WestJet Encore Guest User WestJet Encore Guest User

WR Seniority Bidding - Dispute Process

Today is the first day we will be receiving a seniority based schedule.  Prior to schedule release, we would like to add more clarity to the preferential seniority bidding system dispute process.

Dear WestJet Encore Members,

Today is the first day we will be receiving a seniority based schedule.  Prior to schedule release, we would like to add more clarity to the preferential seniority bidding system dispute process.      

Scheduling Disputes vs Grievances   

We would like to clarify scheduling disputes as per the Collective Agreement:  

34-2.03  In the event that a Cabin Crew Member wants to address concerns with their issued monthly schedule, they will notify a Union representative on the WR Scheduling Review Committee within seventy-two (72) hours of schedule release to review and respond.   

34-2.04  If a dispute is regarding a specific Day Off and deemed valid by the Scheduling Review Committee prior to the commencement of the disputed pairing, the Company will resolve the issue. Such resolution, which will be determined by the Company, may include:   

  • A modification or removal of the pairing to restore the Day(s) Off with pay protection for the original pairing Credit; or

  • The Cabin Crew Member will receive premium pay of one and one half (1.5) times the rate of pay for the Credit Hours worked on the Day(s) Off should the Company determine that the pairing will continue.

Note that CCMs have 72 hours following the Company’s publication of schedules to file a dispute. Each dispute will be carefully reviewed and answered by Members of the WR SRC. In the event that a violation has been found to have occurred, every effort will be made by the WR SRC and the Company to resolve the violation. Should a resolution that is not mutually agreed upon be found, it is then up to the CCM to reach out to your Base VP to begin the grievance process as outlined in Article 30 of your Collective Agreement.

Filing a Dispute

Please send all disputes or concerns to the SRC using the Schedule Dispute Form issued by the Company, also available on Sharepoint (Westnet). To clarify: the only disputes that have a bargained resolution are day(s) off. All other concerns will be reviewed by the WR SRC, and each instance will be handled individually based on circumstance.

Note that prior to sending in a dispute, it is the responsibility of the CCM to ensure that their concern is in fact valid and does not violate any of our work rules regarding for example, monthly scheduling window, maximum consecutive days on duty, and /or minimum rest at base.

As always, if you have any scheduling inquiries outside of the outlined process above, please reach out to your WR SCR:wr.src@cupe4070.ca

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 WR Scheduling Review Committee
WR YYC, Adrian Dayrit
WR YYZ, Stephanie Savoie

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WestJet Encore Guest User WestJet Encore Guest User

WestJet Encore - Implementation of RIGs

As implementation of our Collective Agreement continues, we want to make sure that you are set up for success. As of September, Duty RIGs and Trip RIGs will be implemented. Below you will find some guidance on how to calculate your Duty RIGs, Trip RIGs, and an explanation of how this will affect your overall Credit.  

Dear WestJet Encore Members,

As implementation of our Collective Agreement continues, we want to make sure that you are set up for success. As of September, Duty RIGs and Trip RIGs will be implemented. Below you will find some guidance on how to calculate your Duty RIGs, Trip RIGs, and an explanation of how this will affect your overall Credit.   

The Basics  

Article 41-5 of your Collective Agreement details pairing reconciliation.  

With the implementation of RIGs, the Credit Hours of the pairing will now be calculated as the combined total Credit Hours of all the scheduled or operated duty periods in the pairing OR by Trip RIG (calculated as ¼ of TAFB), whichever is greater.  

In short, you will either be credited by Duty RIG or Trip RIG, whichever is greater. It is important that all CCMs understand the difference between the two and how each are calculated.  

Before we begin, we want to review several terms and acronyms that we use to explain our pay structure;  

a. Duty RIG – calculated as 50% of the actual duty time completed in the duty period. This is typically per day. For example, a 4-day pairing in which you operate each day will have four duty periods.  

b. Trip RIG –calculated from original check in time of your pairing to check out time on the final day of your pairing. Trip RIG= 1 credit hour for each 4 hours of scheduled TAFB (time away from base)  

c. MDPC – Monthly Minimum Pairing Credit (4 Credit Hours per day)  

d. MMG – Monthly Minimum Guarantee (75 Credit Hours per month)  

e. TAFB – Time away from base  

f. Actual Credit – total block hours, plus any deadhead credit, completed in the duty period  

We will begin by walking through how to calculate your credit hours using Duty RIGs. The table below offers an example of a 5-day pairing.  

