace Harassment and Violence
CUPE 4070 Initiation Fee
Galley Gossip
CUPE 4070 President Update
Good day,
The past month has been a fairly busy one. Some notable updates.
MOA Seniority Scheduling: We have met with the Employer to continue our discussions on Seniority Scheduling as shared by Greg in his Update of February 27th, 2023. Greg shared this would be well received by the Union. Unfortunately, it was not well received and it gave rise to even greater concerns for the Union. We are currently working on our pass-back to the Company and commit to keeping our membership updated.
Executive Training and Development: This month the Executive Team met for the first time since Covid first began for an in-person Training Event in Kelowna. This is the first step of our strategic planning, which is to educate and develop your elected Executive Officers to ensure a baseline of knowledge and skill within the Local. As a young Union, the learning curve is steep, and we are committed to continuous learning seminars and courses for our group. Improving our internal processes and providing more communication with the membership are two of our objectives for this year. If you are interested in taking any Union Courses please click here.
April 25th, 2023. Day of Action- Paid for Duty. Unpaid work in our Industry is a systemic concern impacting all Flight Attendants in Canada. We will be gathering together for a day of Action - If you are passionate about being paid for the hours you are at work- please consider signing up. We will be handing out some cool swag that will reflect our commitment to our cause. More details to come. Please sign up here.
Potential Pilot Strike- We stand in solidarity with the Pilots group. We have engaged in conversations with our counterparts and they have committed to open and timely communication. Please take a moment to review the process the Pilots are currently engaged in and the next possible steps. Click here. It's important to also note, we have sections of the Collective Agreement that cover possible strike action by another group 47-3 LAYOFF. This is a very fluid situation and your Union is committed to providing updates to our group during this time.
Flight Attendant Reciprocal Cabin Seat Agreement: At the Union level we have been working within our Airline Division to establish this. It's important to note however this decision to pursue this rests with each respective company. A quick update: we are disappointed to share that Air Canada has declined participation at this time. Air Transat is currently in discussions with the company, along with a few other eastern airlines, and we have requested that Porter be pursued.
Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 President
Women's History Month
Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and society.
We want to thank and recognize all Women for everything they do. Below is our three CUPE 4070 Executives. Thank you Alia, Brandy and Sherrie for all your contributions to the Local.
Workplace Harassment & Violence
Everyone deserves a work environment free of harassment and violence. As Cabin Personnel we work with hundreds of guests, ground crew, flight crew, fellow cabin personnel, hotel staff, and others that we come across. It is no doubt that we have a challenging work environment. We rely on each other and are also responsible for maintaining and promoting a harassment free, violence free, workplace. If you encounter harassment or violence in the workplace, support is available to you. Please contact your Base VP who can support and guide you through the resources and processes available to you.
CUPE 4070 Initiation Fee
CUPE 4070 requires a $5 initiation fee in order to become a Member in Good Standing.
The initiation fee is mandatory to become a Member in Good Standing as per CUPE Nationals Constitution B.4.1 (and it is required to be between $1-$10) and our Local’s Bylaws section 10 (we made ours $5). Every new Member in Good Standing application CUPE 4070 will have to pay National $1 (National Constitution 14.1(f)). As well as per every Units (WO, WR, WS) Collective Agreements 4-1.03 state that every new hire after the Collective Agreement ratification dates, the Employer will deduct the initiation fee from the paycheck. Please review all these documents.
As all 3 Units fall under the same Local, we do not require a second initiation fee when someone flows.
During an audit, I discovered that WR and WO were compliant but WS was not with CA 4-1.03 for all of 2022.
WS had mistakenly not taken off the fee for any new hires completing initial for WS in 2022.
I provided WS with a list for those who flowed and who should or should not have the deduction.
WS was going to deduct this February 28th pay period. They were to inform members prior about the deduction but did not until afterwards.
WS also did not use my list fully and deducted the initiation fee from some Members on my list to not deduct.
WS is in the process of rectifying this and will be doing refunds on the March 15 paycheck. Please contact me here if you were charged in error and have not been contacted about a refund.
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary
Elections are coming in April. Dates will be announced in April’s Newsletter. Jael Gosselin has been appointed as the Electoral Officer. Thank you to our previous Electoral Officer, Tara Keeping, for your time and dedication in the role.
We encourage you to engage in the elections. Members in Good Standing can be nominated and vote in elections. For Local 4070 to operate it takes all of us to participate. If you are not currently a Member in Good Standing and wish to begin the process, please click here.
