WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

CUPE 4070 Remembers: Honouring Workers on National Day of Mourning

Dear Members,

As we approach April 28th, the National Day of Mourning, CUPE 4070 pauses to remember and honor workers who have been injured, become ill, or lost their lives on the job. This somber day serves as a stark reminder that far too many workers – roughly 1,000 in Canada each year – face unacceptable risks at work.

The CUPE 4070 Health & Safety Committee is dedicated to preventing these tragedies. We believe every member deserves to return home safely at the end of their workday.

Your Health & Safety Committee: Working for You

Canadian law mandates employers to provide a safe and healthy workplace. They must collaborate with worker representatives on health and safety committees to identify issues and implement solutions. This is where your CUPE 4070 Health & Safety Committee comes in.

Our committee members:

  • Understand the daily realities of your work environment, beyond what policies might dictate.

  • Advocate for your right to a safe workplace.

  • Work collaboratively to explore solutions to health and safety concerns.

  • Document workplace hazards and maintain detailed records.

  • Demand effective measures to protect workers from unavoidable hazards.

  • Escalate situations where employers fail to fulfill their duty of care.

Remembering the Past, Building a Safer Future

The National Day of Mourning was established in 1984 to commemorate workers impacted by workplace incidents. The date coincides with the 70th anniversary of the first Ontario Worker's Compensation Act, signifying recognition of workers' safety rights.

Today, the National Day of Mourning is observed in over 100 countries. It serves as a critical reminder of our collective responsibility to ensure safe workplaces for all.

For more information on National Day of Mourning, please visit: https://cupe.ca/event/workers-day-mourning

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE 4070 Health & Safety Committee

WestJet Encore:wr.ohs@cupe4070.ca

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

Policy Grievance: Attendance Management Program

Dear Members,

We are writing to inform you of an important development regarding the recent rollout of the Attendance Management Program by the company. 

After careful review and consideration, the Union filed a Policy Grievance with the Company. It is our position that the newly implemented Attendance Management Program is not in alignment with the provisions outlined in our Collective Agreement and does not uphold the rights of our Members as mandated by the Canada Labour Code. 

While we acknowledge that it falls within the prerogative of Management to implement Attendance Management Policy, it is imperative that such a policy is in full compliance with both the Collective Agreement and the Canada Labour Code. The Union cannot accept a policy that contradicts or erodes the rights and protections afforded to our Members. 

We want to assure you that we are committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring that any policies put in place by the company are fair, reasonable, and lawful. Your well-being and rights in the workplace are of utmost importance to us, and we will continue to actively pursue resolution on your behalf. 

We will keep you updated on any further developments regarding this matter. Should you be contacted by an Inflight Manager for a meeting under any provision of this program please contact your Base VP.

Member engagement with the Union at the early stages is vital. 

Your CUPE 4070 Executive Team
CUPE 4070 President, Alia Hussain
CUPE 4070 Vice-President, Tyson Conrod
CUPE 4070 Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev
CUPE 4070 Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Lisa Blayney (Interim)
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj
WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

Fume Events

 Dear Members, 


In 2023, at WS, there were 8 instances of fumes on-board our aircraft, and 1 reported instance for inflight, sources and types of on board fumes include; 

- De-icing and/or anti-icing fluid 

- Electrical faults 

  • Engine compressor wash 

  • Engine Oil 

  • Exhaust (aircraft or ground vehicles) 

  • Fuel 

  • Hydraulic fluid 

  • Recirculation fan failure 


Fume events are very serious life threatening events and have been known in cases to be fatal. 


Often, oil fumes do not smell like oil. Instead they are typically described as smelling like dirty socks/smelly feet, foul, or musty. Hydraulic fluid often has a distinctive and recognized odour that is often describes as acrid. Odour is subjective, such that different people can experience and describe the same fumes differently. Also, olfactory fatigue reduces a person’s ability to detect odours over time. 


Health affects in both the long term and short term from fume events are continually being studied. If you experience a fume event communicate with our pilots. Although sometimes overlooked, Boeing provides a checklist for this “SMOKE, FIRE or FUMES” communicating with the pilots and having them run the checklist is to protect your health. 


Post fume event ensure the pilots enter the event in to the aircraft journey logbook, seek medical help if required and ensure you file an IHR so these incidents and aircraft can be tracked. Should you require medical assistance post fume event please bring the form attached from IATA, this shows the doctor, who may not be familiar with the severity of fume events, where to look. 


For more information on fume events please visit; 


IATA Data Sheet

Curious what OH&S has been up to? Check out our meeting minutes pushed to your CCD monthly! 


Fly Safe, 


Your WS & WR OH&S Committees 

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

Gate Gourmet YYZ Update

Dear Members,

The strike by Gate Gourmet employees, members of Teamsters Local 647, continues to impact flights departing Toronto Pearson Airport. Gate Gourmet provides catering services to various airlines at YYZ, including WestJet.