Calculating Credit Hours using Duty RIGs 

When calculating what you will be paid for with the implementation of Duty RIGs, there are three different numbers that must be considered: Actual Credit, MDPC, and Duty RIG. The language from Article 41-5.03 in the CA states,  

The actual operated Credit Hours of the pairing is calculated as the combined total Credit Hours of all the operated duty periods in the pairing or one (1) Credit Hour for each four (4) hours of scheduled time away from base (TAFB) in the pairing (“Trip RIG”), whichever is greater. The actual operated Credit Hours of each individual duty period will be the greater of:  

a. The actual Block Hours, plus any Deadhead Credit, completed in the duty period,  

b. The MDPC of four (4) Credit Hours, or;  

c. Fifty percent (50%) of the actual duty time completed in the duty period (“Duty RIG”)  


Step one: Determine the Credit hours for each day by determining which of the three values, Actual Block Hours, MDPC, or Duty RIG, is higher;  

a. Calculate Actual Credit for each day by noting the block hours for that duty day plus any DH credit (calculated at 50% of the flight time).   

b. Note the MDPC. This will always be 4 hours, except in cases where there was no duty period within the day. In that case, credit for the day would be 0. (An example of having 0 credit for the day would be a day in which you laid over in a city and did not actually work that day.)   

c. Calculate the Duty RIG (½ of the Duty period which is check in to check out).   

Step two: Determine which value, Actual Credit, MDPC or Duty RIG, is the greatest. The example in the table has the greatest values highlighted in green. These will be your credit for the day.  

Step three: Calculate the Pairing Credit by adding each days’ credit hours together;  4 (day 1) + 4.35 (day 2) + 4.24 (day 3) + 5.46 (day 4) + 4 (day 5) = 22:45 credit hours 

Calculating Credit Hours using Trip RIGs 

Calculating Trip RIGs is much less complicated.  Trip RIG = TAFB divided by 4. If we were using the 5-day pairing provided in the table, the TAFB is 96:30. Trip RIG (TAFB/4) =  96:30 / 4 = 24:08 

How to determine the Pairing Credit  

The pairing credit is either the sum of all daily credit (calculated by comparing Duty RIGs, Actual Credit, and MDCP), OR ¼ of TAFB, whichever is greater.  

Daily Credit Total = 22:45 
Trip Rig (TAFB / 4) = 24:08 
The pairing credit is thus 24:08.

How does the implementation of RIGs change your Credit Hours? 

The implementation of RIGs is the final layer of pay to be added with the current CA. The combination of DH pay, MDCP and now RIGs has added significant credit to pairings all of which are included within the Monthly Minimum Guarantee (MMG) of 75 hours.

The 5-day pairing that was used as our example would previously have been credited 14:17 towards your MMG.  In September, this same pairing will be credited 24:08 towards your MMG.  This is almost 10 hours added to your MMG of 75 hours! 

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact  

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
Interim WestJet YYC Base VP, Tyson Conrod
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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WestJet Encore Guest User WestJet Encore Guest User

WR YYZ Base Update

Thursday, August 18, 2022, the Employer informed your Union of the communication titled “Continuing Encore base operation at YYZ” sent to all WestJet Encore Members WestJet email. Your CUPE 4070 Executive has met to discuss the possible impacts of this announcement on our WestJet Encore Membership.  

Dear WestJet Encore Members, 

Thursday, August 18, 2022, the Employer informed your Union of the communication titled “Continuing Encore base operation at YYZ” sent to all WestJet Encore Members WestJet email. Your CUPE 4070 Executive has met to discuss the possible impacts of this announcement on our WestJet Encore Membership.  

We know that for many of our WR YYZ Members, this news comes with a lot of uncertainty: and we want to make it very clear, we are here to represent you.   

We are aware of concerns many of you have. At this time, there is no more information regarding implementation of this plan other than what was communicated in the email you received from the Employer last week. We will provide you with more information once it is available.  