As the opening of WS YEG base is nearing, Chris Brewer our current WS YVR Base VP will add WS YEG Base VP to his portfolio. We would like to thank Chris for stepping up and taking on the opening of the YEG Base, as opening of a base is not covered under our Bylaws.
Please visit our CUPE4070 Events Page to see upcoming events. Townhalls, GMM and National Day of Action for Unpaid Work etc.
With the new process in WS YYZ, for Pilots leaving the aircraft, please ensure to submit IHRs to the Company and fill out our form for CUPE OSH. This can also be found in the forms section on our website.
As of Feb.24th there has been only 3 submissions!! We need your feedback and WS needs to hear your feedback as well.
Galley Gossip
(Visit the Galley Gossip Wall on our website to see previous submissions and answers)
Galley Gossip: Which articles is CUPE planning to improve on the next agreement, how and when will they do so?
Answer: During bargaining the entire contract is open. Surveys are sent to the members as well as data collected over the years, are used to determine what will be bargained and focused on.
Galley Gossip: With all the chaos that we have all been experiencing in December it would be very beneficial to have a tutorial to understand Rainmaker so that we can make sure that we are being paid properly.
Answer: Sharepoint has a user guides & tutorials, Q&A/FAQ and a spot to submit questions. Click here
Galley Gossip: I’ve heard from multiple people and many times over the past year that in Wings, that there is a known bug that when you select AVOID Ie one days, that it assigns you only one days. the only reason I’m asking for clarification is, every time I use AVOID all I get is ONE days.
Answer: There is no bugs with the ‘Avoid’ feature. Like all bids, it is dependent on seniority, what others are bidding and scheduling rules/global solve. If you have concerns, please reach out to your SRC (Scheduling Review Committee).
Galley Gossip: Why can’t Encore keep their seniority for monthly bidding once they flow? Why has CUPE not fought for their “Good Standing Members” to have career growth opportunities at WestJet rather than turning it into sacrifices?
Answer: Each Bargaining Unit (WO, WR, WS) has their own CA (Collective Agreement). Each CA’s direction is determined through what their specific membership desired and what was expressed via bargaining surveys sent to them. As per WS CA 15, seniority starts after successful completion of initial class.
Galley Gossip: Rumour I keep hearing is that we're going to be adding more seats to the 737s, to bring the capacity in line with the Sunwing aircraft, around 189 seats. Potentially removing premium cabin from 737s to accomplish this.
Answer: The Employer advised us “We have no known knowledge regarding cabin configurations in relation to Sunwing as this acquisition has not been approved yet”
National Day of Action to End Unpaid Work
National Day of Action to End Unpaid Work
Earlier this year many of the Airline Division Flight Attendants filled out a CUPE survey telling us how concerned they are about the rampant and unjust use of unpaid work in the airline sector. Whether it’s a lack of pay for boarding, deplaning, or pre-flight duties, it’s time to fight back to ensure that when flight attendants are at work, in uniform, performing their work duties – they’re being paid.
CUPE’s Airline Division, on behalf of our 18,500 flight attendant members, is organizing a National Day of Action to End Unpaid Work in the airline sector on April 25, 2023.
RSVP and let us know if you want to get more involved here.
This will be the start to a movement to be heard, to demonstrate to the public and our employers we need action on this.
The public hears us, when you talk to them during boarding, or when you’re assisting with seat assignments, checking emergency equipment, walking them to their gate as you go to yours, or assisting with special requests before boarding, and prepping your galleys they are amazed this is done with no compensation.
Together, we can work to put stop to this unfair practice and ensure everyone gets paid for time they are required to be at work. Please sign up if you will be off and willing to assist in the day of action, sign up to stay up to date with this campaign.
In solidarity,
Wesley Lesosky
President, CUPE Airline Division
Journée nationale d'action pour mettre fin au travail non rémunéré
Plus tôt cette année, de nombreux agents de bord de la division aérienne ont répondu à un sondage du SCFP pour nous dire à quel point ils sont préoccupés par l'utilisation répandue et injuste du travail non rémunéré dans le secteur aérien. Qu'il s'agisse d'un manque de rémunération pour l'embarquement, le débarquement ou les tâches pré-vol, il est temps de se battre pour s'assurer que lorsque les agents de bord sont au travail, en uniforme, et qu'ils effectuent leurs tâches, ils sont rémunérés.
