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Bell Let's Talk 2022 - WestJet
A warm hello to all our CUPE4070 members and welcome to January 2022 - Typically known as the saddest month of the year, your Occupational Health and Safety committee has decided to look at this month through a different lens. We have decided to take back January and call it the month of Recovery and Resilience. We say this because as we look back at recent events thrown our way - busy holiday planning, unpredictable schedules, stressed travelling public, and not to mention the dreaded Covid 2.0 we are still standing, and WE did that together!
Dear Members,
A warm hello to all our CUPE4070 members and welcome to January 2022 - Typically known as the saddest month of the year, your Occupational Health and Safety committee has decided to look at this month through a different lens. We have decided to take back January and call it the month of Recovery and Resilience. We say this because as we look back at recent events thrown our way - busy holiday planning, unpredictable schedules, stressed travelling public, and not to mention the dreaded Covid 2.0 we are still standing, and WE did that together!
As we settle into what comes next for our CUPE 4070 family, we want to remind all of you that you are not alone! We have heard, read, and seen first-hand the impact these last few months have had on your personal and mental health. We will continue to shed light and bring forward the concerns of our membership. We understand that there will be challenges and that some changes may take time, but we want to remind you that regardless of the obstacles, this committee is dedicated to standing firm in advocating for safe working conditions and holding the company accountable. We want everyone in our membership to feel that they can comfortably say they ‘’Love where they're going’’.
As for Recovery and Resilience: Our committee understands that not everything is done out of one location. Our network is vast, full of diverse, colourful, and different peoples. We understand that a ‘one-size-fits-all' approach is not always effective when it comes to dealing with individual struggles. In this communication we would like to introduce your committee reps and share some other resources available to you, should you need them. Please remember that we are also here to help, and we will try to answer any questions you may have to the best of our abilities and within the scope of our limitations.
Bell ‘Let’s Talk’ Day has been a big part in shedding a light on the stigma and concerns surrounding mental illness. One in 3 Canadians are touched by this in one way or another. As a collective, that means that two out of our six OSH committee members have had this hit close to home. And although everyone's journey is different, we can say that we stand with you and feel your frustrations and so again we want you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Additional Resources:
CUPE4070 WS Occupational Health and Safety Committee:
‘’When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it’’. Henry Ford
Contact your WS OHS Committee: ws.ohs@cupe4070.ca
Pam Garinger
Derek Mansfield
Shauna Brady
Kore Burke
Wendy Garcia
Dionne Klassen
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 WS Occupational Health & Safety Committee
Bell Let's Talk 2022 - WestJet Encore
The COVID 19 pandemic and the past two years have brought unprecedented challenges. As Cabin Crew Members we have faced job uncertainty, isolation from friends and family, frequent changes to procedures and schedules, guests who are also facing increased levels of stress and anxiety, and many more unique challenges. Your Occupational Health and Safety Committee are acutely aware of the impact this is having on the membership, and as today is Bell Let’s Talk day, we wanted to bring to light the importance of talking about mental health.
Dear Members,
The COVID 19 pandemic and the past two years have brought unprecedented challenges. As Cabin Crew Members we have faced job uncertainty, isolation from friends and family, frequent changes to procedures and schedules, guests who are also facing increased levels of stress and anxiety, and many more unique challenges. Your Occupational Health and Safety Committee are acutely aware of the impact this is having on the membership, and as today is Bell Let’s Talk day, we wanted to bring to light the importance of talking about mental health. Today, Bell will be donating 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for every applicable text, local or long-distance call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, every Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube view of the Bell Let's Talk Day video, and every use of the Bell Let's Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat lens.
So, we encourage you to open a conversation today in whichever way you feel comfortable, whether that’s with a co-worker, a trusted friend or family member, or taking advantage of the social media hashtags.
For those of you who are active we encourage you to take the time to complete a profile on Inkblot, our company provided and completely confidential mental health resources, this small step means it will be ready if or when you feel you need to access it.
When we say "in solidarity" we mean that we are all in this together. We are flying the line with you, and we are feeling the pressure too. We ask if there are issues or hazards that you have recognized, please do not hesitate to bring them to our attention. We work in close partnership with leadership and meet monthly to try to keep you both physically and mentally safe in the workplace. You can contact your WR OHS team at: wr.ohs@cupe4070.ca
We have included links to access crisis services below and look forward to hearing how we can best support you going forward.