We appreciate your concerns and support for the striking Gate Gourmet workers. We understand some members are worried about stocking galleys or doing duties typically handled by Gate Gourmet staff. Fulfilling duties normally performed by striking workers could be seen as crossing the picket line, potentially weakening the strike. CUPE 4070 has advised the Company that we will not support any plan that undermines the bargaining position of Teamsters Local 647.

We are committed to solidarity with our fellow union members. Our top priority as cabin crew remains ensuring the safety of our guests, and completing our routine duties.

Teamsters Local 647 has requested that we report any incidents involving untrained replacement workers, particularly those related to safety or security breaches. If you encounter any such incidents, please report this to your Base VP.

Did you know? On January 30, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the right to strike as crucial for collective bargaining and worker equality. Strikes can pressure both sides for fair negotiations, fostering worker dignity and autonomy. It's important to allow the Gate Gourmet strike to continue without disruption. This ensures their voices are heard at the bargaining table, leading to a fair resolution for all parties involved.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact your Base VP.

In Solidarity,

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

Flight Deck Observer Seat Clarification (Flight Deck Jumpseat)

Dear Members,

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to us. 

We are wanting to provide further clarification and update/correction to April’s Newsletter regarding access to the flight deck jumpseat. 


The reason for the discrepancy was due to a discrepancy in the WIN (WestJet's Information Network- aka the CSA manual) that a reciprocal pilot could bypass the priority list, ahead of non-pilot employees, if they sat in the flight deck jumpseat. 


The Company has clarified the following and corrected the WIN now.  Please see below. 

For clarity, reciprocal pilots do not get a higher priority for the flight deck jumpseat.  WS and WR pilots not in uniform do not get a higher priority for the flight deck jumpseat. 


Flight Deck Observer Seat: 

After Transport Canada Air Carrier Inspectors, the following have first priority for flight deck observer seats, regardless of the priority list: 

  • WestJet/WestJet Encore Check Pilots on inspection duties and persons with expertise related to the aircraft on the aircraft to complete their duties. 

  • Pilots in uniform travelling standby on a full flight. 

  • Only WestJet (WS) pilots in uniform are eligible for higher priority to occupy the flight deck observer seat on a flight operated by WS. 

  • Only WestJet Encore (WR) pilots in uniform are eligible for higher priority to occupy the flight deck observer seat on a flight operated by WR. 

Pilots not in uniform, who are willing to travel in a flight deck observer seat identify themselves to the gate agent, up to 30 minutes before scheduled departure (D-30); they are not eligible to hold a higher priority to occupy the flight deck observer seat. The pilot presents their WestJet Company ID and RAIC to verify they are a WS or WR pilot to the gate controller. 


Pilots from a Canadian carrier travelling standby on a reciprocal pilot agreement may access the flight deck observer seat based on their priority code. 

  • Applicable to WS and WR-operated domestic flights within Canada when no seats are available in the cabin. 

  • ID and Documentation requirements are in place. Refer to: Policy: Reciprocal Pilot/Dispatcher Agreements for more information. 


If you have further questions, please reach out to your inflight leader. 

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

WS Non-Monetary Amendments Vote Result

Dear Members,  


The voting period has ended and the results are in.

The WS Non-Monetary MOA has passed. 
Yes Votes: 90.5%
No Votes: 9.5%

You will be advised once it is in effect in the near future.
Thank you to everyone who voted.  

Please view the MOA here 

Please see video walk through here 

Please review the Non-Monetary Q&A here 


If you have any questions please ask us here

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this election will be Jael Gosselin, WestJet YYC Cabin Crew Member.

Returning Officer: 
The Returning Officer for this election will be Destiny Earle, WestJet YYZ Cabin Crew Member.

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

All Committees Update

Dear Members,

Having representation on national committees within CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) is a significant achievement for Local 4070 and its members.  We are very pleased to share with the membership we had three of our members selected to participate at this level.

Lobbying and advocating for your interests at the national level can yield several key benefits which are:

Amplification of Voice: By having representation on national committees, Local 4070 ensures that its concerns and priorities are heard by a wider audience within the union. This amplification of voice can lead to greater visibility and influence in decision-making processes.

Policy Influence: National committees often play a crucial role in shaping the policies and priorities of the National Union. By participating in these committees, Local 4070 can directly influence decisions that affect flight attendants and workers across Canada. This involvement allows the union to advocate for policies that address the specific needs and challenges faced by its members.

Networking Opportunities: Participation in national committees provides valuable networking opportunities for Local 4070 members. They can connect with representatives from other locals and exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices. This networking can strengthen solidarity within the union and foster collaboration on common issues.

Access to Resources: National committees often have access to resources and expertise that can benefit Local 4070 and its members. This might include research, training programs, legal support, or funding opportunities. By being involved at the national level, Local 4070 can tap into these resources to better serve its members and advance their interests.

