Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections January 2023-Voting Package & Update

Elections January 2023 - Voting Package and Update

Good day Members,

Below is the information for voting, followed by acclaimed positions that do not require a vote. Dependent on the vote result, more acclaimed positions will be announced afterwards.


1x CUPE 4070 Vice President
Charles Brochu – READ MORE 
Elizabeth Greene 
Meaghan Gulliver 
Rose Streete – READ MORE
Tyson Conrod – READ MORE


1x WS YVR Communications Committee -Vacant
1x WS YYC Communications Committee

1 pending the election 
1x WO Communications Committee -Vacant

1x WR Education Committee -Vacant
1x WO Education Committee -Vacant

1x WR Women's Committee -Vacant
1x WS Women's Committee -Vacant

1x WR Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant
1x WO Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)-Vacant

1x WR YYC Health and Safety
2x WR YYZ Health and Safety

1x WO YEG Health and Safety
Camilo Hurtado Gomez – READ MORE

1x WS YVR Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYC Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WS YYZ Uniform Committee-Vacant
1x WR Uniform Committee-Vacant

1x WR YYZ Scheduling Review Committee-Vacant

1x WR Return to Work Accommodations Committee-Vacant

1x WS YYC Commuter Committee-Vacant
1x WS YVR Commuter Committee

Corie Ives

1x WS YVR Bylaw Review Committee
1x WS YYZ Bylaw Review Committee
1x WR YYZ Bylaw Review Committee
1x WO Bylaw Review Committee

9x WS YVR Union Stewards
1 pending the election
Karen Navarrete 
Pamela Garinger 
7x WS YYC Union Stewards
Alexis Alain
1 pending the election
Rachel Molle – READ MORE
Sylia Alves 
10x WestJet YYZ Union Stewards
Nika Porter – READ MORE

9x WR YYC Stewards
Christine Kim 
Jodi Tamuyao 

10x WR YYZ Stewards-Vacant

3x WO YEG Stewards
Tammy Deren – READ MORE
2 Vacant

Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.

NOTE: Some votes are open to all Members in Good Standing, others are unit specific or unit and base specific.

If you wish to become a Member in Good Standing, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee (if you haven't already), this will begin the process and is completed as the next General Membership Meeting (GMM). SIGN A CARD HERE 

Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.

If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If you are still unable to find the link, please email vote@cupe4070.ca

Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.

First Round Election Start:
January 18, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
January 24, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member.

Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

December 2022 Violations & Grievances

December 2022 Violations and Grievances  


Dear Fellow Members of CUPE 4070, 


First, we would like to acknowledge your perseverance, resilience, and actions, which do not go unnoticed. 


December 2022 we saw one of the most extreme irregular operations in our company's history.  


If you encountered a violation of the CA, the grievance procedure is to be used to seek a resolution. It starts with an informal discussion (article 30-2) with your DPM/Base Lead or their designate. Be sure to loop in your Base VP.  


Grievances must be filed within 30 days of you having reasonable knowledge of the violation (30-3.02), which the date of the incident is used as day 1. It is vital to take action on violations of the collective agreement, as when we do not, we relinquish our power and rights to the employer.  Which will impact bargaining when we return to the bargaining table.  


We’ve received a few emails but we want to make sure no one is missed. If you encountered any abnormal work days where you believe a violation occurred, review your CA and connect with your DPM/Base Lead or their designate and Base VP.  

Examples of violations that may have occurred:
WS on duty beyond absolute maximum duty day CA 34-11.01/LOU 7
WR on duty beyond absolute maximum duty day CA 34.10-03
WO on duty beyond absolute maximum duty day CA 33-9.04

Other violation examples could include minimum rest or hotels assignments.

To connect with your Base VP please use the Contact Form  


On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

By-elections January 2023

By-elections January 2023

Dear Members,

The following is an outline for Elections January 2023:

Nominations Open: 
January 3, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET 
Nominations Close: 
January 10, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET 
Nomination Acceptance Due: 
January 13, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET 
Resume/Info Sheet Due: 
January 15, 2023 at 14:00PT / 15:00MT / 17:00ET 
First Round Election Start: 
January 18, 2023 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET 
First Round Election End: 
January 24, 2023 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET 

Members in Good Standing can nominate other Members In Good Standing and participate in the voting process. If you wish to sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee on our website. SIGN A CARD HERE 


  • The nominator must discuss the nomination with the nominee and both must be Members In Good Standing.

  • Unit and base specific positions require the nominee and the nominator to be from the same base and unit.

  • Unit specific positions require the nominee and the nominator to be from the same unit.

  • Only one nomination form is required per nominee for the same position.  

  • You cannot nominate yourself. 

Click here to review all positions open for nominations.