Additional Resources:
Crisis Services Canada 1-833-456-4566
Crisis services Canada in QC 1-866-277-3553
*Inkblot crisis support 1-855-933-0103
*Please keep in mind that only active CCMs have access to Inkblot services
In Solidarity,
Your Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Christina Bucholtz, Shae-Lynn Degelman, Nicole Perkins and Spencer Scerbo
Bell Let's Talk 2022 - Swoop
Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, which is a day that all Canadians can join together to make a positive change towards mental health initiatives. For those on social media, every #BellLetsTalk will donate 5 cents from Bell!
Dear Members,
Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, which is a day that all Canadians can join together to make a positive change towards mental health initiatives. For those on social media, every #BellLetsTalk will donate 5 cents from Bell!
Your OH&S team understands the hardships we endure daily, both at work on the line and in our personal lives. It's important to be aware of the resources available to you:
CUPE Crisis Resources – https://www.cupe4070.ca/crisis-hotline
EFAP – 1 (877) 418 2181
How else can we work towards a positive mental health environment?
Educate yourself on current topics, news and world events
Be kind to one another; everyone walks in different shoes
Ask and listen to one another; you never know how much that can help
Talk about it! Open the conversation; sometimes that perfect advice comes when you least expect it!
Keep talking Swoopsters, and we will keep listening.
We are always here for you!
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 WO Occupational Health & Safety Committee
Employee Chair – Jay Antflick
Employee Rep – Teelah Barlow
Employee Rep – Camillo Gomez
48-HOUR REMINDER: Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - February 2022 #2
This is a 48-hour reminder for the current MANDATORY recall for WestJet (WS) Members based in YYZ sent on Wednesday January 19, 2022. The 7 day MANDATORY recall notice will end on January 26, 2022.
Dear Members,
This is a 48-hour reminder for the current MANDATORY recall for WestJet (WS) Members based in YYZ sent on Wednesday January 19, 2022. The 7 day MANDATORY recall notice will end on January 26, 2022.
Please review the original email sent to WestJet Members on January 19, 2022 here.
IMPORTANT: The return to work is mandatory and there is no option to defer. If you decline the recall, or do not respond, this will be deemed your resignation from WestJet. If you fail to respond to the MANDATORY recall notice within seven (7) days, you will deem to have declined the recall.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Thank You CUPE 4070 Members
Your CUPE 4070 Executive would like to put out this letter of appreciation to all Members of Local 4070 for their hard work and dedication over the holiday peak flying season. Holiday flying has and will always be challenging, but this year, the bar was raised higher than ever before.
Dear CUPE 4070 Members,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive would like to put out this letter of appreciation to all Members of Local 4070 for their hard work and dedication over the holiday peak flying season. Holiday flying has and will always be challenging, but this year, the bar was raised higher than ever before.
We want all of our Members to know that the stress you were under throughout this holiday season - delays, cancellations, IROP’s, weather, staffing issues, commuting challenges, unruly guests, mask compliance issues, catering shortages, custom holds and wait-times, not to mention all the struggles that come with being in the midst of a pandemic- has not gone unnoticed, nor is it forgotten as we come out on the other side of the holidays, and begin to return to some semblance of "normalcy.”
While many of these difficulties were unforeseen, it seems a lot of these issues are reminiscent of past holiday seasons. Your Union is looking at strategies that we will attempt to implement, with the objective being to avoid the same issues next holiday season.
From all of us at 4070, we want to say thank you for your unwavering hard work and dedication in the past month. We understand that it is not easy dealing with the unprecedented challenges that were faced. We appreciate everything that our Members do, day in and day out.
We know that the holidays can be hard for many of us, and would like to remind you that there are resources available if you, or someone you know, is struggling:
Thank you.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
WestJet Encore (WR) Non-Monetary Amendments Update
On January 14, 2022, your CUPE 4070 Executive, along with our CUPE National Reps, met with the Employer and its representatives to discuss Non-Monetary Amendments to the WR Agreement. The Union also took this time to bring forward inconsistencies with Crew Scheduling and application of Collective Agreement language, which the Employer took away for follow up.
Dear WestJet Encore Members,
On January 14, 2022, your CUPE 4070 Executive, along with our CUPE National Reps, met with the Employer and its representatives to discuss Non-Monetary Amendments to the WR Agreement. The Union also took this time to bring forward inconsistencies with Crew Scheduling and application of Collective Agreement language, which the Employer took away for follow up.
The Union presented some proposed language, which the Employer took away for discussion.
Later in the day, the Employer and the Union met again to discuss the proposed language and the Employer proposed their language.
After a short discussion, both the Union and the Employer identified that between Collective Agreement and MSL implementation timelines and an operationally challenging holiday season, there was a lack of solid, consistent data to support amending the language that had been proposed by both parties. The Union and the Employer agreed to table Amendments to the Agreement until April 2022, one month after the MSL has been implemented and utilized.
While this may not be news you were expecting, the Union would like to stress that we believe this is a good thing. If we did not believe this was in the best interest of all WestJet Encore Members, we would not have agreed to table these important negotiations.
The Union met and thoroughly reviewed concerns brought forward by the Membership prior to meeting with the Employer. With Collective Agreement Article implementation and this meeting occurring in early January, a historically challenging operational month, the timing was not ideal for getting a full picture of the issues impacting Cabin Personnel. Tabling this discussion until April will allow the Union time to accurately identify concerns and propose language that will be beneficial to the WestJet Encore Membership.
In the meantime, please ensure you are thoroughly reading your Collective Agreement. If you have questions about Articles, please watch the Collective Agreement walk through videos first behind the Member’s Portal on cupe4070.ca, alternatively you can watch the videos archived on YouTube. If you require further clarification or have concerns with how the language is being applied, please reach out to your Union.
As always, if required representation, please contact your Union at: cupe4070.ca/contact
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Swoop Members Update
Your Union has information for you, along with a few updates, please read each section carefully.
Dear Swoop Members,
Your Union has information for you, along with a few updates, please read each section carefully:
Your CUPE Executive Team would like to remind you of the process and procedure when you have been requested for a meeting with the Employer.
When you receive a request for a meeting:
Forward your meeting request to your Base VP. Include your personal email and phone number. Important note: communication with your Union must be done using your personal email. The Company owns your Swoop Email, and therefore is not an appropriate avenue of communication with the Union.
A Steward will be assigned to you based on availability.
A confirmation email will be sent to your personal email with contact information for your Steward. Once received, it is your responsibility to initiate contact with your Steward to discuss your meeting.
Be sure to reply to the Company and inform them that you will be bringing CUPE Representation.
When you are in a meeting, it is imperative that you remain professional and stick to facts. Some situations can be emotional, it is important to be prepared, stay calm, and avoid expressing anger, frustration, or using profanities. If you need to take a break, let your Steward know – your Steward may also request a break if the need arises.
Presto Card:
One of our Members, Nicole Marsden, was able to establish a discount for their fellow WO Flight Attendants.
The process is as follows:
Send an email to peoplepayroll@flyswoop.com requesting an employment letter stating that you are employed with Swoop and co-based in YHM/YYZ.
Print the letter and take it to Terminal 1 Presto Office (arrivals level) and present the letter and your RAIC to the agent.
Your RAIC will be verified with the letter from the Company, and an email will be sent to your personal email within 10 days for pick up.
*If you already have a Presto Card, bring that with you for pick up and they will add the Airport Employee designation to your card.
The Union has heard from Members regarding delayed report times. Please review your Collective Agreement (Article 33-12 NOTIFICATION OF A DELAY AT BASE PRIOR TO PAIRING REPORT) for clarification and review the Q&A sent out by the Employer. Please reach out to your Base VP if you have further questions.
Rumour Busting - Flow:
There is currently a posting for WS YYZ Base. We would like to make it clear that this is to create a pool for future WS classes and in no way negates the flow language in the Memorandum of Agreement - please read Article 4.1 for further clarification. Over 500 Members remain on furlough at WS. Until WestJet has exhausted the recall list, new hire classes will not be scheduled. WO flow positions are a percentage of new-hire class slots.
As always, if you have questions or require representation, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
WS YYZ Base Update
As some of you may be aware, Chantale Tremblay, CUPE 4070 WS YYZ Base VP, is on medical leave. We wish her a speedy recovery and are doing all we can to support her and the WestJet YYZ Base in her absence.
Dear Members,
As some of you may be aware, Chantale Tremblay, CUPE 4070 WS YYZ Base VP, is on medical leave. We wish her a speedy recovery and are doing all we can to support her and the WestJet YYZ Base in her absence.
The WS YYZ Base VP contact form on our website has been re-directed to Chris Brewer, CUPE 4070 WS YVR Base VP. Chris Brewer will delegate emails to be managed and responded to by himself, Brigitte Benoit, WS YYC Base VP, Crysal Hill, CUPE 4070 VP, and available Stewards.
Members with existing emails in Chantale’s inbox can expect to hear a reply over the weekend and into early next week. Members requiring representation will be responded to with priority. We will work with Chantale to create a sustainable plan for the WS YYZ Base once she has a better idea of her recovery plan.
At this time, the Local is doing all we can to support Chantale so that she can focus on recovery. WS YYZ Members should know that the Local has taken steps and will continue to ensure the WS YYZ Base is being supported and represented.
We will continue to update you as more information becomes available.
Thank you all for your support and understanding.
As always, if you require Union assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at: https://www.cupe4070.ca/contact
Please reach out to us using the above contact page on our website. Social media messages are not an appropriate avenue for communicating with the Union, and will not be responded to.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - February 2022 #2
The Union has been notified of MANDATORY recall for WestJet (WS) Members based in YYZ.
Dear Members,
The Union has been notified of MANDATORY recall for WestJet (WS) Members based in YYZ:
MANDATORY Notices of recall will be released by the Company later today, Wednesday January 19, 2022.
This recall will utilize the 7-day recall notice period, in accordance with 47-5.04 of the Collective Agreement.
Members are expected to be placed into training in February.
There will be one round of MANDATORY recall notices sent today, and a second round for more YYZ based Members on Friday January 21, 2002 following closing of the previous round of voluntary recalls.
IMPORTANT: The return to work is mandatory and there is no option to defer. If you decline the recall, or do not respond, this will be deemed your resignation from WestJet. If you fail to respond to the MANDATORY recall notice within seven (7) days, you will deem to have declined the recall.
1) Check the personal email account that you have most recently registered with the Company related to your inactive status. If you need to change the email address on file with the Company, please contact peopleservices@westjet.com.
2) Ensure to check your ‘spam/junk’ folder, just in case.
3) The Company will provide an official recall notice to your personal email address on file.
4) In addition to accepting the recall notice using the online form, you will be required to complete Vaccination Status Declaration Forms even if you have already done so. Be sure to read the notice of recall carefully and follow the instructions provided by the Company.
Please reach out to the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
48-HOUR REMINDER: Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - February 2022
This is a 48-hour reminder for the current WestJet Member recall notice for February 2022. The 7 day recall notice will end on January 21, 2022.
Dear Members,
This is a 48-hour reminder for the current WestJet Member recall notice for February 2022. The 7 day recall notice will end on January 21, 2022.
Please review the original email sent to WestJet Members on January 14, 2022 here.
You can reach out to the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - February 2022
The Union has been notified of recall for WestJet (WS) Members as follows.
Dear Members,
The Union has been notified of recall for WestJet (WS) Members as follows:
WS recall to YYZ base only.
Notices of recall and contingent notices of recall will be released by the Company later today, Friday January 14, 2022.
This recall will utilize the 7-day recall notice period, in accordance with 47-5.04 of the Collective Agreement.
Members are expected to be placed into training during the month of February.
Once required training is complete, schedules for the remaining days in February will be assigned based on availability.
1) Check the personal email account that you have most recently registered with the Company related to your inactive status. If you need to change the email address on file with the Company, please contact peopleservices@westjet.com.
2) Ensure to check your ‘spam/junk’ folder, just in case.
3) The Company will provide an official firm recall notice, or contingent recall notice to your personal email address on file
4) In addition to accepting the recall notice using the online form, you will be required to complete Vaccination Status Declaration Forms even if you have already done so. Be sure to read the notice of recall carefully and follow the instructions provided by the Company.
Please reach out to the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Recall Notice - (WR) WestJet Encore Members - March 2022
The Union has been advised by the Company of recalls to active status for Members currently on furlough; effective March 1, 2022 as follows. Recall will occur based on the Master Seniority List (MSL) as per the Collective Agreement (CA).
Dear Members,
The Union has been advised by the Company of recalls to active status for Members currently on furlough; effective March 1, 2022 as follows:
Recall will occur based on the Master Seniority List (MSL) as per the Collective Agreement (CA).
This recall will see:
- Approximately eight (8) CCMs recalled in YYC with Recall Notices released later today.
- Approximately sixteen (16) to twenty (20) CCMs recalled in YYZ with recall notices released this coming Monday or Tuesday.
Members eligible for recall will have only fourty-eight (48) HOURS to accept a recall should they desire.
This recall is being executed under Article 47-5.05 of the Collective Agreement (CA):
To determine if you are eligible for recall as of March 1, 2022:
1) Check the personal email account that you have most recently registered with the Company related to your inactive status.
2) Ensure to check your ‘spam/junk’ folder, just in case.
As indicated, this recall is being executed under Article 47-5.05 of the CA and Members eligible for recall will have only 48 HOURS to accept a recall should they desire.
Ability to decline recall:
As per the Collective Agreement: if you are senior enough to hold recall, and recall is offered to you; you may elect to decline the recall and await recall in the future should it occur. You may opt to decline any recall until such time as there are no other Members junior to you on the MSL within your base, at which time a decline to recall would be the end of your employment at WestJet Encore. You will be notified in the Notice of Recall if this is the case, by the Company.
The Union and the Company continue to work together cooperatively towards recalling Members that have been placed on furlough as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are very pleased to see further recall at WestJet Encore.
Please contact the Union should you have further questions via our contact link: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Secondary Recall - January 2022 Bid
Through a shared interest in allowing Cabin Personnel on layoff from one Company to access work at another Company, Secondary Recall was ratified by the membership at all three workgroups. The Union would like to announce application for Secondary Recall is now live. Members interested in being placed on the Secondary Recall list can apply here.
Dear Members,
As you may recall, attached to each Tentative Agreement during ratification, was a Memorandum of Agreement connecting all three bargaining units, WestJet, WestJet Encore and Swoop. To review this document and/or download for your reference click here.
Through a shared interest in allowing Cabin Personnel on layoff from one Company to access work at another Company, Secondary Recall was ratified by the membership at all three workgroups.
The Union would like to announce application for Secondary Recall is now live. Members interested in being placed on the Secondary Recall list can apply here.
The Union is responsible for creating and maintaining Secondary Recall lists for each Company base. The updated Secondary Recall Lists must be provided to the Companies no later than the 10th day of the month that is two (2) months prior to the monthly scheduling period for which the Secondary Recalls (if any) would take effect.
January 2022 placements on the Secondary Recall List will close Sunday January 9th, 2022 at 1800MST and be effective March 2022. **Signing up for secondary recall effective March 2022 (or any subsequent month) does not guarantee recalls will occur.**
Carefully read the requirements, process and outlined terms and conditions, including the “freeze period” of Secondary Recall in both the attached MOA and application form.
Please note, Secondary Recall is not “flow”. There is an outlined process for flow from WestJet Encore and Swoop to WestJet. This process can be found under Section 4 and is subject to the terms and conditions of the attached MOA.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Omicron and Reduction of Service
Dear Members,
The explosion of the Omicron Variant of COVID-19, and the surging numbers of our Members reporting infections have led to an influx of questions and concerns to your Local Executive and Health and Safety Committee about the current onboard service standards.
The Union met with senior leadership from WestJet on December 30, 2021 to discuss safety concerns brought forward by our Members. The Union asked that WestJet act immediately and temporarily reduce or modify current levels of service in the cabin. WestJet advised the Union they would take the request away for further discussion including consultation with WestJet Group Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tammy McKnight.
The position of your Union and of the CUPE National Health and Safety Department is that onboard service should be reduced from current levels to limit exposure to unmasked passengers, and unnecessary time in the aisles by our Membership.
In addition, the Union requested that Flight Attendants should, at minimum, be provided with properly fitted respirators such as N-95 devices. This is for protection from airborne particles of the Omicron variant; and we suggest our Membership be provided with basic training on proper donning of respiratory PPE such as N-95 devices to ensure a snug fit and a proper seal.
Respiratory PPE for our Members has been a request from your Local 4070 OH&S Committee since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This request is more relevant than ever now after recent remarks from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), who noted that cloth and surgical masks are likely not sufficient to protect from the high transmissibility of the new variant.
Despite documented concerns from our Members and media quotes from WestJet spokespersons recently that estimated approximately sixty-eight (68) flights per day are being cancelled due to crew shortages directly tied to the COVID-19 Omicron outbreak, the Employer appeared reluctant to commit to a change in service level(s) at this time or to the provision of respiratory PPE such as N-95 devices.
How you can help: Please ensure you are reporting safety concerns related to service and the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant directly to your Employer via applicable and official avenues. Communicating your concerns to the Union are critical; however, if you do not similarly submit a Safety AQD to the Employer on this topic, management can often rebuff the Union’s claims of major Member concern and cite their significant lack of evidence submitted by employees with the same concerns being heard by your Union.
Steps to submission of Member safety concerns in the workplace:
Write an Employer Safety AQD / Incident Report
Copy and Paste the content/description of your Report into an email addressed to your Union OHS Committee and send
For WestJet Members: ws.ohs@cupe4070.ca
For WestJet Encore Members: wr.ohs@cupe4070.ca
For Swoop Members: wo.ohs@cupe4070.caSubmit your Employer Safety AQD / Incident Report
Following this process will ensure that the Employer and your Union are both simultaneously made aware of your concerns / incident. This is critical towards making our case to influence change to policy and/or procedure in consultation with management.
The Union would also like to urge every Member to take all measures currently available to protect yourselves and each other while at work and on layovers. Management has advised that certain PPE such as face shields remains available at crew rooms across the system. Please take the time to acquire these should you wish to further protect yourself.
The Union applauds the Company’s commitment to safety by suspending service throughout most of 2020 and the earlier months of 2021. Your elected representatives continue to press the Employer to fully consider that similar consideration be given to this more virulent strain of COVID-19 that has already impacted so many aspects of our operation.
CUPE Local 4070 strongly adheres to the notion that the future success of our operation is directly tied to the health and well-being of our frontline workers, who continue to show their utmost dedication to WestJet’s long-term success through this continued challenging period.
We will continue to update you as this situation evolves. Please stay safe and take care of yourselves and each other.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive and WS, WR & WO OH&S Committees
Workforce Update (WS) - December 2021
Dear Members,
Below is the summary of recalls that occurred at WestJet (WS) in December 2021 recalls that have now been awarded.
WestJet (WS) Recall – December 2021:
*The Union has approached the Company with a possible error in these MSL numbers and are awaiting response.
As always, if you require assistance from your Union please contact us: www.cupe4070.ca/contact.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Recall Notice # 2 - WestJet (WS) - January 2022
Dear Members,
The Union has been notified of further recall for WestJet (WS) Members:
WS recall to YYC base only.
Notices of recall and contingent notices of recall will be released by the Company later today, Monday December 13, 2021.
This recall will utilize the 48-hour recall notice period, in accordance with 47-5.05 of the Collective Agreement.
Members who fail to respond, or decline 48-hour recall notice will remain on the recall list, in accordance with 47-5.05 of the Collective Agreement.
Members are expected to be placed into training in January with a full monthly schedule awarded for February 2022.
Once required training is complete, schedules for the remaining days in January will be assigned based on availability.
1) Check the personal email account that you have most recently registered with the Company related to your inactive status. If you need to change the email address on file with the Company, please contact peopleservices@westjet.com.
2) Ensure to check your ‘spam/junk’ folder, just in case.
3) The Company will provide an official firm recall notice, or contingent recall notice to your personal email address on file
4) In addition to accepting the recall notice using the online form, you will be required to complete Vaccination Status Declaration Forms even if you have already done so. Be sure read the notice of recall carefully and follow the instructions provided by the Company.
Please reach out to the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Standing Bid to Pass Reserve (WS)
Dear Members,
Both the CUPE Scheduling Review Committee and the WestJet Scheduling Review Committee are pleased to announce a new process for Reserve Callouts.