Overall, having representation on national committees within CUPE empowers Local 4070 to effectively advocate for its members and advance their interests at a broader level. It strengthens the Local Union's position, enhances its visibility, and reinforces its commitment to collective action.

National Health and Safety Committee

CUPE’s National Health and Safety Committee provides leadership in occupational health and safety for all CUPE members.

The committee recommends measures, programs and campaigns to the national union ensuring that health and safety issues stay at the forefront. 

Alex Grigoriev –a WS YYZ CCM, and Secretary Treasurer Local 4070 is one of the handful of members amplifying our voices and our industries concerns with the National Occupational Health and Safety Committee.  As part of our strategic planning Alex also took on the role of Executive Liaison to the Work place Health and Safety Committees for both Mainline and Encore and sits on the Policy Committee as well for WestJet.  To learn more follow the link:  Health and Safety | Canadian Union of Public Employees (cupe.ca)

National Global Justice Committee

The National Global Justice Committee administers CUPE’s Global Justice Fund and provides focus to CUPE’s global justice work.

This committee’s work with strategic international partners helps build a global movement to oppose corporate privatization, trade, deregulation, and increased threats to security, peace and human rights.

Mauricio Meijia – YYZ CCM, Former Base VP of WR YYZ and former member of the National Pink Triangle Committee is one of the members of this important group doing meaningful work on behalf of Local 4070. To learn more follow the link: National Global Justice Committee | Canadian Union of Public Employees (cupe.ca)

National Pink Triangle Committee

The National Pink Triangle Committee promotes and defends the rights and freedoms of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirited (LGBTQ2+) persons. Active participation from the LGBTQ2+ community in coalitions, lobbying and campaigns contributes to the education and awareness of the lives and perspectives of LGBTQ2+ people amongst CUPE members, within CUPE structures, in workplaces and communities.

Allan Ramsarran – WS YYZ CCM, Former Base VP of Swoop, Committee member previously has been an advocate for these matters and uses his platform to advance the Flight Attendant perspective on a national level. National Pink Triangle Committee | Canadian Union of Public Employees (cupe.ca)

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

AMFA & Encore Labour Update

Dear Members,


We wanted to provide you with an update regarding the ongoing negotiations with AMFA (Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association) and our Employer. As many of you are aware, negotiations have been underway for some time and on March 26th, 2024 the conciliation period ended. This means that a lockout or strike could occur as early as April 18, 2024. 

We also encourage our members to visit the AMFA website to stay up to date with timelines, learn more about how the AMEs journey to their first CA is progressing please click here. AMFA | WestJet (amfanational.org)


The Encore Pilots have completed their strike vote.   Please see results below.  

89% of their members voted

97% voted in Favour.

Follow Encore ALPA on Facebook or Instagram and to remain updated on thier journey to CA-2


To learn more about the various stages in Collective Bargaining please click here https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/labour-relations/collective-bargaining.html


We urge our members to extend their support and encouragement for our fellow Labour groups as they navigate their collective bargaining processes. Thier experiences shall serves as a reminder as we too will soon establish our own bargaining committee by year-end. As a collective, it is imperative that we begin prioritizing our shared interests and unite for our mutual advancement. 

Your Union Executive remains committed to communicating with our members as the latest information becomes available.

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

Inflight Attendance Management Program

Dear Members,

The Company has recently announced the reintroduction of the Inflight Attendance Management Program to our Membership. In response, we want to reassure our Members that we are actively reviewing this program with our National advisors and Legal team.

We are carefully evaluating its implications and planning the appropriate course of action to safeguard the rights and interests of our Members. We will continue to provide updates on this matter as they become available.


The Employer has attempted to implement an Attendance Management program several times in recent years, only to have it rescinded and sent back for reconsideration due to the various pieces of feedback presented by the Union.


When the Employer notified us of their plan to implement this program in late November 2023, we promptly offered feedback. While we acknowledge the legal precedent granting employers the right to establish attendance policies under their "management rights," we vehemently oppose the proposed program and will challenge any violations of the Canada Labour Code, the Collective Agreement, or other relevant legislation. Despite ongoing discussions, each version of the program has consistently overlooked the distinct working conditions and environment of Cabin Crew members.


As we conduct this review, we urge our Members to familiarize themselves with the program outlined in Comply 365 and to participate in the upcoming virtual town hall on April 23, 2024, hosted by Inflight Management. This will allow Members to directly address their questions and concerns with the Management Team.

If you are attending a Crew Social, we suggest our members consider sharing their concerns with the Employer there as well.

In the meantime, should you be called in for a meeting related to this program, please reach out to your Base VP. It is crucial that all interactions and meetings are well-documented. The protection of our Members' rights rely on their engagement with the Union.


Now, more than ever, advocating for our Health and Wellbeing is paramount. We urge all Members to harness our most potent yet underutilized tool: the IHR (Incident Hazard Report).