For more information regarding the roles and expectations, please consult the bylaws

Nomination Forms are located on the CUPE4070 website: click here

All nomination forms that have been submitted receive an automatic reply right a ways.  If you did not receive an automatic reply, please check your junk folder.  Submit again if you did not get an automatic reply. Email inquiries to: nominations@cupe4070.ca

Nomination Acceptance
All Members who have been nominated will be sent an email from Calvin Gautschi, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer, asking if they will allow their name to stand on the ballot and accept the nomination.

If you have been nominated for a position, please monitor your email and spam/junk folder during this period. Nominees who do not reply by the deadline will automatically be considered to have declined their nomination.

Resume/Info Sheet
All nominees that accept their nomination will be given the opportunity to provide a one (1) page (standard 8.5x11 size) resume/info sheet which can be posted on our social media pages and website with links sent by email to all Members for review.

Nominees must send their resume/info sheet in PDF format to: nominations@cupe4070.ca

You can start creating your resume/information sheet ASAP. 

Please do not 

  • Submit large file resume/info sheets 

  • Use company logos 

  • Provide any information you don’t want public 


Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet Cabin Crew Member - YYC Base.

In Solidarity,
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Reminder Unpaid Work Update & Survey




REMINDER Unpaid Work Update and Survey

Dear Members,

The Airline Division will be looking at ways to ensure our members voices are heard loud and clear on unpaid work within our sector.
Please find below a survey that we are hoping all members will fill out, please feel free to share the survey with your co-workers.
In English: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=en
En Français : https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=fr
This survey will drive the bus on what you see as unpaid work, along with airline specific unpaid work issues.
We wish you a safe and festive holiday season and happy holidays to everyone.
In solidarity,

Your Airline Division Council of Presidents

RAPPEL Mise à jour et enquête sur le travail non rémunéré  

Chers membres,

La Division des compagnies aériennes examinera les moyens de s'assurer que la voix de nos membres est entendue haut et fort sur le travail non rémunéré dans notre secteur.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une enquête à laquelle nous espérons que tous les membres répondront. N'hésitez pas à partager cette enquête avec vos collègues.
En Anglais: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=en
En Français: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=fr
Cette enquête nous permettra de savoir ce que vous considérez comme du travail non rémunéré, ainsi que les problèmes spécifiques au travail non rémunéré dans les compagnies aériennes.
Nous vous souhaitons de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et de bonnes vacances à tous.

Votre division aérienne conseil des présidents


Wesley Lesosky
ADCP President &
President Air Canada Component
DACP Président et
Président Composante d’Air Canada du SCFP

Rena Kisfalvi
ADCP Secretary-Treasurer &
DACP Secrétaire-trésorière et
CUPE Local 4055
Section locale 4055 du SCFP

Dominic Levasseur
President / Président
Air Transat Component of CUPE
Composante d’Air Transat du SCFP

Morgan Braun
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 4029
Section locale 4029 du SCFP
Calm Air

Cameron Jones
President / Président
CUPE Local 4060
Section locale 4060 du SCFP
Flair Air

Alia Hussain
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 4070
Section locale 4070 du SCFP

Courtney Decker
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 5451
Section locale 5451 du SCFP
PAL Airlines

Joseph Kalin
President / Président
CUPE Local 8111
Section locale 8111 du SCFP
Canadian North

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WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Snowtastrophe Recognition MOA-WR

"Snowtastrophe" Recognition MOA  

Dear Members,

Over the last few days and more to come, we have and we will experience the most extraordinary IROP in the Companies history.  The Union met with the Company to advocate on behalf of you.  

Our members deserve recognition for their perseverance and dedication.  As a result of our discussions with the Employer, we would like to share that CUPE Local 4070 and WestJet Encore have signed a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) for compensation for any member who was operational from 01:00 LBT Dec.18, 2022 to 00:59LBT Jan.8, 2023.

Open Time Premium Pay:
Premium Pay under article 41-4.01 will be two (2) times the Hourly Base Rate during the above period

If the Open Time is a statutory holiday (46-2), Cabin Personnel will be paid three and a half (3.5) times the Hourly Base Rate.

Front-Line Holiday Peak Payment:
Each Cabin Personnel that operates a minimum of one pairing during the above period will receive a one time lump sum of $750 (minus taxes).  This payment will be on the second paycheck of Jan. 2023. 
Note: this will also include reserve and RTD during the above period. 

If you have any questions in regards to this MOA please reach out to your DPM.  

Please be safe, be patient and kind to one another.  We thank you for your continued professionalism and perseverance.

On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

December 2022 IROP

December 2022 IROP

Dear Members,

We are in the midst of Snow-mageddon 2022, starting in the West and soon will be in the East.

What to do in an IROP:
Know your rights and familiarize yourself with:

Duty Day Maximums:
WestJet CA 34-10 & 34-11
WestJet Encore CA 34-9 & 34-10
Swoop CA 33-8 & 33-9

Rest Minimums:
WestJet CA 34-13 & 34-14
WestJet Encore CA 34-11 & 34-12
Swoop CA 33-10 & 33-11

If you have questions regarding the CA reach out to a Base VP.

Being on Duty is defined as Report to Release:
WestJet CA 34-9
WestJet Encore CA 34-8
Swoop CA 33-7

ForReport Time see:
WestJet 34-9.02
WestJet Encore 34-8.02
Swoop 33-7.02. 

ForRelease Timesee:
WestJet 34-9.03
WestJet Encore 34-8.03
Swoop 33-7.03

Which is 15 minutes after the actual arrival time of the last flight of their duty period, WestJet Encore and Swoop for a DH is actual arrival of the flight. 

If you are at the hotel or at home and your flight is canceled, stay there and await further instructions from Crew Scheduling, they will reach out once they have a plan for you.  If you are a commuter, please ensure to still continue to your base unless otherwise advised by Crew Scheduling as per WestJet and WestJet Encore 38-2.

If you are waiting for transportation to your layover hotel, you can use a taxi if transportation is not provided within 40min after release time, or 10min after scheduled hotel shuttle time from the hotel and will be reimbursed. 
WestJet and WestJet Encore CA 37-2.03
Swoop CA 36-2.03

Contact your CSC or DPM for specifics on how to submit this for your unit.

If you are waiting on accommodations from Crew Scheduling please be patient with them as they work through this.  If you feel they have overlooked and forgotten about you please contact them.  As per the Companies emails they will be approving temporary positive space business travel and hotel reimbursement for those traveling to support our business and extenuating circumstances.  Please review the emails for details.

There will be long wait times, keep track and document time of phone calls.

If the CA is violated, email your DPM and CC your Base VP in the email.  If CUPE is not informed, we unable to hold the company accountable. There is a timeframe where grievances must be started before it is expired.  
WestJet, WestJet Encore, Swoop CA Article 30

Today we shared with Greg Orth, Lisa Davis, Mark Rallo and Diederik Pen, an LOU that we believe offers the enhanced operational coverage the company requires to recover from both staffing shortages and the winter storms across the country during our busiest season.
This LOU is requesting pay incentive during the busiest season, which is aligned with the same request made by ALPA.

Effectivity Period from: December 22, 2022 though January 2, 2023:

  • For the effective period credit hours eligible and earned at premium pay are paid at a rate of three (3.0x) times the hourly base rate

  • For the effective period, Cabin Personnel operating straight time pairings shall be compensated straight time at (1.5x) times their hourly rate of pay. These earnings are WSP eligible. This includes pairing swaps, trades, voluntary pairing swaps, deadheading, and reserve.

We will update you on this matter once we hear back from the Company.

We would like to remind all crews to monitor their duty periods and personal level of fatigue.  As professionals it is our responsibility to ensure we are rested and fit for duty.  We would like to remind Cabin Crew to carefully self assess their fatigue levels when considering their duty extensions
Please be safe, be patient and kind to one another

On behalf of your Local 4070 Executives:
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Unpaid Work Update & Survey




Unpaid Work Update and Survey

Dear Members,

The Airline Division will be looking at ways to ensure our members voices are heard loud and clear on unpaid work within our sector.
Please find below a survey that we are hoping all members will fill out, please feel free to share the survey with your co-workers.
In English: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=en
En Français : https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=fr
This survey will drive the bus on what you see as unpaid work, along with airline specific unpaid work issues.
We wish you a safe and festive holiday season and happy holidays to everyone.
In solidarity,

Your Airline Division Council of Presidents

Mise à jour et enquête sur le travail non rémunéré  

Chers membres,

La Division des compagnies aériennes examinera les moyens de s'assurer que la voix de nos membres est entendue haut et fort sur le travail non rémunéré dans notre secteur.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une enquête à laquelle nous espérons que tous les membres répondront. N'hésitez pas à partager cette enquête avec vos collègues.
En Anglais: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=en
En Français: https://survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/779424?lang=fr
Cette enquête nous permettra de savoir ce que vous considérez comme du travail non rémunéré, ainsi que les problèmes spécifiques au travail non rémunéré dans les compagnies aériennes.
Nous vous souhaitons de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et de bonnes vacances à tous.

Votre division aérienne conseil des présidents


Wesley Lesosky
ADCP President &
President Air Canada Component
DACP Président et
Président Composante d’Air Canada du SCFP

Rena Kisfalvi
ADCP Secretary-Treasurer &
DACP Secrétaire-trésorière et
CUPE Local 4055
Section locale 4055 du SCFP

Dominic Levasseur
President / Président
Air Transat Component of CUPE
Composante d’Air Transat du SCFP

Morgan Braun
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 4029
Section locale 4029 du SCFP
Calm Air

Cameron Jones
President / Président
CUPE Local 4060
Section locale 4060 du SCFP
Flair Air

Alia Hussain
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 4070
Section locale 4070 du SCFP

Courtney Decker
President / Présidente
CUPE Local 5451
Section locale 5451 du SCFP
PAL Airlines

Joseph Kalin
President / Président
CUPE Local 8111
Section locale 8111 du SCFP
Canadian North

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

CUPE 4070 Holiday Message 2022

Dear Members,  

2022 has been one of the most challenging years for Inflight. Though we had a fully recalled department, we faced significant challenges and disappointment with the implementation of the PBS, full schedules, heavy reserve activations and uncertainty felt by those affected by Company announcements of network and base reorganizational changes. Despite this, Cabin Crew Members worked tirelessly to get the guests safely and happily to their destinations with bags packed and smiles on their faces.  

You showed up.  

While the holiday season is joyful for many, it is also full of many stressors – full flights, bulked out cabin baggage, IROPs, network outages and reassignments. With these unfortunate realities of seasonal Canadian travel, please ensure you refer to your Collective Agreement for a refresh on language pertaining to duty days, reassignments and reserve.  

Our Membership contains over 3500 Members between WestJet, WestJet Encore and Swoop. While many are excited about a first holiday with a new baby, time away on an overdue vacation, or celebrating at home with loved ones, we hold space for those who are approaching a first holiday without a loved one, are away on the road when they long to be at home, and those who simply yearn for something different during this time of year. In a Union, we are all one collective Membership – let's take a step back to not only do our jobs safely, but to recognize the Members beside us and what this season looks like for them.  

We see you. We appreciate you. We stand beside you.  

From your Local 4070 Executive and our families to you and yours – we wish you a safe and peaceful holiday season. 

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WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections 2022: Round #3 Election Results

Elections 2022: Round #3 Election Results

Dear Members,
Round #3 of voting has ended. Please see the results below:


1 X WestJet Return to Work and Accommodation Committee
Brandy Whitby 545 (60.0%) - ELECTED
Meghan Gulliver 364(40.0%)
VOTER SUMMARY Total 909 (37.1%)
Congratulations to those elected in Round #3 of Elections 2022.  2022 Elections are now complete.

In Solidarity,
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer
CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Special Membership Meeting Part 3

Special Membership Meeting Part 3 - December 7, 2022

Dear Members,

We held part 2 of our Special Membership Meeting (SMM) in October.
Due to the length of the meeting, there was a motion to continue the SMM at a future date. The rescheduled date was set to December 7, 2022, per a motion on the floor. The motion further stated that we would submit the amendments made to this point to CUPE National for approval.  Since then we were advised by CUPE National that we are to submit all amendments together.

This SMM will be a continuation of SMM part 2, and is specific to amendments to the CUPE 4070 bylaws that have not yet been presented and voted on.

As a Reminder:
Special Membership Meetings differ from General Membership Meetings in that “no business shall be transacted at the Special Membership Meeting other than that for which the meeting is called, and notice is given.” More information on Special Membership Meetings can be found in Section 5b of the CUPE 4070 Bylaws.  

Previously, a bylaw amendment was facilitated by providing the Membership with a package and voting period. Upon further review of the bylaws, the Union Executive has determined that this process was not as it was written or intended in the bylaws.  Which lead us to these SMMs and the by-law amendments proposed so that this can be an option if approved.


(b) Amendments  

These bylaws can only be amended if:  

(i) the amendment does not conflict with the CUPE Constitution; 

(ii) the amendment is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members voting at a General Membership Meeting or at a Special Membership Meeting called for that purpose; and  

(iii) notice of the intention to propose the amendment was given at least seven (7) days before at a previous membership meeting or sixty (60) days before in writing. 

SMM Part 3 Info:
Members in Good Standing (that have signed a Union Card and completed the membership process as outlined in By-Laws section 3) are asked to register for our Teams meeting using this link:  

Meeting Sign-up

The SMM will take place on December 7, 2022 at
10:00 PT / 11:00 MT / 13:00 ET 
*Membership status will be verified* 

  Meeting Agenda

Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw Amendments FAQs 

We look forward to seeing you there!   

Rules of Order:
Official meetings of the Union are conducted using Rules of Order as outlined in the Local Bylaws. Rules of Order allow meetings to proceed efficiently. 
When the Chairperson rules a member out of order it's a result of not being compliant with the Rules of Order such as speaking out of turn, or not speaking to the motion on the floor. 
Please refer to Appendix C for full reference. 
A few key rules to note are:
5) A motion must be moved and seconded. The mover and seconder must rise and be recognized by the Chairperson.
13) The Chairperson will keep a speakers list and, in all cases, will determine the order of speakers including those circumstances where two or more members rise to speak at the same time.
(14) A member, while speaking, will speak only to the issue under debate. Members shall not personally attack other members. Members will refrain from using language that is offensive or in poor taste. Members will generally not speak in a manner that reflects poorly on the Local Union or other members.
(27) The Local Union’s business and the proceedings of meetings are not to be divulged to any persons outside the Local Union, or the Canadian Union of Public Employees

Other Information:
If you have difficulty accessing the SMM and are a Member in Good Standing, please email communications@cupe4070.ca for immediate assistance.

If you experienced difficulties accessing the last SMM please email communications@cupe4070.ca with what the error was, if you were able to fix it, how the error was fixed. We are hoping to eliminate these errors in the future.

If you can't make it to the SMM and have questions for us, please use the "Hot Topics" form so that we can answer them in a future issue of our monthly newsletter: Hot Topics For CUPE 4070 Newsletter

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Reminder-SMM Part 3

Special Membership Meeting Part 3 - December 7, 2022

Dear Members,

We held part 2 of our Special Membership Meeting (SMM) in October.
Due to the length of the meeting, there was a motion to continue the SMM at a future date. The rescheduled date was set to December 7, 2022, per a motion on the floor. The motion further stated that we would submit the amendments made to this point to CUPE National for approval.  Since then we were advised by CUPE National that we are to submit all amendments together.

This SMM will be a continuation of SMM part 2, and is specific to amendments to the CUPE 4070 bylaws that have not yet been presented and voted on.

As a Reminder:
Special Membership Meetings differ from General Membership Meetings in that “no business shall be transacted at the Special Membership Meeting other than that for which the meeting is called, and notice is given.” More information on Special Membership Meetings can be found in Section 5b of the CUPE 4070 Bylaws.  

Previously, a bylaw amendment was facilitated by providing the Membership with a package and voting period. Upon further review of the bylaws, the Union Executive has determined that this process was not as it was written or intended in the bylaws.  Which lead us to these SMMs and the by-law amendments proposed so that this can be an option if approved.


(b) Amendments  

These bylaws can only be amended if:  

(i) the amendment does not conflict with the CUPE Constitution; 

(ii) the amendment is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members voting at a General Membership Meeting or at a Special Membership Meeting called for that purpose; and  

(iii) notice of the intention to propose the amendment was given at least seven (7) days before at a previous membership meeting or sixty (60) days before in writing. 

SMM Part 3 Info:
Members in Good Standing (that have signed a Union Card and completed the membership process as outlined in By-Laws section 3) are asked to register for our Teams meeting using this link:  

Meeting Sign-up

The SMM will take place on December 7, 2022 at
10:00 PT / 11:00 MT / 13:00 ET 
*Membership status will be verified* 

  Meeting Agenda

Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw Amendments FAQs 

We look forward to seeing you there!   

Rules of Order:
Official meetings of the Union are conducted using Rules of Order as outlined in the Local Bylaws. Rules of Order allow meetings to proceed efficiently. 
When the Chairperson rules a member out of order it's a result of not being compliant with the Rules of Order such as speaking out of turn, or not speaking to the motion on the floor. 
Please refer to Appendix C for full reference. 
A few key rules to note are:
5) A motion must be moved and seconded. The mover and seconder must rise and be recognized by the Chairperson.
13) The Chairperson will keep a speakers list and, in all cases, will determine the order of speakers including those circumstances where two or more members rise to speak at the same time.
(14) A member, while speaking, will speak only to the issue under debate. Members shall not personally attack other members. Members will refrain from using language that is offensive or in poor taste. Members will generally not speak in a manner that reflects poorly on the Local Union or other members.
(27) The Local Union’s business and the proceedings of meetings are not to be divulged to any persons outside the Local Union, or the Canadian Union of Public Employees

Other Information:
If you have difficulty accessing the SMM and are a Member in Good Standing, please email communications@cupe4070.ca for immediate assistance.

If you experienced difficulties accessing the last SMM please email communications@cupe4070.ca with what the error was, if you were able to fix it, how the error was fixed. We are hoping to eliminate these errors in the future.

If you can't make it to the SMM and have questions for us, please use the "Hot Topics" form so that we can answer them in a future issue of our monthly newsletter: Hot Topics For CUPE 4070 Newsletter

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: cupe4070.ca/contact 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections 2022:Round #2 Election Results

Elections 2022: Round #2 Election Results

Dear Members,
Round #2 of voting has ended. Please see the results below:


1 X WestJet YYC Base Vice-President
Brandy Whitby 296 (52.4%) - ELECTED
Tyson Conrod 143 (25.3%)
Meghan Gulliver 77 (13.6%)
Chantal Weeks 49 (8.7%)
VOTER SUMMARY Total 565 (51.3%)
1 X WestJet YYZ Base Vice-President
Bryan Hansraj 235 (55.6%) - ELECTED
Rose Streete 188 (44.4%)
VOTER SUMMARY Total 423 (48.6%)
1 X WestJet YYZ Hotel and Transportation Committee
Ryan Jones 211 (49.9%) - ELECTED
Marco Lot 101 (23.9%)
David Hohl 78 (18.4%)
Sonia Ouellette 19 (4.5%)
Nika Porter 14 (3.3%)
VOTER SUMMARY Total 423 (48.6%)

1 X WestJet YYC Scheduling Review Committee
Meghan Gulliver

2 X WestJet YYC Union Steward
Brandy Whitby
Tyson Conrod

1 X WestJet YYC Health and Safety Committee
Chantal Weeks


1 X WestJet Return to Work and Accommodation Committee

Congratulations to those elected and acclaimed in Round #2 of Elections 2022. Round #3 voting package will be released shortly.

In Solidarity,
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer
CUPE 4070

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WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections 2022-Round #3 Voting Package

Elections 2022 - Round #3 Voting Package

Dear Members,

Below you will find the information for round #3 of voting. 

Voting required a stagger due to Members appearing on multiple ballots.



1 X WestJet Return to Work and Accommodation Committee
Brandy Whitby – READ MORE
Meghan Gulliver – READ MORE

Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.

Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.

If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If you are still unable to locate this link, please email
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer
CUPE 4070

Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.

Third Round Election Start:
December 2, 2022 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
Third Round Election End:
December 8, 2022 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member and CUPE 4070 Trustee 2 Year. This is a change from a previous communication.

In Solidarity,
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer
CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections 2022-Round #2 Voting Package & Update

Elections 2022 - Round #2 Voting Package and Update

Dear Members,

Below you will find the information for round #2 of voting, followed by the acclaimed positions that do not require a vote. 

Voting requires a stagger due to Members appearing on multiple ballots. Voting will continue in further rounds until complete (3 rounds). A list of positions in round #3 voting is included below.

Member names and resume/bio's will be released when voting packages are released.


1 X WestJet YYC Base Vice-President
Brandy Whitby – READ MORE
Chantal Weeks – READ MORE
Meghan Gulliver – READ MORE
Tyson Conrod – READ MORE

1 X WestJet YYZ Base Vice-President
Bryan Hansraj – READ MORE
Rose Streete – READ MORE

1 X WestJet YYZ Hotel and Transportation Committee
David Hohl – READ MORE
Marco Lot – READ MORE
Nika Porter
Ryan Jones – READ MORE
Sonia Ouellette – READ MORE


1 X WestJet YYZ Scheduling Review Committee
David Hohl – READ MORE


1 X WestJet Return to Work and Accommodation Committee

1 X WestJet YYC Scheduling Review Committee 

Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.

NOTE: Some votes are open to all Members, others are unit specific or unit and base specific.

If you wish to participate in elections and have not signed a card, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee on our website at least 24 hours before voting ends for processing. SIGN A CARD HERE 

Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.

If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If you are still unable to locate this link, please email Calvin Gautschi, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070, at: vote@cupe4070.ca.

Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.

Second Round Election Start:
November 25, 2022 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
Second Round Election End:
December 1, 2022 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member and CUPE 4070 Trustee 2 Year. This is a change from a previous communication.

In Solidarity,
Calvin Gautschi
Recording Secretary & Returning Officer
CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Elections 2022:Round #1 Election Results

Elections 2022: Round #1 Election Results

Dear Members,
Round #1 of voting has ended. Please see the results below:


X1 CUPE 4070 President
Alia Hussain 597 (43.2%) - ELECTED
Brandy Whitby 296 (21.4%)
Rose Streete 265 (19.2%)
Tyson Conrod 207 (15.0%)
Nika Porter 18 (1.3%)
X1 CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary
Calvin Gautschi 770 (55.7%) - ELECTED
Marco Di Virgilio 613 (44.3%)
X1 WestJet YVR Hotel and Transportation Committee
Tyler Thomas 189 (74.7%) - ELECTED
Niretpal (Nicky) Aujla 64 (25.3%)
X1 WestJet YYC Hotel and Transportation Committee
Douglas Rotchell 342 (63.7%) - ELECTED
Joshua Loza 65 (12.1%)
Jaime Hernandez 57 (10.6%)
Christian Hidalgo 43 (8.0%)
Shae-Lynn Degelman 30 (5.6%)

X1 WestJet YYZ Communications Committee
Minh Ly – Acclaimed to position
Rebecca Sarasin – Rescinded nomination
X2 WestJet YYZ Health and Safety Committee
Mark Rose 232 (42.5%) - ELECTED
Dionne Klassen 187 (34.2%) - ELECTED
Christina Bucholtz 83 (15.2%)
Sonia Ouellette 44 (8.1%)
X1 WestJet Encore Hotel and Transportation Committee
Colleen Tracey 43 (55.8%) - ELECTED
Kendra Thibault 34 (44.2%)

X2 WestJet Encore YYC Health and Safety Committee
Colleen Tracey 28 (35.4%) - ELECTED
Kendra Thibault 26 (32.9%) - ELECTED
Glenn Blanco 25 (31.6%)

X1 WestJet Encore YYC Bylaw Review Committee
Colleen Tracey 34 (60.7%) - ELECTED
Sarah Lowe 22 (39.3%)
X1 Swoop Scheduling Review Committee
Jessica Lockley 76 (84.4%) - ELECTED
Judith Lee 14 (15.6%)

Congratulations to those elected and acclaimed in Round #1 of Elections 2022. Your new Recording Secretary will be in touch with you regarding further rounds of voting.

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Outgoing Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi WestJet, Swoop, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

WS-Dec 2022 Late Schedule Release

WestJet – December 2022 Late Schedule Release

Dear WestJet Member,

The Company met with the Union today and advised that the YVR, YYZ and all Cabin Manager blocking runs had been completed. The YYC CCM blocks were encountering a significant runtime and the company indicated they could no longer meet their Collective Agreement requirements in article 34-2.01 - Schedules for the following month will be released no later than 1900 MT, for YYC base Cabin Crew Members. 

This also means that all December block award uploads to Flica and trades would be delayed, regardless of base and classification.

This is completely unacceptable.

The Union will respond accordingly by filing a policy grievance. The last late schedule release in June resulted in the Union filing a policy grievance currently in queue for arbitration.  

Once again, the Company has failed us all. This delay has once again hindered our Members ability to manage their work life balance when they needed it the most.

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Interim CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
Interim WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Sherrie Moore

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

Election 2022-Round #1 Voting Package & Update

Elections 2022 - Round #1 Voting Package and Update

Dear Members,

I would like to provide you with an elections 2022 update. Below you will find the information for round #1 of voting, followed by the acclaimed positions that do not require a vote. Some committees with acclaimed Members may be expanded once rounds of voting are completed.

Voting requires a stagger due to Members appearing on multiple ballots. Voting will continue in further rounds  until complete - up to 3 rounds are possible. More information on future rounds of voting will be communicated after round #1 is complete. A list of positions in round #2 voting is included below. Member names and resume/bio's will be released when voting packages are released.


X1 CUPE 4070 President
Alia Hussain – READ MORE
Brandy Whitby – READ MORE
Nika Porter
Rose Streete – READ MORE
Tyson Conrod – READ MORE
X1 CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary
Calvin Gautschi – READ MORE
Marco Di Virgilio – READ MORE
X1 WestJet YVR Hotel and Transportation Committee
Niretpal (Nicky) Aujla – READ MORE
Tyler Thomas – READ MORE
X1 WestJet YYC Hotel and Transportation Committee
Christian Hidalgo
Douglas Rotchell – READ MORE
Jaime Hernandez – READ MORE
Joshua Loza – READ MORE
Shae-Lynn Degelman

X1 WestJet YYZ Communications Committee
Rebecca Sarasin – READ MORE
X2 WestJet YYZ Health and Safety Committee
Christina Bucholtz – READ MORE
Dionne Klassen – READ MORE
Mark Rose – READ MORE
Sonia Ouellette
X1 WestJet Encore Hotel and Transportation Committee
Colleen Tracey – READ MORE
Kendra Thibault
X2 WestJet Encore YYC Health and Safety Committee
Colleen Tracey – READ MORE
Glenn Blanco
Kendra Thibault
X1 WestJet Encore YYC Bylaw Review Committee
Colleen Tracey – READ MORE
Sarah Lowe – READ MORE
X1 Swoop Scheduling Review Committee
Jessica Lockley
Judith Lee


X1 Trustee 1 Year
Marla Grimmeyer – READ MORE
X1 Trustee 3 Year
Jean-Philippe Girard (JP) – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Education Committee
Lany Ellis – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD)
Jaime Hernandez – READ MORE