This program is called the Standing Bid to Pass Reserve.
The Standing Bid to Pass Reserve means you will be able to place a request to not be contacted by Crew Scheduling while on reserve until you are the least senior Crew Member available based on the seniority callout process.
A form has been created and will go live at 1600 MT today, December 13, 2021 and will be pushed to your CCD.
You can complete and submit the form starting immediately and it will be effective in twenty-four (24) hours. Your bid will then remain standing until you choose to make a change. Changes can only be made one (1) time per quarter. The quarters being defined as January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December.
Can I call in and ask to be called?
No. Once you have submitted the form, it will remain in place for the remainder of that quarter (3 month period).
Can I switch my call out for each pairing?
No. It applies to the entire month.
How long will it take for my Standing Bid to Pass Reserve to become active?
Twenty-four (24) Hours.
How long to remove my Standing Bid to Pass Reserve?
Seven (7) days.
How often can I go on or off the list?
You are allowed to make one change per quarter after you submit the form the first time.
When will I be called?
You will only be called once all resources have been used, your seniority comes up, and a pairing requires assignment.
All reserve call outs will follow the Collective Agreement 35-5.14 - Pairing Assignment Process.
So, what exactly is different?
You will no longer be called multiple times within your call out window and you will no longer beOFFEREDa pairing. All calls will be anASSIGNEDpairing.
What happens if I do not sign up?
The call out process will remain as it currently stands . You may still receive multiple calls each day of your reserve period. All rules will continue to follow the Collective Agreement 35-5.14 - Pairing Assignment Process.
We hope this will alleviate some of the frustrations we have been receiving regarding the callout process for reserve to date.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at:scheduling@cupe4070.ca
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE Scheduling Committee
December 20, 2021 General Membership Meeting (GMM)
Dear Members,
As a reminder, the next CUPE 4070 GMM will take place as follows:
Date: December 20, 2021
Time: 10:00 PT / 11:00 MT / 13:00 ET
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
The GMM will be followed by a Q&A session
All Members in Good Standing (have signed a union card and paid the $5 initiation fee) are eligible to participate and must complete the following registration form:
*Registration will be verified to confirm Membership status (In Good Standing)
If you have not signed a union card and would like to participate, you can sign your card here.
Budgets, previous GMM Meeting Minutes, the Agenda and any other documents will be posted to the CUPE 4070 Members Portal landing page under "General Membership Meetings" at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.
If you have not registered for the Member Portal, please find instructions below:
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Final 2021 Election Results - CUPE 4070
Dear Members,
Our 2021 election season has come to an end. Please find below the election results for elections that ended today:
YVR Base Vice President
Chris Brewer 168 (70.3%)
Donnie Clark 71 (29.7%)
YYZ Bylaw Review Committee Member
Monica Chiman 194 (72.9%)
Bryan Hansraj 72 (27.1%)
WestJet Encore:
Education Committee Member
Concetta (Connie) Lima 58 (45.3%)
Adrian Dayrit 37 (28.9%)
Darlene DeVries 33 (25.8%)
Scheduling Review Committee
Stephanie Savoie 78 (60.9%)
Ariel (AJ) Reyes 50 (39.1%)
Grievance Committee Member
Chantel Weeks 70 (54.7%)
Christina Bucholtz 58 (45.3%)
I would like to thank all Members for their participation over the past few months during the nomination and election periods. Congratulations to all our Members elected to positions at CUPE 4070 in 2021.
In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070
48-HOUR REMINDER: Recall Notice - WestJet (WS) Members - January 2022
Dear Members,
WestJet (WS) Member recall notices for January 2022 were sent out on December 2, 2021.
This recall will utilize the 7-day recall notice period, in accordance with 47-5.04 of the Collective Agreement.
Please review our original communication sent to WestJet (WS) Members on December 2, 2021by clicking here.
IMPORTANT for YVR Base Cabin Personnel: All YVR based Cabin Personnel currently on furlough will be receiving a recall notice. The return to work ismandatoryand there is no option to defer. If you decline the recall, or do not respond, this will be deemed your voluntary resignation from WestJet, effective December 10, 2021.
You can reach out to the Union at www.cupe4070.ca/contact should you have further questions.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team