Consider filing an Incident Hazard Report (IHR) for any issues that affect your ability to remain safe and healthy at work, such as the removal of hand sanitizer from aircraft, which we were recently notified about.

We encourage our members to be proactive in reporting any pairings that you perceive as fatiguing. Your vigilance ensures the safety and welfare of both you and your colleagues.

We also encourage our members to ensure that all Personal Protective Equipment is available to you as crew prior to departure.  

The absence of safety IHRs make it extremely challenging for your Workplace Health and Safety Committee and Executive to address safety concerns of the Membership.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Attendance Management Programs for Federally Regulated, Unionized Employees in Canada


Can Employers implement attendance management programs for federally regulated, unionized employees in Canada?

Yes, employers can implement attendance management programs for federally regulated Unionized employees. However, the implementation and operation of such programs must comply with the provisions of the Canada Labour Code and any applicable collective agreements negotiated between the employer and the union.


What rights do employers have in implementing attendance management programs?

Employers have the right to manage their workforce, including addressing issues related to attendance and absenteeism. However, any Attendance Management program implemented must comply with the Canada Labour Code, Human Rights legislation, privacy laws, and other relevant legal standards.


What rights do employees have regarding attendance management programs?

Employees have the right to fair and reasonable treatment under attendance management programs. This includes the right to be informed about the program's terms and procedures, the right to be treated consistently and without discrimination, and the right to seek accommodation for any medical or disability-related issues affecting attendance.


What recourse do Employees and Unions have if they have concerns about an attendance management program?

If employees or unions have concerns about the implementation or application of an attendance management program, they may have recourse through grievance procedures outlined in the collective agreement or under the Canada Labour Code. This may include filing grievances, engaging in arbitration, or pursuing other dispute resolution mechanisms available including the Employment and Social Development Canada (Labour Board) or the Human Rights Commission.

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

April 2024 Newsletter

WR Strike Vote

As many of you know, there's a strike vote happening for ALPA WR. They've wrapped up Conciliation and entered a 21-day cool-down period starting on March 26th, 2024. After this period, they can issue strike notice at any time.

It's important to note that the strike notice provides the company and other affected groups with a 72-hour heads-up. Additionally, the Union executive commits to keeping our membership updated and urges everyone to monitor our emails closely in the coming weeks. 

To learn more about the Bargaining process in Canada please click here Collective Bargaining - Canada.ca 

If there are any questions or concerns about the strike, please contact your DPM.  

Crew Scheduling

Always be courteous when calling Crew Scheduling.  Calls are recorded, even when you are on hold, everything into your phone mic is recorded.  Members have been called in for meetings regarding what has been recorded on phone calls to Crew Scheduling.  


Crew Scheduling cannot deny you calling in fatigued.  If you are being denied calling in fatigued by Crew Scheduling, please contact your DPM or ask to be put through to the DPM on call.  

Please ensure to also inform the Union of any occurrence.  (Contact link at the top of this email)

Flight Deck Jumpseat

As you may have been hearing and experiencing out online, access to the flight deck jumpseat has changed.  This can be found in the FAM and in the CSA SOPs (the WIN). 

Assignment of the flight deck jumpseat can by pass the regular standby list and process that we are used to.  This means the Pilots can take another commuting Pilot in uniform lower on the standby list instead of you.  They also can take another Canadian Airlines Reciprocal (commuting pilot) domestically ahead of you. Both our own Company and now other Company’s commuting pilots have priority for the flight deck jumpseat ahead of all CCMs and other WestJet employees.  

Code of Conduct & Workplace Violence and Harassment

A gentle reminder to all crew members: Please be mindful that the code of conduct applies when interacting with Leadership, both onboard aircraft and during layovers. While on a layover, you may be off duty, but it's important to remember that the Code of Conduct remains in effect.

We've noticed a recurring trend of members being called in for meetings due to violations of the Code of Conduct. We kindly ask you to take a moment to review the code to ensure compliance in all interactions. 

Get to Know Your New Executives

In March, we had two new Executive Board Members join us, Lisa Blayney (interim WS YYC BVP) and Heather Crippen ( WR YYC BVP).  Please see below for an introduction from each of them. 

Heather Crippen: 

Hello everyone, My name is Heather Crippen, I am honored to have been voted in as Vice President for Encore YYC. I currently live in Airdrie AB and have been with Encore for just over a year now. Just before coming to Encore, I had a 15-year stint running my own business in Airdrie, and many years prior to that in the Aviation industry dating back to the old municipal airport in Edmonton. I’m a proud mother of two teenage boys and happily married to my husband for 17-years. I look forward to serving you and challenging myself to fight for Encore cabin crew's wants and needs.   

Lisa Blayney: 

My name is Lisa Blayney and I am a 25 year Cabin Crew Member with WestJet.  I have been fortunate to be a Steward since ratification which has enabled me to connect and help many members over the last few years.  I am excited to be your Interim YYC Base VP for the next few months and look forward to serving the membership in this new capacity.   