La division aérienne du SCFP, au nom de nos 18 500 membres agents de bord, organise une journée nationale d'action pour mettre fin au travail non rémunéré dans le secteur aérien le 25 avril 2023.
RSVP et faites-nous savoir si vous souhaitez vous impliquer davantage ici.
Ce sera le début d'un mouvement pour se faire entendre, pour démontrer au public et à nos employeurs que nous devons agir dans ce domaine.
Le public nous entend, lorsque vous leur parlez pendant l'embarquement, ou lorsque vous les aidez à attribuer les sièges, à vérifier les équipements d'urgence, à les accompagner à leur porte d'embarquement pendant que vous vous rendez à la vôtre, ou à répondre à des demandes spéciales avant l'embarquement, et à préparer vos cuisines, ils sont stupéfaits que cela soit fait sans aucune compensation.
Ensemble, nous pouvons mettre un terme à cette pratique injuste et faire en sorte que chacun soit payé pour le temps où il doit être présent au travail. Veuillez vous inscrire si vous êtes absent et prêt à participer à la journée d'action, inscrivez-vous pour rester au courant de cette campagne.
Wesley Lesosky
Président, Division Aérienne du SCFP
Pilots Leaving the Aircraft Trial
Pilots Leaving The Aircraft Trial February 2023
Dear Members of CUPE 4070,
The Employer has advised us that it will be conducting a trial for WS YYZ 737 only, starting in February.
This trial will permit Pilots to leave the aircraft under certain parameters in order to mitigate any operational impacts due to impacted Pilots’ rest.
Please review the communication released by the Employer. The position of the Union is that we do not agree with this procedural change. The Employer has the right to do this with TC’s approval though.
Your Occupational Health and Safety Committee has been engaged in discussions with the Company on this topic since summer 2022. Participating in and completing a risk assessment and raising extensive concerns about this practice. The Committee continues to express their reservations regarding the implementation of this policy.
While this is being introduced and rolled out as a trial in YYZ for 737 transborder and international operations only, the company has stated their intention for further expansion, up to and including companywide.
For any clarification on the bulletin please reach out to your Inflight Leader and cc the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (ws.ohs@cupe4070.ca).
Please ensure to submit IHRs for any concerns you experience. If we do not report our concerns regarding this trial and change, the Employer deems it to be a successful trial and an acceptable change and practice to implement. Continue to follow the procedures as laid out by the Company and use correct avenues when requesting assistance from the CSA.
The Union would also like to collect data from you related to this trial. Please fill out this form for the OHS Committee: https://www.cupe4070.ca/pilots-leaving-aircraft
To connect with your Base VP please use the contact form:
On behalf of your CUPE Local 4070 Executive and OHS Committee
Election Results January 2023
Election Results January 2023
Good day Members,
Below you will find the election results. Thank you to everyone one who participated.
1x CUPE 4070 Vice President 1305 (44.9%) voted
Charles Brochu 422 (32.3%)
Elizabeth Greene 56 (4.3%)
Meghan Gulliver 60 (4.6%)
Rose Streete 389 (29.8%)
Tyson Conrod 378 (29.0%)
1x WS YYC Communications Committee
Meghan Gulliver
9x WS YVR Union Stewards
Elizabeth Greene
6 Vacant
7x WS YYC Union Stewards
Meghan Gulliver
3 Vacant
Electoral Officer:
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member.
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070
Base Announcements January 2023
Base Announcements January 2023
Dear Members of CUPE 4070,
As you may have heard by now, WestJet (WS) announced plans to open a YEG base, and Swoop (WO) advised of a YXX base to be opened this year.
January 18th, was the first time the Employer advised CUPE of these plans to open new bases.
Your CUPE Executive team expressed a serious message of concern and disappointment to the Employer, that this late advisement, when compared to the notice given to the other labor groups, did not reflect their commitment to good labor relations. We expressed that the opening of new bases is of significant importance to our membership, and moving forward, the expectation the Union has with the Employer remains the same as always, to have open lines of communication.
The Employer has committed to keeping the Union more informed going forward on changes as significant as this.
Since then, your CUPE Executive has been in active communication with the Employer, unfortunately as or right now, the only information we have is the same information that has been provided to you.
We do however, give our full commitment to you, the membership, to communicate more details once they become available to the Union. We continue to monitor the situation closely.
To connect with your Base VP please use the Contact Form
On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore