WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi

Trial Procedure - Update #2

Dear Members,

As many of our Members are aware, three of our Local 4070 Executives were called as respondents in two separate trial complaints under Appendix F of the CUPE National Constitution. Trial -02 was held on July 13, 2021 with Kruti Sutaria, Local 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Marco Di Virgilio, Local 4070 Recording Secretary, and Chris Rauenbusch, Local 4070 President, as respondents. A Trial Procedure Update for Trial -01 was sent to the Members on August 2, 2021.


“The purpose of the Trial Procedure is to provide members in good standing an internal process to have complaints against other members dealt with in a fair and impartial manner. The Trial Procedure is not to be used for political gain or to resolve interpersonal conflict which does not have a foundation in one of the enumerated offences outlined in Section F.1. 

Members are expected to attempt to deal with issues prior to resorting to file a complaint. Concerns are best resolved when members discuss the issues amongst themselves and arrive at mutual solutions. This can be accomplished either through one on one conversation or through facilitated/mediated discussions. 

The use of mediation can occur at any time once a complaint is filed, including during a trial.” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F 


The decision in Trial -02 was presented to the respondents on August 5, 2021 and is outlined below: 

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch step down and/or be removed from his position of President of CUPE Local 4070 immediately and banned from holding any type of Leadership/Executive position within CUPE Local 4070 until 2024.

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch provide a letter to the membership that speaks specifically to his decision to step down and/or removal so as to avoid any potential membership backlash for any specific individual(s).

THAT Ms. Kruti Sutaria step down and/or be removed from her position of Secretary Treasurer of CUPE Local 4070 immediately and banned from holding any type of Leadership/Executive position within CUPE Local 4070 until 2023. 

THAT Mr. Marco Di Virgilio provides a letter of apology to the complainant.

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch, Ms. Sutaria and Mr. Marco Di Virgilio engage in specific sensitivity training that provides a focus on harassment and the impact of abuse and trauma specifically towards women.

Appeal Process 

There is an appeal process available to  respondents as outlined in the CUPE National Constitution F.6. 

“The respondent can appeal a finding of guilt and any penalty or order by sending a written appeal to the National President. The appeal must be made within 30 days of when the decision of the Trial Committee was reported to the respondent. The complainant cannot appeal the decision of the Trial Committee.” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F.6(a) 

As per the Constitution, this process can take up to one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date that the respondent(s) were notified of the decision of the Trial Panel.

Should any respondent choose to appeal; it is important to note the following from the CUPE National Constitution: 

“The penalty or order of the Trial Committee will not be enforced until: 

(i) the Appeal Panel has made its decision; 

(ii) the respondent gives up the right to appeal; or 

(iii) the respondent fails to appeal the decision of the Trial Committee as set out in Section F.6  (a) and (b).” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F.6(h) 

To find more information on the Trial Procedure process, please reference Appendix F of the CUPE National Constitution.


CUPE National Constitution F.5(k) outlines that the decision of the Trial  Panel will be recorded in the minutes of the next General Membership Meeting. Our Membership will continue to be updated as more information becomes known related to both Trials –01 and –02. Please be assured that the entire Executive continues to operate with the sole focus on supporting our Membership in the workplace, and as recovery from the pandemic continues to unfold.  

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

WR - Roadshows Reminder #3& Voting Information

Dear Members,

This is a reminder that we will be holding our final Tentative Agreement virtual Roadshows for WestJet Encore Members today. Please join us by signing up and allow us to answer your questions.

Reminder e-mails will be sent out to those who have registered, one hour prior to the start of the Roadshow. There is no deadline to register. Members who have received an invite link but have not registered will not be permitted access. Members are required by Zoom Webinar to register in order to attend.

Roadshow Schedule - Registration is Required

If you have already registered for Roadshow #3, please re-register. This is due to a technical issue we had with Zoom at Roadshow #2. Thank you.

Third Roadshow -  Saturday August 7th @ 12:00PT/13:00MT/15:00ET

Click here to Register for Roadshow No. 3 *NEW LINK*

*Roadshows will run approximately 2 hours

Roadshows will be recorded and archived on our Portal. If you have not created a profile, please review this email

Please note: The TA included in our first email was incomplete. Please click on this link to access the most up-to-date version. The version on out website has also been updated.

The confidential case sensitive password for the PDF version of the TA is: Yellow21.

Voting Process
All WestJet Encore Members, regardless of having signed a Union card are legally allowed to vote in the TA ratification process, this applies to all active and inactive Members. Any Member who has not signed a Union card or does not currently have an email address on file with the Local are asked to complete the Rand Member Form on our website in order to ensure you receive your ratification voting package.

Voting Opens:  Saturday August 7th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

Voting Closes: Saturday August 14th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

The electronic voting link will be sent to you when the vote opens. The link will arrive from the following email address: vote@simplyvoting.com. If you have any issues accessing the link in your email, please double check your spam/junk folder. If you are still having an issue accessing it, please email vote@cupe4070.ca and include your name and employee number for assistance.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

WR - Roadshows Reminder #2

Dear Members,

This is a reminder that we will be holding our second Tentative Agreement virtual Roadshows for WestJet Encore Members today. Please join us by signing up and allow us to answer your questions.

Once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the address you provide when registering for the Roadshow. (Please only use your personal e-mail address to register!) Make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you have trouble finding the e-mail confirmation.

Reminder e-mails will be sent out to those who have registered, one hour prior to the start of the Roadshow. There is no deadline to register. Members who have received an invite link but have not registered will not be permitted access. Members are required by Zoom Webinar to register in order to attend.

Roadshow Schedule - Registration is Required
Second Roadshow -  Friday August 6th @ 17:00PT/18:00MT/20:00ET

Click here to register for Roadshow No. 2

Third Roadshow -  Saturday August 7th @ 12:00PT/13:00MT/15:00ET

Click here to Register for Roadshow No. 3

*Roadshows will run approximately 2 hours

Roadshows will be recorded and archived on our Portal. If you have not created a profile, please review this email

Please note: The TA included in our first email was incomplete. Please click on this link to access the most up-to-date version. The version on out website has also been updated.

The confidential case sensitive password for the PDF version of the TA is: Yellow21.

Voting Process
All WestJet Encore Members, regardless of having signed a Union card are legally allowed to vote in the TA ratification process, this applies to all active and inactive Members. Any Member who has not signed a Union card or does not currently have an email address on file with the Local are asked to complete the Rand Member Form on our website in order to ensure you receive your ratification voting package.

Voting Opens:  Saturday August 7th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

Voting Closes:  Saturday August 14th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

WR - Roadshows Reminder #1

Dear Members,

This is a reminder that we will be kicking off our Tentative Agreement virtual Roadshows for WestJet Encore Members today. Please join us by signing up and allow us to answer your questions.

Once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the address you provide when registering for the Roadshow. (Please only use your personal e-mail address to register!) Make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you have trouble finding the e-mail confirmation.

Reminder e-mails will be sent out to those who have registered, one hour prior to the start of the Roadshow. There is no deadline to register. Members who have received an invite link but have not registered will not be permitted access. Members are required by Zoom Webinar to register in order to attend.

Roadshow Schedule - Registration is Required
First Roadshow -  Wednesday August 4th @ 15:00PT/16:00MT/18:00ET

Click here to register for Roadshow No. 1

Second Roadshow -  Friday August 6th @ 17:00PT/18:00MT/20:00ET

Click here to register for Roadshow No. 2

Third Roadshow -  Saturday August 7th @ 12:00PT/13:00MT/15:00ET

Click here to Register for Roadshow No. 3

*Roadshows will run approximately 2 hours

Roadshows will be recorded and archived on our Portal. If you have not created a profile, please review this email

Please note: The TA included in our first email was incomplete. Please click on this link to access the most up-to-date version. The version on out website has also been updated.

The confidential case sensitive password for the PDF version of the TA is: Yellow21.

Voting Process
All WestJet Encore Members, regardless of having signed a Union card are legally allowed to vote in the TA ratification process, this applies to all active and inactive Members. Any Member who has not signed a Union card or does not currently have an email address on file with the Local are asked to complete the Rand Member Form on our website in order to ensure you receive your ratification voting package.

Voting Opens:  Saturday August 7th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

Voting Closes:  Saturday August 14th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi

CUPE Airline Division - COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 has grounded much of the airline industry for over a year. Canada has been fortunate to receive increased supply of COVID-19 vaccines and has accelerated second doses for individuals choosing to get vaccinated.

Dear Members,

COVID-19 has grounded much of the airline industry for over a year. Canada has been fortunate to receive increased supply of COVID-19 vaccines and has accelerated second doses for individuals choosing to get vaccinated.

CUPE’s Airline Division would like to survey its members to see if members are getting vaccinated. This information will give us an idea of what types of issues may arise for our airline locals (ex: employer vaccination policies, accommodation requests, scheduling changes). This information will help the Airline Division strategize our recovery plan.

If you are interested in reading CUPE’s vaccination information you can go to:

Please note that this survey is completely voluntary. You may choose to exit the survey at any time and not submit your answers. This survey is anonymous and there is no data collected that can link a response to an

You can access the survey here:

Vous pouvez accéder au sondage ici :

To review the full communication in English and French, please click here.

In Solidarity,
Airline Division Council of Presidents (ADCP)

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Tentative Agreement Update - Website, Roadshows and TA Information

Dear WestJet Encore Members,

We are excited to be able to now share with you the Tentative Agreement (TA) information you have all been waiting for. Please read the following information carefully. A reminder that this information is confidential and for the exclusive review of WestJet Encore Members of CUPE Local 4070. Do not share this information outside of the WestJet Encore Member’s group, including Social Media.