Merger Advisory Committee

The Merger Advisory Committee convened for its inaugural meeting on Sunday, March 24th, 2024. During this extensive session, the committee received a detailed overview of the overall frameworks pertinent to our merger endeavor. 

Among the key information shared was the establishment of the committee before WestJet's application at the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). Moving forward, it's imperative that we carefully consider the directives issued by the CIRB to each Local regarding the subsequent steps. In light of this, a commitment was made to ensure transparent communication, keeping the committee and membership informed about our planned course of action. 

In the upcoming weeks, we will arrange additional meetings with the Merger Committee to delve into specific details concerning each unit. Subsequently, we will provide updates or action items to the membership. 

If you would like to share your feedback with our committee members, please contact them below.

Elected Merger Advisory Committee Members
(click their name to contact them)
WO YEG Chelsea Fogliato - Recording Secretary
WO YHM/YYZ Vanessa Settimi - Chair
WR YYC Leanne Garrett - Chair
WR YYZ Gemma Ashmore - Recording Secretary
WS YEG Berkley Lamb - Recording Secretary
WS YWG Cailey Millard - Chair
WS YVR Jennifer Gehan
WS YYC Meghan Gulliver
WS YYZ Charles Mercure - Co-Chair

WS Non-Monetary Amendments

WS non-monetary amendments were sent out to the membership on Mar.22, 2024. You can view the communication here.

Voting is under way and ends April 6th. Only eligible Members are sent voting link. If you are eligible and did not receive a voting link, please check you junk folder. If it still cannot be found please contact the Returning Officer here

Future WR and WS Non-Monetary Amendments 

For future WS or WR non-monetary amendments, if you have suggestions, please reach out to your Base Vice President here 

Standby Priority

There has been a lot of confusion about what “Revenue Guest” means when it shows up on the Standby Priority list.  These are full-fare guests who are waiting for seat assignment on an oversold/sold-out flight due to cancellations and/or aircraft change.  Their priority code is 1B and they will be assigned available seats in the cabin before employees, dependents or companions are assigned.   

Share Your Story

We have several recognition months coming up.  If you would like to share a short story/pictures please email communications@cupe4070.ca 

Depending on the number of responses, not all may be able to be included in the newsletters.
Some of the upcoming months;

  • Asian Heritage Month

  • Pride Month

  • Emancipation Month

  • Jewish Heritage Month

  • National Indigenous Heritage Month

If you have a story to share about others months as well, please write in to the email address above.

Save the Dates
All events can be found under "Events" after you log into the website

General Membership Meeting (GMM) 
May 8th, 2024 1100PT/1200MT/1400ET - Sign Up Here
Open only to Members in Good Standing or to those who have completed the application process.

If you are unsure if you are a Member in Good Standing, please reach out to anyone on the Executive Team here.

What is a member in good standing?  This can be found in by-laws section 3.  Simply put, the CCM has filled out the application form, paid the initiation fee (not dues), and been approved at the next GMM by the members.

If you are not a Member in Good Standing, to apply, Sign a Card Here and pay the $5 Membership fee (if you haven't already).  The final step is approval at the next GMM, which occurs every May and November. 

When you sign into the meeting the day of, please ensure your first and last name, and your employee number is showing.  Otherwise you cannot be verified and will be denied entry into the meeting.  


Galley Gossip

(Visit the Galley Gossip Wall on our website to see previous submissions and answers)

Have a Galley Gossip question, please submit here.

Q: Is it true that Sunwing staff will maintain their seniority so that way a 16 years seniority at WESTJET could be lower on the seniority list than a few years at Sunwing? Also how about their salaries? Is is true they will be paid more than us? Will they maintain that salary until the end of their contract? When is the end of their contract? If it is true, it is unacceptable!

A: All of these have not been determined yet.  This is a lengthy process and due diligence is required.  Anything you hear as of right is rumors. 

Q: I heard, yesterday, that there are some pilots that are taking reciprical pilots in the jumpseat and leaving a Westjet FA behind, not getting them to work/home..... something about an Alpa agreement?? I spoke with my Captain yesterday and he was not aware of a change If this is true... I am truly saddened

A: The process for who gets priority for the flight deck jumpseat has changed.  Please view the changes in the FAM as well in the CSA SOPs (the WIN).  You can may read more information on this, further up in this email.

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

A Friendly Reminder From Your CUPE 4070 Comms Committee

We would like to remind our Members that social media (eg. Facebook groups) is not a dedicated platform for Union related concerns, if you need to contact your Union you can do so using the Contact Form on our website.

If you submit your concerns to the your Base VP, your concerns will always be prioritized accordingly.

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

WR Potential Pilot Labour Strike

Dear Members,  

We are writing to update you on the ongoing situation regarding the impending strike by pilots at Encore.  


Currently, the Encore ALPA Pilots are holding a vote to strike and this has been communicated on their socials. For further information on the entire process, please visit: Collective Bargaining - Canada.ca.  


We understand the uncertainty and anxiety that this situation causes for each one of you, and we share in this with you and are eager for beneficial outcome for all involved. It's important to familiarize yourself with the sections of the Collective agreement that cover possible strike action by another group: 47- LAYOFF AND RECALL. Also, be aware of the sections that pertain to reassignment to duty as these scenarios are fluid and may begin as IROP situation.   


While we remain optimistic for a resolution without any disruption to our operations, it is essential to be prepared for any potential scenario. We want to ensure that you have the necessary information and support during this uncertain time.   


We are committed to keeping you informed and updated as the situation unfolds. Please monitor your email for the latest information.  If you are working with a fellow CCM who has not signed up for emails, please have them sign up here or on our website home page for website access.  

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

CIRB Learning Series 003: Decisions made by CIRB

Are CIRB decisions binding? 

Yes, decisions made by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) are binding. The CIRB is a quasi-judicial administrative tribunal in Canada responsible for administering and interpreting the Canada Labour Code as it relates to federally regulated industries. Its decisions have legal authority and must be followed by the parties involved, unless they are successfully appealed or challenged through the appropriate legal channels. 


Can you Appeal a CIRB Decision? 

An appeal of a decision made by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) is typically based on the legal grounds rather than the merits of the case itself. In other words, the appeal process primarily focuses on whether there were errors in law or procedure in the original decision-making process by the CIRB.  

Grounds for appeal might include: 

1. Misinterpretation or misapplication of the law. 

2. Procedural irregularities or unfairness in the hearing process. 

3. Failure to consider relevant evidence or relevant legal principles. 

4. Exceeding the CIRB's jurisdiction or acting beyond its authority. 


Appeals are not generally rehearing's of the case on its merits, but rather a review of the CIRB's decision-making process. If the appeal court finds that errors were made, it may overturn or modify the decision, or send it back to the CIRB for reconsideration. 


Can the Union choose to ignore the CIRBs Decisions or choose to bypass it? 

As a Union acquiring another Unionized group, it's essential to follow the Canada Labour Code (CLC) and adhere to its regulations for several reasons: 

  • Legal Compliance: The Canada Labour Code is the legal framework governing labor relations in federally regulated industries. Compliance with its provisions ensures that labor relations activities, including union acquisitions and mergers, are conducted within the bounds of the law. 

  • Protection of Rights: The CLC is designed to protect the rights and interests of workers, Unions, and Employers. By following its provisions, you ensure that the rights of the Employees represented by the acquired Union are respected during and after the acquisition process. 

  • Certainty and Stability: Adhering to the CLC provides certainty and stability in labor relations. It establishes clear procedures and guidelines for Union acquisitions, helping to minimize disputes and uncertainties that could arise from disregarding legal requirements. 

  • Enforcement and Accountability: Non-compliance with the CLC can result in legal consequences, including fines, penalties, and legal actions. By following the CLC, you demonstrate a commitment to compliance and accountability, which can help maintain positive labor relations and avoid legal liabilities. 

It's crucial to stress that sidestepping regulatory processes can result in significant legal risks and complications. Therefore, adherence to the Canada Labour Code is essential. All union acquisition activities must strictly comply with its requirements to avoid potential legal issues in the future. 

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WestJet Calvin Gautschi WestJet Calvin Gautschi


Dear Members,  


We have successfully completed the process outlined in Article 8 of our Agreement, Amendments to the Agreement - which governs the amendment of our collective bargaining terms. Attached you will find the amendments resulting from this process. 


This process entails careful consideration and negotiation between our Union and the Company to ensure that any proposed changes are mutually agreed upon and do not impose any additional financial burden on the Company ("net-zero" financial cost) as per the CA.  


After receiving overwhelming feedback last year regarding confusion surrounding non-monetary amendments, we have adjusted our approach to addressing this issue.  


To clarify these amendments, we have created a video presentation and a question-and-answer document. These resources aim to provide clear explanations and examples of the proposed changes, ensuring that members fully understand the intentions and implications of each amendment. 


Upon reviewing these amendments, eligible Membership will vote on the proposed changes to the Collective Agreement. It's important to note that you will be voting on the amendments as a whole package, rather than individual changes.  

Please view the MOA here 

Please see video walk through here 

Please review the Non-Monetary Q&A here 


If you have any questions please ask us here

**The vote is open only to WS Members in Good Standing. **


If you wish to become a Member in Good Standing; 
-Fill out this form 
-Pay the $5 initiation fee (if you haven't already, you will be advised if you have not) 
-At the next General Membership Meeting (GMM), Members approve your application 

-You won’t be able to vote in this voting period 
Your secure voting link will arrive via email from: vote@simplyvoting.com
If you do not find your voting link in your email, please check your spam/junk folder. 
If you are still unable to find the link, please email us here

Please include your full name, airline unit and employee number in the email. 

Voting Starts: 
March 30, 2024 at 09:00PT / 10:00MT / 12:00ET  
Voting Ends:  
April 6, 2024 at 09:00PT / 10:00MT / 12:00ET 

Electoral Officer: 
The Electoral Officer for this election will be Jael Gosselin, WestJet YYC Cabin Crew Member.

Returning Officer: 
The Returning Officer for this election will be Destiny Earle, WestJet YYZ Cabin Crew Member.

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Base VP, Brandy Whitby
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

Fatigue and Minimum Rest


We want to bring your attention to Article WR 34.12.03 and WS 34-14.12 of our Collective Agreement, which addresses the interruption of minimum crew rest during layovers. This article ensures that in the event of an interruption caused by either the Company or significant disruptions at the layover hotel (such as fire, flood, alarm, evacuation), Cabin Personnel have the right to request an extension of their remaining rest period to nine (9) hours if it is less than nine hours at the conclusion of the interruption.  This is regardless of the Layover length.  


Your Union Executive reached out to the WS Company to discuss the appropriate application of this article. The WS Company has reset expectations with WS Crew Scheduling to ensure that this provision is upheld and implemented correctly 

If you believe there has been a violation of the Collective Agreement regarding minimum Crew rest interruptions or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact your Base VP.   


Please review the article below. 

WR 34.12.03 and WS 34-14.12: Should minimum crew rest be interrupted either by the Company or by a significant disruption at the layover hotel (e.g. fire, flood, alarm, evacuation) during a layover, the Cabin Personnel can request to have the remaining rest period increased to nine (9) hours if the remaining rest period is less than nine (9) hours at the conclusion of the interruption. 


We've received reports of WS Crew Scheduling pressuring Members to continue working after they report feeling fatigued. We've addressed this issue with the WS Company, and they have clarified the process for WS Crew Schedulers in responding to fatigue calls. 


We want to remind all WR & WS Members that it is your right to call in fatigued. We encourage everyone to review the Fatigue Management Collection on the CCD for further information on Fatigue and the process. 


If you believe there has been a breach of the Collective Agreement concerning minimum crew rest interruptions or any other matter, please reach out to your Base Vice President promptly. They are here to assist you 

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

Update #1- Co-operators Group Home & Auto Insurance Partnership- Discount for Insurance

Update on Insurance 


Dear Members, 


Co-operators has contacted us and advised they have not setup their system yet for us.  Their estimation is 2-3 weeks minimum to complete this process.   Please stay tuned and we will advise once they have completed setting up their system.  


Thank you for your patience

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WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo WestJet, WestJet Encore Chris Amaddeo

Co-operators Group Home & Auto Insurance Partnership- Discount for Insurance

Dear Members, 

Please see below for information from the Co-operators and the insurance they provide at a discount to CUPE 4070.


From the Co-operators;
Here’s our brochures.
Our Program
Info Sheet


A few key points about our program:

  • The program runs at no-cost, requires no investment.

  • The program is designed to be low admin, high reward.


The Co-operators has been providing group auto and home insurance for over 40 years to Canadians.  As a co-operative we operate our business and believe in ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.  We are partnered with over 1000 like-minded organizations and professional associations across Canada, and we believe that we would be the right fit for the members.


Why should you choose Co-operators?

  • Preferred rates and superior coverage from the Co-operators, including the top Comprehensive Water coverage (overland flood) on the market.

  • Exclusive features and benefits such as CustomerPerks® administered by Venngo, Free Legal Assistance Help Line, Online Services and much more!

  • National Contest – Anyone who calls in for a quote is automatically entered to win 1 of 4, $10,000 cash prizes & all existing clients are automatically entered as well.

  • OneStep® claims featuring 24/7 live claims adjusters and emergency assistance as well as our unique Claims Guarantee and Service Review Panel.

  • We are partnered with Habitat for Humanity to donate any salvageable items from any client claims to be used in our local communities.


Co-operators has been rated as the #1 Insurance Company in Canada for several consecutive years:



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Chris Amaddeo Chris Amaddeo

CIRB Learning Series - 2

What happens when a Company that has Unionized Employees buys another Company that has Unionized Employees? 

The CIRB (Canada Industrial Relations Board) process is a regulatory framework in Canada that governs various aspects of labor relations in federally regulated industries. When a Company buys another Company and both are unionized, the CIRB process may involve several steps:   


     1.Notification: The purchasing company (the successor employer) typically notifies the CIRB, the affected unions, and employees about the acquisition.   

     2.Consultation and Negotiation:The successor employer engages in consultations and negotiations with the affected unions regarding the impact of the acquisition on the employees' terms and conditions of employment. 