 The Union is disappointed at the lack of notice regarding this announcement and have made it clear that further information be provided in advance to give us an opportunity to address Member concerns. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or require Union representation, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
Interim WestJet YYC Base VP, Tyson Conrod
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

CUPE 4070 Special Membership Meeting (SMM) - Wednesday October 5, 2022

We would like to notify you of an upcoming Special Membership Meeting (SMM) via Teams Meeting on Wednesday October 5, 2022. The purpose of this meeting is to present and vote on a bylaw amendment.

Dear Members,

We would like to notify you of an upcoming Special Membership Meeting (SMM) via Teams Meeting on Wednesday October 5, 2022. The purpose of this meeting is to present and vote on a bylaw amendment.  

Special Membership Meetings differ from General Membership Meetings in that “no business shall be transacted at the Special Membership Meeting other than that for which the meeting is called, and notice is given.” More information on Special Membership Meetings can be found in Section 5b of the CUPE 4070 Bylaws

When: Wednesday October 5, 2022 
Time: 11:00 PT / 12:00 MT / 14:00 ET 
Subject: CUPE 4070 Bylaw Amendment and Vote

 We will follow-up with more information regarding registration to the meeting and the preview of the bylaw amendments closer to the date. 

This SMM is open to all Members in Good Standing. Your engagement and participation is so important. We look forward to seeing you there!  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

An Important Message From Your CUPE 4070 Health & Safety Committee

Over the last few weeks, members of your WS Occupational Health and Safety Committee have continued to express our concerns for the ongoing safety issues related to the ‘metering’ process that has impacted our operations, particularly at Toronto Pearson International (YYZ).

Dear Members,

Over the last few weeks, members of your WS Occupational Health and Safety Committee have continued to express our concerns for the ongoing safety issues related to the ‘metering’ process that has impacted our operations, particularly at Toronto Pearson International (YYZ).

It is critical that our WestJet Encore and Swoop Members are aware this is occurring and the potential implications for you.

The fact is this on-going practice has increased the number of times workers have been exposed to numerous physical and psychosocial health and safety hazards, including increased heat in the cabin, harassment, and violence. However, at this time, management has widely dismissed our concerns.

We want you to know that we appreciate the respectful, professional, and effective way that you have been able to handle your duties through this challenging time. While we continue to support you, our members, we remind you that health and safety concerns need to be reported through official channels for us to be able to act, participate in investigations and, if needed, move complaints through to Transport Canada.

The purpose of Part II of the Canada Labour Code is to prevent workplace related accidents and injury including occupational diseases. Click on these links to view a detailed list of the OH&S Committee’sroles and responsibilities as well as those of the Employer.

The Committee would like to remind you of the following:

If you have experienced an incident that could have or did lead to an injury, make sure you fill out a copy of the Safety Incident Hazard Report (IHR) and keep a copy for your records.

If you have become aware of a hazard, please fill out the Safety Incident Hazard Report (IHR) and follow up with the employer on how they plan to remedy your concern.

If you find yourself in imminent danger, follow the procedures in your FAM and notify your Pilot in Command, Lead, or Cabin Manager.

As always, your OH&S Committee is here should you have any additional questions and concerns or would like to reach out directly please find us at: https://www.cupe4070.ca/health-and-safety-contact

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Health and Safety Committee

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

YYZ Metering Delay Process - MOA Update #1

Further to our email to you on July 13, the Union is pleased to share with you the signed MOA with Swoop.

Dear Members,

Further to our email to you on July 13, the Union is pleased to share with you the signed MOA with Swoop.

You can now find all the signed MOA's linked below:

WestJet Encore
Swoop NEW

If you have an questions or require Union representation or assistance, please reach out to us here: cupe4070.ca/contact

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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WestJet Encore Guest User WestJet Encore Guest User

WestJet Encore - MSL Dispute Period Now Open

The Master Seniority List has been published and can be viewed here or on our website portal here.

Dear WestJet Encore Members,

The Master Seniority List has been published and can be viewed here or on our website portal here.

This MSL was created with the following parameters:

  • The WestJet Encore Inflight initial in-class training start date has been used as the starting point for the creation of the seniority list for Cabin Crew Members employed by the Company.

  • A Cabin Crew Member will receive their seniority standing on the day that they complete their initial training.

  • If the WestJet Encore initial in-class training start date of two or more Cabin Crew Members is the same, the Cabin Crew Member with the lower employee number shall have more seniority.