Our website will play a vital role in rolling out this TA. Please read this email if you need help accessing the website portal or to reset your password.

Tentative Agreement Page
We have spent much of our time since our last update creating what we are certain will be an important tool for you to become familiar with the TA being presented. We have an introductory video as well as a video for each article of the TA. Timestamps above the video can help you access specific points of interest. Below each video is where you will find the most up-to-date Q&A’s related to that specific article.

Everything having to do with the TA lives in the following section of the Portal and is accessible only to WestJet Encore (WR) Members.

To access the Tentative Agreement page where you can access the TA and the TA Walkthrough Videos, click on this link or follow these steps:

cupe4070.ca -> Portal -> Login to Portal -> WR Tentative Agreement

Tentative Agreement Document
The TA can be accessed on the secure page above, or by clicking on this link. The document and the password are confidential and must not be shared outside of the WestJet Encore Members, including on Social Media.

This password will also be required to open the Tentative Agreement PDF from the website portal.

The confidential case sensitive password for the PDF version of the TA is: Yellow21.


Roadshows will require registration by following the below Registration links!

You are welcome to register for as many Roadshows as you are able to attend. Once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the address you provide when registering for the Roadshow. (Please only use your personal e-mail address to register!) Make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you have trouble finding the e-mail confirmation.

Reminder e-mails will be sent out to those who have registered, one hour prior to the start of the Roadshow. There is no deadline to register. Members who have received an invite link but have not registered will not be permitted access. Members are required by Zoom Webinar to register in order to attend.

Roadshow Schedule - Registration is Required
First Roadshow -  Wednesday August 4th @ 15:00PT/16:00MT/18:00ET

Click here to register for Roadshow No. 1

Second Roadshow -  Friday August 6th @ 17:00PT/18:00MT/20:00ET

Click here to register for Roadshow No. 2

Third Roadshow -  Saturday August 7th @ 12:00PT/13:00MT/15:00ET

Click here to Register for Roadshow No. 3

*Roadshows will run approximately 2 hours
**Roadshows will be recorded and archived on our Portal

Voting Process
All WestJet Encore Members, regardless of having signed a Union card are legally allowed to vote in the TA ratification process, this applies to all active and inactive Members. Any Member who has not signed a Union card or does not currently have an email address on file with the Local are asked to complete the Rand Member Form on our website in order to ensure you receive your ratification voting package.

Voting Opens:  Saturday August 7th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

Voting Closes: Saturday August 14th @ 14:00PT/15:00MT/17:00ET

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop Calvin Gautschi

Trial Procedure - Update

As many of our Members are aware, three of our Local 4070 Executives were called as respondents in two separate trial complaints under Appendix F of the CUPE National Constitution. Trial -01 was held on July 12, 2021 with Marco Di Virgilio, Local 4070 Recording Secretary, and Chris Rauenbusch, Local 4070 President, as respondents.

Dear Members,

As many of our Members are aware, three of our Local 4070 Executives were called as respondents in two separate trial complaints under Appendix F of the CUPE National Constitution. Trial -01 was held on July 12, 2021 with Marco Di Virgilio, Local 4070 Recording Secretary, and Chris Rauenbusch, Local 4070 President, as respondents. Trial -02 was held on July 13, 2021 with Kruti Sutaria, Local 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Marco Di Virgilio, Local 4070 Recording Secretary, and Chris Rauenbusch, Local 4070 President, as respondents.


“The purpose of the Trial Procedure is to provide members in good standing an internal process to have complaints against other members dealt with in a fair and impartial manner. The Trial Procedure is not to be used for political gain or to resolve interpersonal conflict which does not have a foundation in one of the enumerated offences outlined in Section F.1. 

Members are expected to attempt to deal with issues prior to resorting to file a complaint. Concerns are best resolved when members discuss the issues amongst themselves and arrive at mutual solutions. This can be accomplished either through one on one conversation or through facilitated/mediated discussions. 

The use of mediation can occur at any time once a complaint is filed including during a trial.” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F 


The decision in Trial -01 was presented to the respondents on July 27, 2021 and is outlined below: 

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch step down and/or be removed from his position of President of CUPE Local 4070 immediately and banned from holding any type of Leadership/Executive position within CUPE Local 4070 until 2024. 

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch provide a letter to the membership that speaks specifically to his decision to step down and/or removal so as to avoid any potential membership backlash for the complainant. 

THAT Mr. Marco Di Virgilio provide a letter of apology to the complainant. 

THAT Mr. Chris Rauenbusch and Mr. Marco Di Virgilio engage in specific sensitivity training that provides a focus on harassment and the impact of abuse and trauma specifically towards women. 

The decision  in Trial -02 is still pending and we will communicate with you once it has been rendered. 

Appeal Process 

There is an appeal process available to  respondents as outlined in the CUPE National Constitution F.6. 

“The respondent can appeal a finding of guilt and any penalty or order by sending a written appeal to the National President. The appeal must be made within 30 days of when the decision of the Trial Committee was reported to the respondent. The complainant cannot appeal the decision of the Trial Committee.” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F.6(a) 

 As per the Constitution, this process can take up to one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date that the respondent(s) were notified of the decision of the Trial Panel.

Should any respondent choose to appeal; it is important to note the following from the CUPE National Constitution: 

“The penalty or order of the Trial Committee will not be enforced until: 

(i) the Appeal Panel has made its decision; 

(ii) the respondent gives up the right to appeal; or 

(iii) the respondent fails to appeal the decision of the Trial Committee as set out in Section F.6  (a) and (b).” 

- CUPE Constitution Appendix F.6(h) 

To find more information on the Trial Procedure process, please reference Appendix F of the CUPE National Constitution.


CUPE National Constitution F.5(k) outlines that the decision of the Trial  Panel will be recorded in the minutes of the next General Membership Meeting. Our Membership will continue to be updated as more information becomes known related to both Trials –01 and –02. Please be assured that the entire Executive continues to operate with the sole focus on supporting our Membership in the workplace, and as recovery from the pandemic continues to unfold.  

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

Workforce Update (WS) - August 2021

Below is the summary of recalls that occurred at WestJet (WS) in August 2021 that have now been awarded.

Dear Members,

Below is the summary of recalls that occurred at WestJet (WS) in August 2021 that have now been awarded. This has now been corrected.

WestJet (WS) Recall - August 2021: 


As always, if you require assistance from your Union, please contact us: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

WestJet CA - Article 15 Clarification

It has come to the Union’s attention that Article 15 of the Collective Agreement, specifically Article 15-5 Forfeiture of Seniority and how it applies to Article 47 Layoff and Recall, requires clarification.

Dear Members,

It has come to the Union’s attention that Article 15 of the Collective Agreement, specifically Article 15-5 Forfeiture of Seniority and how it applies to Article 47 Layoff and Recall, requires clarification.

Article 15-5.01 of the Collective Agreement reads as follows:
Except as otherwise stated in this Article, a Cabin Personnel shall be removed from the MSL and shall forfeit all rights at such time as:
a) They are no longer employed as a Cabin Personnel by the Company;
b) They are on layoff for a period greater than three (3) years;
c) They decline a recall opportunity, in accordance with Article 47 - Layoff and Recall;
d) They neglect to answer a recall opportunity, in accordance with Article 47 - Layoff and Recall
Article 15-5.01(c)(d) only applies to Article 47 Layoff and Recall when a Member does not answer either accepting or declining a 7-day recall OR they are the most junior on the Recall list and decline a recall, as outlined in Articles 47-5.04, 47-5.06, and 47-5.07.

A Member who does not answer a 7-day recall or declines a recall as the most junior on the recall list would be removed from the Master Seniority List and forfeit their seniority due to no longer being employed by the company.

Further to that, Article 47-5.10 of the Collective Agreement states:
Cabin Personnel shall continue to accrue seniority during the layoff period. Company service shall not accrue for any vacation entitlements, sick leave and pay progression purposes during the layoff period.

Deferring a recall opportunity will not remove you from the Master Seniority List, and will not cause you to stop accruing seniority.

Members have accrued and will continue to accrue time for seniority purposes while inactive (on furlough), regardless of deferring a recall opportunity.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

Policy Grievance (WS-POL-2021-001)

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers in the fields of economics, social sciences, and our brothers and sisters in labour have been sounding the alarm on the disproportionate impacts of the economic crisis on female workers.

“As formal and informal supply of childcare declines, the demand for unpaid childcare provision is falling more heavily on women, not only because of the existing structure of the workforce, but also because of social norms. This will constrain their ability to work, particularly when jobs cannot be carried out remotely. The lack of childcare support is particularly problematic for essential workers who have care responsibilities.” - UN Secretary-General’s policy brief: The impact of COVID-19 on women

Dear Members,

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers in the fields of economics, social sciences, and our brothers and sisters in labour have been sounding the alarm on the disproportionate impacts of the economic crisis on female workers.

On June 18, 2021, the Union filed their first Policy Grievance (WS-POL-2021-001) with the Employer on behalf of all Westjet (WS) Local 4070 Members.

A policy grievance is unique, in that it does not represent an individual member, but rather, alleges a violation that impacts or could potentially impact all members in a Bargaining Unit. For that reason, we are not bound to the same confidentiality as we would be for an individual grievance affecting one specific member.

The Backstory
The airline industry is robustly recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and recalls are occurring with regular frequency. However, other industries that were already limited and strained prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as childcare, have been slower to rebound.

The Union heard from many Members on protected leaves, such as maternity, parental and disability leaves, who had never been officially furloughed due to those protected leaves. These Members, upon notifying the employer that their leaves were set to end, were told that since they had never been furloughed, and because they would have received notice of recall prior to the end of their leave, they were now obligated to return to work.

Many of those Members were struggling to find childcare, or balance other care responsibilities in the home while returning to work. Some members, as a result, opted to end leaves early in order to be issued a layoff notice. This allowed them the same opportunity to safely retain their employment without having to return to work until they were the most junior employee in their base.

The Union approached the Employer several times over the last few months on behalf of these Members. We expressed repeated interest in working on a solution which would not result in hardship for individuals who found themselves in these situations. We were repeatedly met with an overall reluctance to provide simple solutions.

Needless to say, the Union believes this decision has a disproportionate adverse impact on women and mothers in our Membership, as they struggle to balance the immense responsibilities of child and family care with frontline jobs which they are unable to perform remotely.

The Grievance
After filing the Grievance, the Union met with the Employer on July 6, 2021 for the grievance hearing. We took the opportunity to detail the challenges our Members faced in their personal lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Union was willing to work with the Employer and offered a variety of available and creative solutions that would adequately support the needs of these Members; including but not limited to Unpaid Leaves of Absence until the members were most junior on the recall list and the Canadian Caregiver Recovery leave.

The Union maintained there is no monetary or operational hardship to the Employer working with us on this issue. These Members are aware that they are not eligible for compensation under CEWS or from the Employer themselves and with the number of Members that still remain on layoff, and many eager to return to work, we argue their continued absence would create no hardship for the Company. These Members simply need time to allow every-day life to recover post-pandemic before they return to work.

On July 19, 2021, the Employer denied the Grievance and requested the Grievance be withdrawn.

The Union was, admittedly, stunned by this response. Leaning on technicalities around layoffs and protected leaves, the Employer maintained that their hands were tied. The Union reminded them that we had identified these technical concerns in the hearing, and had clearly indicated a willingness to work together on any solution which would adequately provide for equal opportunity to members in this situation.

The Union met with CUPE Legal Counsel on July 21, 2021 and discussed our intention to arbitrate the denial of the Policy Grievance. This matter is scheduled to be reviewed by the Grievance Committee on July 27th.

If you are impacted by this decision, we urge you to provide details on your situation to the Union. Reach out to your Base VP, outlining any pertinent information, copying your Lead Steward and CUPE National Representative.

For Members in Calgary:
Brigitte.Benoit@cupe4070.ca; Jamie.loiselle@cupe4070.ca; vodell@cupe.ca

For Members in Toronto:
Chantale.Tremblay@cupe4070.ca; Jamie.loiselle@cupe4070.ca; vodell@cupe.ca

For Members in Vancouver:
Crystal.Hill@cupe4070.ca; Jamie.loiselle@cupe4070.ca; vodell@cupe.ca

If you would like to read the full report from the UN Secretary-General about the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls, please click here.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

WS MSL Update

There continues to be a lot of discussion and concern about the Master Seniority List (MSL). Many Members have asked that we explain this concisely in a communication, this note is to explain the decisions made to develop the list as presented. We also want to let you know what our options were, and the reasons for the choices we made.

Dear Members,

There continues to be a lot of discussion and concern about the Master Seniority List (MSL). Many Members have asked that we explain this concisely in a communication, this note is to explain the decisions made to develop the list as presented. We also want to let you know what our options were, and the reasons for the choices we made.

How we got here

Over the past 25 years, we've worked with ever changing and confusing rules about service and seniority. At different times, these rules included: 

1. The option to leave the department for different lengths of time (ranging from 6 to 12 months) while maintaining or accruing years of service 

2. Being able to leave the Company for periods of time while maintaining or accruing years of service 

3. "One off" emails and conversations with managers, allowing some employees the option of leave while maintaining or accruing years of service 

4. Giving previous Inflight Leadership the option to approve lapse in qualifications with unbroken years of service. This was the situation under the old WCCA agreement.

Employees made career and life decisions under confusing, changing and sometimes inconsistent guidelines.

It gets even more difficult: some individuals had to re-train after an absence. Company records are (as a result of these inconsistent rules) not always accurate.

The position of the union, as expressed by Members in surveys and discussions, is simple. Seniority and service start with training. Breaks in service to work elsewhere sever a member's rank on the list.

Going forward, that training date will be the date used. But for service to this date, the issue boiled down to using the first training date, or using the most recent training date. *It is also important to note that Company records do not accurately reflect a consistent set of rules, approvals or parameters applied to any one CCM at any given time.

The role of the bargaining committee and the executive

The local bylaws state that a Bargaining Committee disbands once a collective agreement is signed. In this case, the executive asked the committee to stay on and build the Master Seniority List.

The parameters in which the Master Seniority List would be created was presented to the Executive. The Executive identified the issue of inaccuracies and inconsistencies in employee records. We noted that a large number of Members would be disadvantaged using the most recent IAT. Members who have never left the department would lose a significant amount of time as reflected in their years of service.