     3.Transfer of Collective Bargaining Rights:The CIRB oversees the transfer of collective bargaining rights from the acquired company to the purchasing company. This ensures that the rights of the employees represented by the union are protected during the acquisition process 

    4.Certification and Amending of Certificates:In the context of Company acquisitions involving union representation, the CIRB may certify the union representing the acquired company's employees under the new ownership. Alternatively, adjustments may be made to the existing certification to reflect the changes resulting from the acquisition.  

     5.Resolution of Disputes:The CIRB may intervene to resolve disputes that arise between the successor employer and the union(s) regarding the terms and conditions of employment, including issues related to seniority, job security, and benefits.  


Overall, the CIRB process aims to ensure that the rights of both Employers and Employees are respected during the acquisition of a unionized Company. It provides a mechanism for resolving disputes and facilitating the transition of labor relations under new ownership. 


**Please note these are only guidelines- as this is a legal process this may at times look different as determined by circumstances, facts, or legal considerations. Some steps may come before others or after.  This is meant to be a general overview of the process.** 

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WestJet Chris Amaddeo WestJet Chris Amaddeo

WR ALPA Potential Labour Dispute

Dear Cabin Crew Members, 

As you may already know, negotiations are underway between Encore ALPA Pilots and the Company, and there is a chance of a labor dispute, potentially leading to a lockout or strike by the pilots. Currently, our Pilots are in the conciliation phase, with a federal mediator appointed to facilitate discussions. To find out more, please visit Collective Bargaining - Canada.ca 

While we remain optimistic for a resolution without any disruption to our operations, it is essential to be prepared for any potential scenario. We want to ensure that you have the necessary information and support during this uncertain time. 


We are committed to keeping you informed and updated as the situation unfolds. Please monitor your email for the latest information.  If you are working with a fellow CCM who has not signed up for emails, please have them sign up on the www.cupe4070.ca.  


Our Collective Agreement remains in full force and effect.  Should there be any disruption our Collective agreement working rules will govern the scenarios we face. 


We have been collaborating closely with the MEC of ALPA WR to extend our support to our Pilots as they strive to achieve a fair and equitable CA-2. The Encore MEC is hosting an Informational Picket in YYC on March 22, 2024, at the Calgary Marriott hotel. 

We strongly encourage our Cabin Crew members in YYC to attend and show solidarity with our Pilots. However, we advise against wearing your uniform to the event as it violates our Uniform policy and may result in disciplinary action. 

Consider connecting with Encore ALPA on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Sharing their content can help amplify their message and show our collective support for our pilots.    



We are here to support you.  Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns

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Chris Amaddeo Chris Amaddeo

WS YYC Base Vice President Update

Dear YYC Members,

I will be away from March 15th until May 24th, and during this time, WS YYC Steward Lisa Blayney will be overseeing the base as interim WS YYC Base Vice President during this time. You can reach out to her via the Contact Form or at lisa.blayney@cupe4070.ca.

-Brandy Whitby, WS YYC Base Vice President

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Chris Amaddeo Chris Amaddeo

CIRB Learning Series - 1 FAQs

Dear Members  


Recently the Employer submitted an application to the CIRB regarding Inflight. We've received several inquiries about the role of the CIRB and its relevance in the context of WestJet’s acquisition of Sunwing.    


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB): 


1. What is the role of the CIRB? 

The CIRB is responsible for administering and interpreting certain provisions of the Canada Labour Code related to industrial relations. Its main role is to resolve disputes between Employers and Employees in federally regulated industries and promote harmonious workplace relations. 


2. Who does the CIRB govern? 

The CIRB governs employers and employees in industries that fall under federal jurisdiction, such as banks, airlines, telecommunications, interprovincial transportation, and federal government employees. 


3. How does the CIRB resolve disputes? 

The CIRB resolves disputes through various methods, including mediation, conciliation, and adjudication. It encourages parties to reach voluntary settlements, but if that is not possible, it can make binding decisions to resolve the issues. 


4. Can individuals or organizations file a complaint with the CIRB? 

Yes, individuals, unions, and employers can file complaints or applications with the CIRB if they believe there has been a violation of the Canada Labour Code or if there is a dispute that needs resolution. 


5. What types of issues does the CIRB handle? 

The CIRB handles a wide range of issues related to labour relations, including certification and decertification of unions, unfair labour practices, bargaining unit determinations, and interpretations of collective agreements. 


6. Are the decisions of the CIRB binding? 

Yes, the decisions of the CIRB are binding on the parties involved. However, parties have the right to appeal CIRB decisions to the Federal Court of Appeal. 


7. Is the CIRB an independent body? 

Yes, the CIRB is an independent and quasi-judicial tribunal. Its members are appointed by the Governor in Council and are responsible for making decisions in a fair and impartial manner. 


8. Where can I learn more about the CIRB? 

Click on the link.  Canada Industrial Relations Board (cirb-ccri.gc.ca) 

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