A Cabin Crew Member who has concerns regarding their own seniority date, or the accuracy of other stated information on the MSL pertaining to them will have the opportunity to submit their dispute. Disputes must be submitted within thirty (30) Calendar Days from the date the list is posted. Any disputes must be submitted by August 10, 2022.

You may only submit a dispute specific to your own placement on the MSL – disputes relating to other Cabin Crew Member’s placement on the Master Seniority List will not be considered.

The Company has developed a form with required fields that must be completed for the dispute to be reviewed. A link to the form is available here: WestJet Encore Cabin Crew Member MSL Dispute Form (office.com)

If you have any questions, please reach out to your WestJet Encore Base Vice-President using our contact form at: cupe4070.ca/contact or your local base leadership team at WestJet Encore.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

YYZ Metering Delay Process - MOA

The Union is pleased to share with you that we have signed MOA's with WestJet and WestJet Encore regarding the ongoing metering delays in YYZ.

Dear Members,

The Union is pleased to share with you that we have signed MOA's with WestJet and WestJet Encore regarding the ongoing metering delays in YYZ.

We are still working on an MOA with Swoop and will follow-up with another communication when signed.

A special thank you to WS YVR VP Chris Brewer and WS YYC VP Brigitte Benoit for their continued efforts on getting these MOA's for our Members. This work has been ongoing for quite some time now and we are excited to finally be able to share the details with all of you.

You can find these MOA's linked below:

WestJet Encore
Swoop (to follow in an update)

If you have an questions or require Union representation or assistance, please reach out to us here: cupe4070.ca/contact

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Vacant - Pending By-election
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

Psychological Health & Safety Response During COVID-19 - Survey

In partnership with CUPE National, we are looking at the impact of the past two year on workplace mental health and trying to get a sense of the mental health supports that were offered (or not), and how successful they were (or not). 

Dear Members,

In partnership with CUPE National, we are looking at the impact of the past two year on workplace mental health and trying to get a sense of the mental health supports that were offered (or not), and how successful they were (or not).  

We want to hear your voice to understand the factors faced, the programs, polices and support that were helpful or not during the pandemic and as we emerge.  

CUPE is partnering with Researchers at Saint Mary's University, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), as well as Health Canada and Howatt HR Applied Workplace Research Institute to conduct this important research (SMU Research Ethics File #21-053). This comprehensive survey will take about 20 minutes of your time and the data collected will be anonymous and used to help better describe the workplace landscape for psychological health and safety at work, as well as provide very useful information towards the next edition of the National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety in the workplace.  

Make your voice heard. Take the Psychological Health & Safety Response During COVID-19 Survey today. 

 In Solidarity, 

Your CUPE 4070 OHS Committee & Executive Team

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

June/July 2022 By-Election - Voting Package

The nomination process for the current by-election has ended. Below is a breakdown of the nomination period outcome and the voting process:

Dear Members,

The nomination process for the current by-election has ended. Below is a breakdown of the nomination period outcome and the voting process:

CUPE 4070 - Term position, ending in November 2023
Trustee - 1x (No nominations)

WestJet YYZ Base - Term positions, ending in November 2022
WS YYZ Base Vice-President - 1x (Election Required)
Bryan Daniel Hansraj – Read More
Rose Streete – Read More

WS YYZ Communications Committee - 1x (No nominations)

WS YYZ Union Steward - 1x (Acclaimed / No Election)
Ashlee Steed

This by-election vote is now specific to WestJet YYZ Base Members in Good Standing only. If you wish to participate in this election round and have not signed a card, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee on our website at least 24 hours before the nominations or elections end for processing. SIGN A CARD HERE

Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.

If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If you are still unable to locate this link, please email Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070, at: vote@cupe4070.ca.

Please include your full name, airline and employee number in the email.

Elections START:
Thursday July 7, 2022 at 03:00 PT/04:00 MT/06:00 ET
Elections END:
Wednesday July 13, 2022 at 15:00 PT/16:00 MT/18:00 ET

Electoral Officer:
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Sylvia Alves, WestJet Cabin Crew Member and Communications Committee Chair - YYC Base.

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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WestJet Encore, Swoop Guest User WestJet Encore, Swoop Guest User

WestJet Encore & Swoop Members - June Update

As the month of June ends, we would like to provide you with an overall update on the following topics: Cabin Temperatures and Summer Operations, and YYZ Metering - Fire Chief Order.