X1 WestJet YVR Base Vice-President
Chris Brewer

X15 WestJet YVR Union Stewards
Conan Huang
Justin Cady – READ MORE
Kim Kroeker
Sarah Ferraro – READ MORE
Taylor Kool – READ MORE
Victoriano Perez Alvarez – READ MORE
X2 WestJet YVR Health and Safety Committee
Derek Mansfield – READ MORE
Pamela Garinger – READ MORE
X1 WestJet YVR Scheduling Review Committee
Sarah Ferraro – READ MORE
X15 WestJet YYC Union Steward
Connor Holland – READ MORE
Douglas Rotchell – READ MORE
Fabricio Loza-Alvarado – READ MORE
Lany Ellis – READ MORE
Laura McDonald – READ MORE
Lisa Blayney – READ MORE
-2 others pending election
X2 WestJet YYC Health and Safety Committee
Shae-Lynn Degelman
-1 other pending election
X1 WestJet YYC Bylaw Review Committee
Laura McDonald – READ MORE
X15 WestJet YYZ Union Steward
Alissa Goodkey – READ MORE
Christina Bucholtz – READ MORE
Justin Patterson – READ MORE
Rebecca Sarasin – READ MORE
X1 WestJet YYZ Commuter Committee
Sonia Ouellette – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore Communications Committee
Sarah Lowe – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore Uniform Committee
Kendra Thibault – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore Commuter Committee
Sarah Lowe – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore YYC Base Vice-President
Adrian Dayrit – READ MORE
X10 WestJet Encore YYC Union Steward
Colleen Tracey – READ MORE
Kendra Thibault – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore YYC Scheduling Review Committee
Colleen Tracey – READ MORE
X1 WestJet Encore YYZ Base Vice-President
Hebert (Mauricio) Mejia
X1 Swoop Base Vice-President
Sherrie Moore – READ MORE
X1 Swoop Women's Committee
Sara Meister
X1 Swoop Hotel and Transportation Committee
Danielle (Elle) Burton – READ MORE
X1 Swoop Uniform Committee
Wendy Moraghan – READ MORE
X1 Swoop Return to Work and Accomodation Committee
Ashley Verbeek – READ MORE
X5 Swoop YEG Union Steward
Danielle (Elle) Burton – READ MORE
Sherman Willis – READ MORE
X5 Swoop YHMYYZ Union Steward
Ashley Verbeek – READ MORE
Jessica Lockley
Lisa Popowich – READ MORE
Matthew Allen – READ MORE
Wendy Moraghan – READ MORE
X2 Swoop YHMYYZ Health and Safety Committee
Ashley Verbeek – READ MORE
Jay Matthew Antflick


X1 WestJet Return to Work and Accomodation Committee*

X1 WestJet YYC Base Vice-President*

X1 WestJet YYC Scheduling Review Committee

X1 WestJet YYZ Base Vice-President

X1 WestJet YYZ Hotel and Transportation Committee

X1 WestJet YYZ Scheduling Review Committee

 *Round #3 possible

Voting is open to Members in Good Standing only.

NOTE: Some votes are open to all Members, others are unit specific or unit and base specific.

If you wish to participate in elections and have not signed a card, please sign a card and pay the $5 Membership fee on our website at least 24 hours before voting ends for processing. SIGN A CARD HERE 

Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com.

If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If you are still unable to locate this link, please email Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070, at: vote@cupe4070.ca.

Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email.

First Round Election Start:
November 17, 2022 at 03:00PT / 04:00MT / 06:00ET
First Round Election End:
November 23, 2022 at 15:00PT / 16:00MT / 18:00ET

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this by-election will be Tara Keeping, WestJet YYC Base Cabin Crew Member and CUPE 4070 Trustee 2 Year. This is a change from my previous communication.

In Solidarity,
Marco Di Virgilio, Recording Secretary & Returning Officer - CUPE 4070

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Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi Swoop, WestJet, WestJet Encore Calvin Gautschi

GMM - Nov.15, 2022

General Membership Meeting - November 15, 2022

Dear Members,

As a reminder, the next CUPE 4070 GMM will take place as follows:

Date: November 15, 2022 
Time:* 11:00 PT / 12:00 MT / 14:00 ET 
*This time is a correction to the November newsletter
Location: Virtual (Teams) 
The GMM will be followed by a Q&A session 

All Members in Good Standing (have signed a union card and paid the $5 initiation fee) are eligible to participate and must complete the following registration form: 

*Registration will be verified to confirm Membership status (In Good Standing) 

If you have not signed a union card and would like to participate, you can sign your card here

The income statement (2021-2022), budget (Jan-June 2023), prorated budget report 2022, previous GMM Meeting Minutes (May 31, 2022), and the Agenda have all been posted to the CUPE 4070 Members Portal landing page under "GMM/SMM MEETINGS". To access our Portal, please click here and sign-in.

If you have not registered for the Member Portal, please find instructions below: 




Your attendance is essential to conduct Union Business 


(c) Quorum The minimum number of members required to be in attendance for the transaction of business at any General or Special meeting shall be forty (40) members, plus at least two (2) members of the Board. Should quorum not be obtained at any General Membership Meeting, the Board shall have the authority to conduct the business of the Local and will report at the next General Membership Meeting. 

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
Interim CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
Interim CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Colleen Tracey
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Marco Di Virgilio
WestJet YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
Interim WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
Interim WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Adrian Dayrit
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Mauricio Mejia
Swoop Base VP, Allan Ramsarran

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