Collective Agreement Language

The contract reads:

15-4.01 Cabin Personnel seniority shall begin to accrue at the date of successful completion of in-class initial training. If the seniority date of two (2) or more Cabin Personnel is the same, the Cabin Personnel with the lower employee number shall have more seniority.

We are limited by this language. We cannot add language where there isn’t any in the Collective Agreement. We received legal advice that the decision has to be applied to all Members or none. We have no option to start using cumulative years of inflight service. The contract only speaks to how cabin personnel are attributed on the list. Namely, “successful completion of in-class initial training.” The contract doesn’t say which completion of in-class initial training (for Members who had multiple training).

The Options 

*Option 1 included language that is not in compliance with the CA.

To review an initial draft of Option 1 MSL parameters and to gain more insight on where Option 2 came from, click here.

The Executive discussed leaving the list as the Bargaining Committee created it. This still left many Members losing many years of service in the inflight department. The Executive deliberated and voted to create the Master Seniority List using the first IAT date. This option creates a situation where a handful of Members who intentionally left the company or department gain rank. But it also ensures that the rest of the membership sees a fair reflection of their time in inflight.

Upon further review of “Option 1”, we discovered many other administrative issues with placement on the list that are also not reflected in employment records. In the absence of reliable and complete employee files, the Executive came to the conclusion that the only responsible way to build the MSL was to move forward with first IAT and not retroactively apply language.

If Employee records accurately reflected changes in parameters for accrual of time served, there would be more options available. The Executive determined the least amount of harm would be to grant Members who had never left inflight department their years of service when creating the very first Master Seniority List, even if it meant that a handful of Members be given years of service for intentionally leaving the department or company.

Seniority from other parts of WestJet

There are Members who would like to carry service from other departments, WestJet Encore or Swoop into this contract. Attempts were made to align bargaining committees from all 3 units. But these efforts were unsuccessful. Until we go through another round of bargaining, this is not an option available to us.


We understand the frustration about the handful of Members who ‘unfairly’ benefit from using the first IAT date. But the alternatives result in many more losing significant years of inflight service.

This was not an easy decision, but it is based on union principles of solidarity. 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

MSL Townhall Reminder

Dear Members,

We ask that you join us at the live WS MSL Townhall today, Friday, July 16, 2021, at 12:00PT / 13:00MT / 15:00ET. 

There is no need to register for the MSL Townhall and all WestJet Members are welcome.


*If you are unable to attend, the WS MSL Townhall will be recorded and available to view on our website alongside an FAQ. To access the recording, which will be up on the web within 48 hours of the Townhall on Friday, you’ll need to log in to the portal using your credentials.

**If you need help with your Portal login, or to set up access to the CUPE4070 Web Portalclick here.

If you would like to participate without the Zoom App you can do so by using the numbers below:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Canada: +1 647 558 0588  or +1 778 907 2071  or +1 204 272 7920  or +1 438 809 7799  or +1 587 328 1099  or +1 647 374 4685

Webinar ID: 962 6853 7490

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ad2Tow5J

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

BREAKING NEWS: WestJet Encore & CUPE Reach Tentative Agreement

After a lengthy negotiation process that started in November 2019 and extended due to the pandemic, CUPE Local 4070 and WestJet Encore have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) yesterday. The WestJet Encore CUPE 4070 Bargaining Committee, along with our two CUPE National Bargaining representatives have been working tirelessly throughout the last few months to conclude negotiations for this monumental first ever Collective Agreement for WestJet Encore Cabin Crew Members.

Dear Members,

After a lengthy negotiation process that started in November 2019 and extended due to the pandemic, CUPE Local 4070 and WestJet Encore have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) yesterday. The WestJet Encore CUPE 4070 Bargaining Committee, along with our two CUPE National Bargaining representatives have been working tirelessly throughout the last few months to conclude negotiations for this monumental first ever Collective Agreement for WestJet Encore Cabin Crew Members.

A special thank you goes to our WestJet Encore Bargaining Committee for their hard work on this first CUPE agreement for WestJet Encore Cabin Crew Members. CUPE 4070 was formed in July 2018, with WestJet Encore joining in May 2019 and Swoop June 2019, and this milestone should make all Members feel very proud.

More details will be communicated in our upcoming roadshows.

We will be planning virtual roadshows to present this Tentative Agreement to Members and answer your questions. Once the planning for this has been finalized, we will communicate all of the information and dates to you along with a copy of the TA for review.

We need your help! Will you help us?
We are looking for Members that would be interested in attending the upcoming info sessions.

The intent of a mobilizer is to assist the union in sharing information about where and when we will be providing the details of the Collective Agreement and spreading the word through face-to-face interactions.

The info sessions will have been planned for July 21, 22, & 23 - you are able to attend 1 or more session if you are available.


Website Portal:
We will be posting information and videos on our website. In order to access this information, please take a moment now to ensure you have set-up your access to our Member Portal on our website. Please review this email if you haven’t set-up your access or need to reset your password.

Voting for this Collective Agreement will be conducted by secure online voting sent via email. Voting will be open to all WestJet Encore Members, regardless of having signed a Union card or not. For clarity, this includes all active and inactive/furloughed Members.

Members that have not signed a Union card, or, do not have an email address on file with the Union are asked to submit one using our online Rand Member Form ASAP.

We will update you as soon as we can. In the meantime, we would like to thank our over 500 WestJet Encore Members for their patience as we worked towards this ground breaking goal. We are excited to be able to present this TA to you for ratification in August.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

WS MSL Townhall (WS)

Dear Members,

Your WestJet Base VPs have received many questions and concerns regarding the WestJet Master Seniority List (MSL) and how it was constructed. We would like to take the opportunity to share some insight about how the MSL was created, what that process looked like, and answer your questions about the MSL.

Please join your CUPE Local 4070 Executive this Friday, July 16, 2021 at 12:00PT / 13:00MT / 15:00ET for a live MSL Townhall via Zoom.

There is no need to register for the MSL Townhall and all WestJet Members are welcome.


*If you are unable to attend, the WS MSL Townhall will be recorded and available to view on our website alongside an FAQ within 48 hours of the Townhall. To access the recording, you will need to log in to the portal using your credentials.

**If you need help with your Portal login, or to set up access to the CUPE4070 Web Portal, click here.

If you would like to participate without the Zoom App you can do so by using the numbers below:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Canada: +1 647 558 0588  or +1 778 907 2071  or +1 204 272 7920  or +1 438 809 7799  or +1 587 328 1099  or +1 647 374 4685

Webinar ID: 962 6853 7490

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ad2Tow5J

We hope you can join us and we look forward to connecting with you!

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

Release of WestJet (WS) Master Seniority List

Dear Members,

After a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes in conjunction with the Company, we are pleased to inform you that today the first Master Seniority List (MSL) for WestJet (WS) will be published. Much of this work involved data gathering from paper/hard copy personnel files prior to electronic records being adopted by the Employer. Your patience awaiting the first MSL has been appreciated as the Parties ensured the utmost attention to accuracy in construction of the list.

The MSL has been formed based on the following:

- A Members’ date of completion of their first Inflight in-class training, or “IAT” at WS.

- If more than one Member has the same IAT date, the Member with the lower employee number shall have greater seniority.

Seniority accrual and removal on/off of the MSL will be in accordance with Article 15 of the Collective Agreement (CA) as of the ratification date of the CA (March 20, 2021).

In creating the starting point of the MSL, your elected Union Executive was tasked with the requirement to uphold the language contained in the CA. Compiling the first ever MSL must be done in a manner that is satisfactory with Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) regulations, and is neither arbitrary nor targeted/punitive towards any individuals or groups. The MSL must respect the concept of time served Inflight, directed by the Membership as a bargaining priority.

The MSL will be the governing seniority list moving forward once the dispute period has concluded. The MSL will be finalized and re-published to the membership after all disputes have been reviewed and addressed.

Members who have concerns with their own seniority date, or any information related to themselves on the MSL (such as base, equipment, status or classification) will be able to submit a dispute to the Company as per deadlines as follows:

1) By July 18, 2021 at 23:59MT to have the dispute considered prior to the 2022 Vacation Bid period. The Company’s external software vendor for this first Vacation Bid under Article 46 of the CA requires the seniority list being used for this round of Vacation bidding to be at their headquarters by end of July.

2) Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the MSL is posted, for all disputes not filed by the above noted deadline: by August 12, 2021 at 23:59MT.

As a reminder, and as per the CA - a Member may only dispute their own placement on the MSL. Disputes related to another Members’ placement on the MSL will not be considered by the Union and Company, and will not receive a response.

If you wish to file a dispute under either of the deadlines outlined above, please follow the link provided by the Company (“Master Seniority List Dispute form”) in their e-mail today (July 13, 2021) regarding the release of the MSL.

A copy of the most recent MSL will also always be posted to the Union website (www.cupe4070.ca) behind the Member Portal.

To set-up access to the Website Portal, please click on this email.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

Reminder: WS August 2021 Recall - Closing in 48 Hours

Dear Members,

This is a reminder from your Union that the WestJet (WS) Recall response window for the August 2021 Recall closes in forty-eight (48) hours.

This Notice is being sent to ALL WestJet (WS) Members with a personal email registered with the Union. Receiving this Notice from the Union does not indicate that you have personally been sent a Notice of Recall from the Employer.

Please verify via the most recent email address that you have registered with the Employer to determine if you have received a Notice of Recall. We suggest you check your ‘Junk’ folder - just in case.

To avoid end of employment, you must respond either Accept or Decline (defer) if you have been sent a Notice of Recall.