Dear WestJet Encore and Swoop Members,

As the month of June ends, we would like to provide you with an overall update on the following topics: 

  1. Cabin Temperatures and Summer Operations 

  2. YYZ Metering - Fire Chief Order 

1. Cabin Temperatures and Summer Operations 
The Union has already been receiving reports of unsafe cabin temperatures. Cabin temperatures are federally regulated in the Canada Labour Code in Part 7 of Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Regulations:  

“7.1 If feasible, the temperature on board an aircraft shall, if feasible, be maintained at a level of not less than 18°C and not more than 29°C.” 

Your OH&S Committee has been working to get each Member their own personal thermometer, but have come across supply issues. The Union is working on an interim solution, and we will communicate further. 

Despite the absence of a thermometer, all our Members are familiar with the physiological effects to ourselves and our passengers when the APU is not running and the cabin gets too hot. In past summer months, Members have reported crew and passengers overheating, fainting, and requiring EMS. This is an unsafe workplace and action should be taken before this point. 

When you feel the cabin temperature is getting too hot, immediately contact the captain to get the air turned on.

You have the right to a safe workplace. You have the right to refuse dangerous work until unsafe working conditions are made safe. You MUST report unsafe work conditions, including cabin temperature concerns, to the Employer and your OH&S Committee.

2. YYZ Metering - Fire Chief Order
The Union has been in repeated discussions with the Employer about metering, pay and the safety implications of metering, particularly as the hot summer months are upon us.  

Earlier today, the Employer released an Ops Comm - Metering Fire Chief Order. The order sent out from the Mississauga Fire Department to every airline that serves the GTAA further complicates an already fraught situation for both our Members and our guests.

The Union, including your OH&S Committee, met with the Employer today. We shared our concerns that the procedures currently in place are insufficient for the crew under these circumstances and expressed our significant concern for our Members safety. The Employer advised that they have received little documentation related to ICM incidents and metering. For ICM procedures, please reference your Flight Attendant Manual (FAM).

All ICM incidents MUST be reported to the Company 

For the Union to effectively advocate for our membership, IHR reporting is required.

After the Union met with the Employer, we met with our CUPE National Occupational Health and Safety Advisor, Troy Winters. The Union is working on a form for Members to submit on cupe4070.ca to track Metering incidences and concerns ourselves. We will communicate to the Membership when the form is live.

As always, if you require Union assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Vacant - Pending By-election
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

Removal of Transportation Restrictions

Your CUPE 4070 Hotels and Transportation Committee would like to inform you that as of July 1st 2022, these following COVID restrictions will be lifted.

Dear Members,

Your CUPE 4070 Hotels and Transportation Committee would like to inform you that as of July 1st 2022, these following COVID restrictions will be lifted: 

  • Removal of physical distancing requirements in vehicles. 

  • Cabin Personnel / Flight Attendants will be able to sit in the front seat. 

  • Drivers and Cabin Personnel / Flight Attendants are encouraged to wear masks, but depending on different local mandates this may be mandatory. 

  • Re-introduce the guest transfer request form (WS/WR). 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Hotels and Transportation, please contact us at: hotels@cupe4070.ca 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Hotel and Transportation Committee

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

June/July 2022 By-Election

We will be holding another by-election for various positions in the Union. Please review this information carefully.

Dear Members,

We will be holding another by-election for various positions in the Union. Please review this information carefully:

The following position is a term position, ending in November 2023:

CUPE 4070
*Trustee - 1x
*Open to all Members In Good Standing from all 3 units

The following positions are term positions, ending in November 2022:

**WS YYZ Base:
WS YYZ Base Vice-President - 1x
WS YYZ Communications Committee - 1x
WS YYZ Union Steward - 1x
**Open to all Members In Good Standing from WestJet YYZ Base only

Please take note of the following timelines: 

Nominations OPEN:
Friday June 24, 2022 at 03:00 PT/04:00 MT/06:00 ET
Nominations CLOSE:
Thursday June 30, 2022 at 15:00 PT/16:00 MT/18:00 ET
Nomination Acceptance Email OUT:
Friday July 1, 2022
Nomination Acceptance DUE:
Monday July 4, 2022 at 15:00 PT/16:00 MT/18:00 ET 
Resume/Info Sheet DUE:
Tuesday July 5, 2022 at 15:00 PT/16:00 MT/18:00 ET
Elections START: 
Thursday July 7, 2022 at 03:00 PT/04:00 MT/06:00 ET
Elections END:
Wednesday July 13, 2022 at 15:00 PT/16:00 MT/18:00 ET

Members In Good Standing (signed card and paid $5 Membership fee) can nominate other Members In Good Standing and participate in the voting process. If you wish to participate in this election round and have not signed a card, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee on our website at least 24 hours before the nominations or elections end for processing. SIGN A CARD HERE 

Nomination Forms
CUPE 4070 Trustee
WestJet YYZ
All nomination forms must be filled out electronically or printed and scanned and sent by email to: elections@cupe4070.ca
Please include the position and the nominee's name in the subject line of your email. 


  • The nominator must discuss the nomination with the nominee and both must be Members In Good Standing (Signed Union card and paid $5 membership fee) 

  • Unit and base specific positions require the nominee and the nominator to be from the same base and unit

  • Only one nomination form is required per nominee for the same position.  

  • You cannot nominate yourself. 

Nomination Acceptance
All Members who have been nominated will be sent an email from Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer, asking if they will allow their name to stand on the ballot and accept the nomination.

If you have been nominated for a position, please monitor your email and spam/junk folder during this period. Nominees who do not reply by the deadline will automatically be considered to have declined their nomination.

Resume/Info Sheet
All nominees that accept their nomination will be given the opportunity to provide a one (1) page (standard 8.5x11 size) resume/info sheet which can be posted on our social media pages and website with links sent by email to all Members for review.

Nominees must send their resume/info sheet in PDF format to: elections@cupe4070.ca

You can start creating your resume/information sheet ASAP. 

Please do not 

  • Submit large file resume/info sheets 

  • Use company logos 

  • Provide any information you don’t want public 

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Sylvia Alves, WestJet Cabin Crew Member and Communications Committee Chair - YYC Base. 

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

Uniform Sizing Issues

As the launch of the new uniform draws near, packages have started to arrive at your doorsteps with your new uniforms in them.

Dear WestJet and WestJet Encore Members, 

As the launch of the new uniform draws near, packages have started to arrive at your doorsteps with your new uniforms in them.    

As exciting as this is, it has come to the committee’s attention that some items aren’t fitting as they did during the trial fittings, and some of you are concerned about not having a properly fitting uniform for the launch.  The committee has spoken to the Company and they are asking anyone with fit issues to reach out to them so that they can collect this information and take it back to Unisync for troubleshooting.   

If you have issues with the new uniforms not fitting properly, please email Elise Featherstone or Leah McDonald at: uniforms@westjet.com, and please CC the uniform committee at: uniforms@cupe4070.ca so that we’re aware of how many of you are having issues.  If you can, and feel comfortable doing so, please include pictures of the fit issues.  These will help when submitting everything to Unisync. 

We would like to remind you that some orders have been “split”, so, you might not have all of the items you originally ordered in your packages.  The reason for these split orders is because the employer had to make quantity projections for each piece, however, some pieces saw considerably more orders than what was projected.  In order for everyone to have a functional uniform for rollout, orders had to be split into different shipments.  As soon as those split pieces arrive, they will be mailed out to you immediately.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a uniform committee rep, or email us at: uniforms@cupe4070.ca

Happy and safe flying everyone. 

In Solidarity, 

Your CUPE 4070 WS & WR Uniform Committee 

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

Auntie In Residence

June 21st marks National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. On behalf of Local 4070 Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD), Cabin Personnel and Flight Attendants are invited to join a day of celebration with CARD Chair, Lindsay Poll.

Dear Members,

June 21st marks National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada.  

On behalf of Local 4070 Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD), Cabin Personnel and Flight Attendants are invited to join a day of celebration with CARD Chair, Lindsay Poll.  

Lindsay will be available in person at the Calgary CUPE Office (located at YYC International on arrivals level behind carousel 7) and virtually via TEAMs, serving and offering support to Members as an “Auntie” in residence.    