Please read ALL of the below ALERTS related to (WS) Recall:

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Union should you have further questions at: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

Workforce Update (WS) - July 2021 Recall #2

Dear Members,

Below is the summary of recalls that occurred at WestJet (WS) in the second (2nd) round of July 2021 recalls that have now been awarded.

WestJet (WS) Recall - Round #2 July 2021: 

Click here to review the WestJet (WS) Recall - Round #1 July 2021 email.

As always, if you require assistance from your Union, please contact us: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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Calvin Gautschi Calvin Gautschi

Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - August 2021

Dear Members,


The Company has advised the Union of recall for WestJet (WS) Members during the month of August 2021:

  • WS recall to all three (3) bases (YYZ / YYC / YVR)

  • Notices of recall and contingent notices of recall will be released by the Company later today, Tuesday July 6, 2021.

  • This recall will not be expedited, meaning Members will have the full seven (7) days to respond to the recall notice as per Article 47 of the Collective Agreement.

  • Failure to accept or decline a 7 day recall will end your employment.

  • Members will be recalled in their base on a specific date during August 2021, to facilitate required training. The exact recall date will be base specific and will be indicated on your recall or contingent recall notice.

  • Members being recalled will bid for and hold a full block award for the September 2021 block month onward.

urgent recall ws.jpg


accept or decline.jpg

1)   Check the personal email account that you have most recently registered with the Company related to your inactive status. If you need to change the email address on file with the Company, please contact peopleservices@westjet.com.

2)   Ensure to check your ‘spam/junk’ folder, just in case.

3)   The Company will provide an official recall notice, or contingent recall notice to eligible Members’ personal email address on file.

Schedules following any mandatory training in August will be assigned based on what is available.

Company Seniority List vs. Master Seniority List:

This recall will use the Company Date-of-Hire Seniority List.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Union at: www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi

WestJet By-Election Vote Results

Dear Members,

Below are the results of all WestJet by-elections ending today.

WestJet (all Members):
Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)
Lindsay Poll 299 (32.4%)
Valerie Dupre 228 (24.7%)
Minh Ly 223 (24.2%)
Jaime Hernandez Delgado 172 (18.7%)

Women's Committee
Dawn Wieliczko-Wester 600 (63.6%)
Valerie Dupre 343 (36.4%)

A total of 943 Members voted in these elections.

WestJet YVR Base:
Scheduling Review Committee
Sarah Ferraro 145 (78.4%)
Nicole Jansen 40 (21.6%)

Uniform Committee
Nick Lainas 139 (75.1%)
Elizabeth Greene 46 (24.9%)

Commuter Committee
Corie Lyn Ives 154 (83.2%)
Elizabeth Greene 31 (16.8%)

A total of 185 Members voted in these elections.

WestJet YYC Base:
Scheduling Review Committee
Shelley MacDonald 254 (54.2%)
Lisa MacLellan 215 (45.8%)

Return to Work
Brandy Whitby 294 (62.7%)
Murray Marquis 175 (37.3%)

Temporary Bylaw Committee
Laura McDonald 296 (63.1%)
Sylvia Alves 173 (36.9%)

A total of 469 Members voted in these elections.

WestJet YYZ Base:
Scheduling Review Committee
Calvin Gautschi 190 (61.9%)
Natasha Kervin 117 (38.1%)

Commuter Committee
Julien Sauve 164 (53.4%)
Kerry Hoger 143 (46.6%)

A total of 307 Members voted in this election.

Congratulations to all Members elected to their Committee and thank you to all Members who took the time to participate in this Nomination and Election process.

For a recap of acclaimed positions, please review this email here.

Clerical Error:
During the voting period, we were made aware of a Member who was nominated that did not receive a confirmation of nomination email. This was investigated and the Member should have been sent one. I called the Member to apologize and to offer a solution. The solution was to re-run the election for this Committee and include her. The Member declined this offer. I would like to once again apologize to the Member from WestJet YYC. This was a regrettable situation that we endeavor to avoid in the future.

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

WestJet Encore Commuter Committee By-Election Vote Results

Dear Members,

Below are the results of the WestJet Encore by-election ending today.

WestJet Encore Commuter Committee By-Election:
Colleen Tracey 62 (52.1%)
Spencer Scerbo 57 (47.9%)

A total of 119 Members voted in this election.

Congratulations Colleen!

Thank you to all Members who took the time to participate in this Nomination and Election process.

For a recap of acclaimed positions, please review this email here.

Clerical Error:
During the voting period, we were made aware of a Member who was nominated that did not receive a confirmation of nomination email. This was investigated and the Member should have been sent one. I called the Member to apologize and to offer a solution. The solution was to re-run the election for this Committee and include her. The Member declined this offer. I would like to once again apologize to the Member from WestJet YYC. This was a regrettable situation that we endeavor to avoid in the future.

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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