“Auntie” in residence is an opportunity to provide space for all 4070 Members to experience Indigenous ways of knowing. The term “Auntie” is often used in Indigenous culture as a term of endearment for matriarchs who carry forward Indigenous traditions. An “Auntie” can be literal aunts, a close family friend, or a respected figure in the community. Lindsay is not an Elder.  She is, however, continuing to learn and grow her skills as a knowledge keeper.    

The day will start by opening the office with a prayer. Smudging will be available to participating members to clear negative energy, bring balance and recognize the land we occupy.   

Members can participate in making medicine pouches. A medicine pouch is a sacred item and usually contains four medicines for spiritual protection: tobacco, sweet grass, sage and cedar.     

This year, “Auntie” in residence is only available in person in Calgary however, all Members from all bases are encouraged to participate virtually via TEAMs.     


This link will be active on June 21st from 8:00PT / 9:00MT / 11:00ET – 15:00 PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET 

In Solidarity, 

Your CUPE 4070 CARD Committee 

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

WestJet Group Announcement - June 16, 2022

We understand the news from the WestJet Group Executive Leadership today will cause some uncertainty, particularly with our WestJet and WestJet Encore Members in YYZ Base. 

Dear Members,

We understand the news from the WestJet Group Executive Leadership today will cause some uncertainty, particularly with our WestJet and WestJet Encore Members in YYZ Base.  

Here is what we know:

  • WestJet Group Executive Leadership has evaluated the business model of the WestJet Group AP and identified what works and does not work for the overall health and longevity of WestJet, WestJet Encore, and Swoop

  • Leading up to the next two years, the business will be re-focused on Western Canada flying, the reduction of domestic Eastern Triangle flying, the cancellation of most outstanding Boeing 787 orders (3-4 undelivered units), refocus on narrow-body, with further orders and deliveries of narrow-body aircraft, and a focus on sun destinations. The focus in Eastern Canada will be East-West flying and East-South flying

  • The Company has given assurances that there will be no job losses or layoffs, but in fact will result in further flow opportunities for WestJet Encore Members specifically, and that there is the intent to continue mass hiring across the companies, including inflight

  • The ELT identified that WestJet and Swoop need to run more complementary networks, so markets are not “double served”

  • Throughout all these changes, the Collective Agreements for all three units must be respected

  • WestJet Group AP Executives have pledged to regular communication as these plans evolve and are implemented

Here is what we do not know: 

  • What will happen to YYZ 787 Cabin Managers 

  • Where WestJet Encore (or Swoop) flow will be focused  

  • Exact timing of these phases 

The Union will be meeting with Senior Leadership next week to further discuss the changes and how this will impact our Members. The Union will also evaluate ways this can benefit all of us at CUPE 4070.  

Yesterday at the Summit and today during the Townhall, CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech made a comment to the effect of the enemy being outside of our walls, not within. 

Uncertainty and change are not easy and have emotional impact, especially after the last 2.5 years. Local 4070’s collective power comes from all of us being united, working side-by-side in pursuit of better working conditions. It is imperative that we stand together – we are not each other’s enemy. 

The Union also views Alexis’ comment as favourable to Labour Relations overall. The Union is not the enemy of the Company, nor do we want the Company to be the Union’s enemy. This is a mutually beneficial business relationship that depends on good Labour Relations on both sides, which includes effective and timely communication when change that affects our Members is imminent. The Union is appreciative of the Company's proactive approach on the news regarding WestJet Group’s strategic growth plans, and the Sunwing (WG) announcement. 

To submit your questions / hot topics to be answered, please submit here: cupe4070.ca/newsletterhottopics 

We are aware the June newsletter is delayed, as you can imagine there are many changes occurring that we want to make sure are captured accurately for you, our Members. 

If you have any questions or concerns, or require Union representation, please contact us at: cupe4070.ca/contact

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Chantale Tremblay
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Guest User

Monkeypox Update #1 / Mise-à-jour sur la variole du singe #1

The following message is from the Airline Division Council of Presidents (ADCP) / Division Aérienne Conseil des Présidents (DACP).

Dear Members,

The following message is from the Airline Division Council of Presidents (ADCP) / Division Aérienne Conseil des Présidents (DACP).

Please click the link to view the message:
Monkeypox Update #1 / Mise-à-jour sur la variole du singe #1

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Crystal Hill
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brigitte Benoit
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Chantale Tremblay
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Colleen Tracey
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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